Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 242 Attack on Oscar

The dark night recedes, and the sun slowly rises. It is as big as a disk, and its color is like salted egg yolk, but it is not dazzling.

Wang Xiaofeng slowly calmed down the soul power flowing like a river in his body. He opened his eyes and saw the fresh air coming towards him. He took a deep breath and suddenly felt a coolness flowing throughout his body. Every cell was awakened and all the meridians were opened.

The bottleneck of level 43 is already around the corner. As long as he works steadily, he should be able to break through to level 44 around April.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a miracle to rise from level 39 to level 44 in one year. Except for being forced to borrow some external forces when breaking through some bottlenecks, Wang Xiaofeng's own soul power was cultivated bit by bit by himself.

He stopped by the canteen to pack breakfast. When he returned to the dormitory, Wang Xiaofeng saw Oscar washing his face with a smile on his face.

No need to ask, you can tell that the relationship between Oscar and Ning Rongrong has made new progress.

Wang Xiaofeng put breakfast on the table and complained casually: "I don't know what's going on with that girl Xiaowu. I just met her in the cafeteria and she was clamoring for gifts early in the morning."

Oscar's face changed slightly. It was over. He was only thinking about his date with Rongrong yesterday and forgot to tell Wang Xiaofeng about Xiao Wu. His tone was a little weird, "What then? Did you give her a gift?"

"Of course I give it, otherwise she will definitely annoy me to death." Wang Xiaofeng didn't notice that something was wrong with Oscar, and blew on the meat porridge in the bowl and said excitedly: "Didn't I make a bunch of pickles a year ago, and there happened to be a lot of them. If so, I’ll give her two more altars.”

"That silly girl treated her like a baby and was so happy. Then I gave her all the kimchi."

"Did you give it all to her?" Oscar quickly put down the towel and came over in surprise, "Then Rongrong and I..."

The kimchi made by Wang Xiaofeng was unusually refreshing and appetizing for some reason. Ning Rongrong had never tasted such delicious kimchi, so she sent her share of kimchi back to Qibao Glazed Sect for her parents to try.

As for Oscar, his portion of kimchi had just been eaten by Ning Rongrong two days ago, and these days he was thinking about how to ask Wang Xiaofeng for more jars of kimchi.

Wang Xiaofeng didn't know what was going on, so he glanced at Oscar in surprise, "Didn't I just give you two jars before, and you finished them so quickly?"

Seeing Oscar's hesitant expression, Wang Xiaofeng said angrily: "If you want to eat, just go to Xiao Wu. She won't be able to finish it anyway. I gave her more than a dozen jars."

After all, pickled food is just the product of his failed experiment. After all, although the moon slurry can be diluted, the output of the moon slurry limits his ability to do such boring things all the time.

That's right, the water used for kimchi is moon slurry diluted ten thousand times.

Wang Xiaofeng had been studying dietary supplements for some time before, and suddenly thought about whether he could use dietary supplements to improve the utilization of monthly fluid.

As the level increases, the intensity of Yue Liu's cultivation speed buff is also constantly increasing, from twice the initial level to three and a half times now. But the production problem has always troubled him. He can't stop producing four drops a day, which is still a moonlight situation.

What if it’s cloudy and rainy today and there’s no moonlight? Sorry, the prerequisites are not met, Goldfinger is on holiday today.

Condensed moon ooze? No.

Strengthen root bones? nor.

This is also the reason why Wang Xiaofeng keeps studying his golden finger. It’s not that he doesn’t want to win, but that the golden finger has too many restrictions and is ineffective.

Why didn't the guy who asked him to time travel just give him a win-win system? How about a sign-in system or a breathing upgrade system? It's so tiring to develop capabilities.

Fortunately, Oscar couldn't read minds, otherwise his outlook would have been destroyed repeatedly. He thought about it thoughtfully and found that he had indeed made a mistake.

After thinking about it, he happily took a bowl of meat porridge from the wooden basin and started to eat it.

"You two didn't call me for breakfast." A faint voice sounded.

Wang Xiaofeng and Oscar were both startled by the sudden sound. When they turned around, they saw that it was Ma Hongjun, a foodie.

I saw Ma Hongjun sleepily holding a steamed bun in one hand and a chicken drumstick in the other, eating it as if he hadn't woken up.

Wang Xiaofeng joked: "Fat man, if one day you suddenly tell me that you have created a self-made soul skill that can sleep and eat at the same time, I won't be surprised."

Ma Hongjun said drowsily: "Last night I practiced till midnight and didn't go to bed. As a result, I was attracted by the smell of food not long after I slept." As he said that, he yawned loudly, which made Wang Xiaofeng beside him worried about what he was going to do next. Will you choke on the food in your mouth for a second?

The sun was rising high, and the master rang the bell for class on time. Everyone quickly lined up and stood up, and the fourteen people looked at the master with a stiff face in high spirits.

The master glanced at the radiant people, and a smile appeared on his stiff face: "Very good, it seems that you have not relaxed your requirements on yourself during this holiday. Originally, I wanted to give you an assessment, but now it seems that I will use It’s gone.”

Xiao Wu stuck out her tongue quietly. The assessment set by the master made people feel numb when they heard it. Fortunately, her teammates were strong enough to exempt her from the assessment.

The master concluded: "...After the vacation, you have to take back your mind. Well, I have said everything that needs to be said. You can continue to practice."

The days of cultivation are always boring.

I don't know if it's because of being beaten too many times, or because I keep working hard to practice for a certain goal in my heart. Without saying a word, Oscar broke the limit of level thirty-nine in one fell swoop in early March, successfully entered level forty, and became the third person in the team to become a soul sect.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Oscar who was jumping up and down excitedly on the bed, and joked: "Oscar, your level is finally no longer suppressed by your juniors."

Oscar raised his head proudly: "I let them take a few steps first."

Early the next morning, Oscar happily ran to the dean's office to tell Flender the good news.

Flanders first checked it with his soul power, and then tested it repeatedly with the crystal ball, and then he believed that Oscar had not lied to him.

Oscar said helplessly: "Dean, I told you I didn't lie to you."

Flanders put down the crystal ball and said silently: "Of course you have to be more careful about this kind of thing, and this is not the first time you have lied to me."

Xin Xin who was on the side happily patted Oscar on the shoulder, "Oscar, you will definitely become the first food-type Titled Douluo."

Oscar replied with a smile: "Of course, when the time comes, your title, teacher, will be preceded by the words: 'Teacher of the Titled Douluo'."

Xin Xin said: "Then I will wait."

Flanders originally wanted to take Oscar to the Sunset Forest to obtain the fourth spirit ring that day, but the master stopped him and said that he must study it carefully and not be careless.


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