Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 243 Breakthrough, Advancement

One of the ten core competitivenesses of Master Wuhun: When a soul master reaches a higher level in training, even if he does not obtain a soul ring, it will not affect the continued improvement of soul power, but he will not be able to advance to the next level to obtain new soul skills.

Oscar also knew this, so he was not in a hurry, and stayed as is for the time being, continuing to practice with the others.

As soon as he returned to the cabin, Oscar couldn't wait to tell everyone about his breakthrough, and was naturally congratulated by everyone.

Wang Xiaofeng patted Oscar on the shoulder and sighed: "Xiao Ao, congratulations."

He has seen Oscar's efforts these days. He is not congratulating Oscar for breaking through to level 40, but congratulating him for finally finding a goal that he can strive for.

Oscar's talent is considered to be the best among all, but unfortunately he is too lazy. In the past, he was recognized as the laziest among the four.

Ning Rongrong said softly: "Xiao Ao, don't be too tired."

She could only silently support Oscar behind him

Oscar showed a naive smile and said coyly: "Rongrong, I'm not tired, I..."

Dai Mubai suddenly opened the wooden door. He had just gone to have breakfast. On the way, he met Flanders and heard the good news about Oscar's promotion, and then hurried over.

Zhu Zhuqing followed behind and nodded slightly to Oscar to express his congratulations.

Dai Mubai glanced around, spotted Oscar's figure in the crowd, and happily walked over, hugged Oscar's shoulders, and ruffled his hair, "Xiao Ao, I really belong to you."

Oscar couldn't break free from Dai Mubai's strong arms, and could only show a resentful look: Boss Dai, Boss Dai, can't you wait until I finish speaking before coming in.

Flanders stopped everyone's fighting and said with a smile: "Oscar has given you a good start. In order to achieve good results in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, you still need to work harder to practice. "

"Yes, Dean."*13

Flanders gave everyone a shot of chicken blood and looked at the enthusiastic students, hiding their merit and fame.

I don’t know if it was Flender’s chicken blood that inspired everyone’s little universe. In the following time, Wang Xiaofeng first broke through level 44, and soon, in early April, Dai Mubai also broke through to level 47.

Then that month, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Ma Hongjun, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ning Rongrong successfully promoted one level after another.

At the beginning of May, Tailong was promoted one level, reaching level thirty-nine.

In mid-May, Jiangzhu and Jingling broke through to level 35.

At the end of May, Huang Yuan finally refused to lag behind and broke his own limit, successfully breaking through to level 36.

At this point, the sprint training formulated by the master has come to an end for the time being as everyone is still worried about it.

Oscar lay on the bed in a large font and said dullly: "This devil's training is finally over."

Wang Xiaofeng washed the sheets and said without looking back: "I think it's okay. The second half of the training has turned into a team battle. At least it's not as crazy as before, and the intensity has been reduced by at least half."

Oscar, whose face sank into the pillow, said disdainfully: "That's for non-human beings like you. I don't think the intensity has changed at all. I was exhausted until I collapsed and was carried out. I would have to fight even if I didn't have a holiday." Crazy.”

"By the way, Xiaofeng, where do you plan to go on the three-day vacation given by the master?"

Wang Xiaofeng stopped the brush in his hand, thought for a while and said: "We should go to the blacksmith shop to increase the load first, and then go to the auction house to see what good things there are."

Oscar's eyelids twitched and he sighed: "You monster, the six hundred kilograms of weight can no longer satisfy you."

But when it came to the auction house, Oscar's beads turned around. As the future uncle of the Qibao Glazed Sect, how could he not have been to the auction house?

"Xiao Feng, when are you going to the auction house? Let's go together."

Wang Xiaofeng joked: "Hey, the iron rooster with no hair is going to the auction house?"

Oscar got up from the bed, puffed out his chest and said, "Who said going to the auction house has to cost money? Can't I go see the world?"

Seeing Oscar's behavior of pretending to be fat despite having a swollen face, Wang Xiaofeng laughed and said: "Okay, okay, then after lunch, I will take you to see the world."

After drying the sheets, Wang Xiaofeng briefly checked the growth of the ginseng doll and the Millennium Qingyunzhi, and recorded their changes.

After summarizing and sorting out the data of Ginseng Baby and Millennium Qingyunzhi in the past six months, it was time for lunch. Wang Xiaofeng did not break his promise. After finishing lunch in the college cafeteria, he took Oscar and walked towards the blacksmith shop.

The blacksmith shop closest to Shrek Academy is called Russell Blacksmith Shop, which covers a large area. It is said that this blacksmith shop has a history of more than two hundred years, and its owner is called Russell.

Wang Xiaofeng's load-bearing was built here.

Before entering the blacksmith shop, Oscar heard intensive knocking sounds, which were dense and clear. There are obviously many blacksmiths working hard.

The blacksmith shop is divided into a front hall and a backyard. In the wide front hall, a variety of finished products are placed according to categories for sale. It is divided into three major areas, namely daily utensils, weapons, and armor.

There are six or seven waiters in the store who are responsible for receiving customers, and there is also a middle-aged man who looks burly sitting behind the counter and is responsible for collecting money.

Wang Xiaofeng skillfully led Oscar in and said hello to the middle-aged man: "Uncle Luo, if you don't make weapons, why are you competing with the waiters for a job?"

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