Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 249 Night Attack


Although it had been more than half a year since we last hunted soul beasts together, everyone still had a tacit understanding and started doing what they should do without the teacher's instructions. The girls prepared food and the boys set up tents.

With the storage soul guide, food and drinking water for everyone are well prepared.

In a short time, three tents, two small and one large, were set up leaning against the corners.

Ma Hongjun looked at the other two tents and laughed: "I am indeed the fastest at setting up tents."

Xiao Wu looked at Ma Hongjun and Oscar who were competing with each other, curled her lips and said, "What's the comparison? Boys are so boring."

Ning Rongrong smiled and said: "So the next sentence is: Third brother is the best. Right."

Xiao Wu blushed with embarrassment and coughed lightly, "Rong Rong, you and Oscar have learned badly."

Oscar, who didn't know he was taking the blame for some reason, was setting up a tent as if he was arguing with Ma Hongjun. Suddenly from the corner of his eye, he saw Wang Xiaofeng coming back carrying a big rooster tightly tied with gourd vines, and said loudly: "Fat man, look here, little one." The wind caught one of your kind."

Ma Hongjun took one look and cursed angrily: "You are a chicken, I am a noble phoenix."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded and said coldly: "Great, you can have chicken soup tonight."

"I can't see why you are happy at all," Wang Xiaofeng complained silently in his heart, and handed over the pheasant in his hand.

He was very lucky. Originally, he and Tang San were spreading medicinal powder around the place to drive away snakes, insects, rats, and ants. But maybe they couldn't stand the pungent smell of the powder, and a well-hiding pheasant suddenly jumped out of the bushes. came out, and then became Wang Xiaofeng's trophy.

Although Ma Hongjun's tent was set up quickly, the finished tent looked really ugly and crooked. Wang Xiaofeng really couldn't stand it, so he sent him to help the girl and set up the tent again.

Ma Hongjun pouted and murmured: "What? I obviously think the match is okay."

Xiao Wu said loudly: "Fat man, what are you mumbling over there? Why don't you come and boil water?"

"I'm coming."

Ma Hongjun carefully lit the bonfire with the phoenix flame, then took out the iron pot from the soul guide and placed it on the bonfire.

Xiao Wu slowly poured out the water from the water bag, Zhu Zhuqing put in the prepared chicken nuggets and seasonings, and finally closed the lid.

"Wait." Wang Xiaofeng came over, took out a small piece of gray stuff from the soul guide, and threw it in.

Ning Rongrong asked curiously: "Brother Feng, what did you throw?"

Wang Xiaofeng didn't even look back and said, "Oh, that's the corner of Qingyun Zhi. Xiao San said that it can treat hidden wounds and restore vitality."

Tang San, who had just returned from patrol, happened to hear it, and his eyelids twitched unconsciously. He had also seen the thousand-year-old Qingyunzhi cultivated by Wang Xiaofeng, but he racked his brains and couldn't figure it out. Obviously, with that simple growing environment, It's not bad even if it can't be raised to death, but the thousand-year-old Qingyunzhi grew very quickly in Wang Xiaofeng's hands, which was even more exaggerated than in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, and it was almost like a miracle.

In the end, it grew bigger and bigger, larger than the flower pot, so Wang Xiaofeng cut off the part of the Thousand-year-old Qingyunzhi that exceeded the flower pot, so it was correct to say that it was only the corners.

But every time he thought of this, Tang San felt indescribably weird.

The sky quickly darkened, and the temperature dropped quickly on a September night.

Xiao Wu opened the lid of the pot, and a scent suddenly came out along with the steam.

"Dinner is ready, everyone come over and eat."

The dinner was very sumptuous, and everyone who drank the hot soup felt a stream of heat washing away the fatigue in their bodies.

Ma Hongjun licked his mouth and sighed: "Ah, I haven't had such a delicious soup for a long time. It feels like all I ate in the cafeteria was pig food."

Liu Erlong said disdainfully: "Little fat man, since the food in the cafeteria is not delicious, then you can go out to eat in the future."

"No, Teacher Erlong, I was joking."

During this period, a few blind soul beasts were attracted by the smell of food and the light of fire, but under the pressure of Liu Erlong's soul power, they all ran away in despair.

Although the master said that their teacher would not take action, rules are meant to be broken, so it was the wrong time for them to find trouble.

After dinner, Zhao Wuji grabbed Wang Xiaofeng who wanted to sneak away to the tent to rest, and told the others on the side: "This guy is keeping vigil today, you guys have a good rest, and you will be more energetic tomorrow so you can better search for the soul beast."

Wang Xiaofeng was shocked. He couldn't have been caught paddling today. If he had known it would be like this, he wouldn't have padded.

Wang Xiaofeng struggled and said: "Teacher Zhao, this is not fair. I am just a pitiful and weak auxiliary soul master. I also need to rest."

Zhao Wuji threw Wang Xiaofeng aside casually, and got into the small tent without looking back, "Protest is invalid."

Dai Mubai came over and comforted him calmly: "Come on Xiaofeng, keep a good watch all night."

"Get the hell out of here."

"Hehe." Dai Mubai shook his long hair and walked into the tent with a very unbeatable pace.

"Oh, I'm so pitiful." Wang Xiaofeng glanced around and found that no one was peeping, so he patted his butt and began to patrol around the camp.

In the academy, you can spend the night by meditating, but in the wild, you can only pass the time by burning a bonfire.


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