Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 250 Night Attack (Part 2)

The forest is too quiet at night.

The sound of the wind that originally existed seemed to have disappeared, leaving only the empty air smelling of blood.

From time to time, there were a few whimpers from the soul beast, which seemed to be the last struggle of life.

A dark cloud covered the moon, and the entire land was shrouded in darkness.

Wang Xiaofeng shook his body, and quickly took a few logs from the pile of dry wood beside him and threw them into the bonfire. The wind felt like it was about to change.

I hope it doesn't rain heavily, otherwise it will be difficult to move around in the Japanese forest, and it will be much more difficult to find a suitable soul beast.

"Erlong, let me go quickly, we can't do it here."

"Why, now you start to dislike me for being old and yellow, right?"

"No, no, how could I dislike you?"

Wang Xiaofeng covered his forehead, quickly adjusted his position, and suppressed his auditory perception at the same time, but if he continued to listen like this, he was afraid that something would go wrong.

Then, Wang Xiaofeng was obviously too young. After he moved to the position next to the big tent, his hearing, which was suppressed by him but was still more sensitive than ordinary people, heard a few more whispers.

"Xiao Wu, don't be nervous, just do it when it's time to do it."

Then a low exclamation came from the tent, "Rongrong, don't squeeze me."

Wang Xiaofeng could only cover his ears and hypnotize himself. He deliberately listened to what was happening in the corner, and it was all his fault.

The temperature in Sunset Forest is a bit low at night, and there is plenty of moisture in the air, so white mist is formed.

A light mist enveloped the camp. Wang Xiaofeng turned his right hand and took out a white medicine bag.

This is a poison-avoiding kit made by Tang San. It has an insulating effect on some miasma in the deep forest and can prevent the invasion of a small part of the miasma.

Although this white mist looks like ordinary mist, it's better to be careful when going out.

Just when Wang Xiaofeng was relieved and ready to use his soul power to sense the surroundings, a demonic wind suddenly blew, and the originally thick white mist instantly turned into pink. The thick pink poisonous mist made it difficult to see the surrounding environment. , even the bright bonfire became vaguely visible.

Wang Xiaofeng quickly covered his mouth and nose, but he still smelled a faint sweetness, which made people feel dizzy and happy.

"Poisonous?" Wang Xiaofeng quickly took out the sausage Oscar had prepared in advance from the soul guide, ate it, and shouted in a low voice: "If there is a situation, please be careful."

The detoxified sausage turned into heat and suppressed the pleasure a bit, but it was still there.

Wang Xiaofeng whispered: "It's such a powerful poison, it must be at least two thousand years old."

The detoxification sausage produced by Oscar, who is currently at level 40, can at least detoxify the poison of the two thousand year old soul beast, but now it can only suppress it, which shows that the soul beast coming this time is not easy to mess with. .

Tang San and Dai Mubai were the first to rush out of the tent. Seeing the thick pink poisonous mist, Tang San quickly wiped it on his waist, and a strange flower appeared in his hand in an instant. The next moment, the surrounding area was ten meters away. The pink poisonous mist inside instantly melted like ice and snow. With the light of the campfire, the people who rushed out of the tent found the backbone and quickly gathered together.

Dai Mubai whispered: "Everyone, be careful, Xiaofeng, what is going on."

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head with a wry smile. He had done it all by himself. Why not suppress his hearing? Otherwise, he could have given an early warning.

"I don't know, this pink poisonous mist appeared suddenly, but Oscar's sausage can only suppress it, so I guess it must be a formation created by some kind of soul beast."

"Be confident and remove the should. We are already surrounded."

Oscar pointed at the figure that was constantly moving in the mist. Unfortunately, the pink mist was too thick and it was really hard to see what kind of spirit beast it was.

Ning Rongrong whispered: "The teachers are all gone. I looked for them, but I still haven't seen them."

Ma Hongjun waved his hands carelessly and said nonchalantly: "They must be hiding, maybe they are waiting to see us make a fool of ourselves."

Wang Xiaofeng nodded, "Yes, instead of worrying about the teachers, it is better to think about how to solve the current dilemma."

Xiao Wu puffed up her face. This kind of brain-consuming work was the most annoying, "But the enemy is hiding us from the enemy, what should we do?"

Wang Xiaofeng touched his chin and said with a flash of inspiration: "Xiao San, do you still remember the trick you used to deal with the poisonous snake girl?"

Tang San asked doubtfully: "Xiao Feng, you mean to use the wind to blow away the fog? But such a thick fog, I'm afraid it won't be able to blow it over a large area."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said: "You can just use it, Xiaosan, I will cooperate with you. Fatty, Mubai, be ready to attack later, let these soul beasts know that we are not easy to mess with."


"Leave it to us."

It doesn't hurt to give it a try, Tang San didn't say much, the first spirit ring flashed, and the thick blue silver grass quickly entangled with each other, forming a big fan.

Wang Xiaofeng silently summoned the gourd and then enlarged it to the size of a water tank. Under his control, the gourd began to inhale, and the surrounding pink mist couldn't help but float over with the flow of air. Unfortunately, it disappeared completely as soon as it entered the range of Youxiang Qiluo Immortal.

Soon, Wang Xiaofeng was ready. Wang Xiaofeng made a gesture and Tang San nodded and said: "Prepare, three two one, release."

The huge fan made of blue silver grass and Wang Xiaofeng's big gourd suddenly started to move. Even the sticky powder mist was blown away by the strong wind at that moment.

And those soul beasts hidden in the thick pink mist also revealed their true bodies at this time.

Tang San exclaimed: "It's 'Pink Lady', but the number is too many." Densely packed pink scorpions appeared in everyone's eyes, causing their faces to change slightly.

Wang Xiaofeng clicked his tongue and said in wonder: "This is the first time I have seen such a large group of soul beasts. As long as we deal with the leader, they will defeat themselves and disperse on their own."

Tang San's eyes emitted a faint golden light, and he activated the purple demonic pupils to their maximum size, "Let me search carefully, the Pink Empress cannot be too far away."

In a place where the fog can't cover, there are two groups of people quietly discussing bad things.

Flanders patted the shoulder of the young man in black and said with a smile: "Xiao Meng, are you ready?"

The young man in black smiled and said: "Dean Flanders, don't worry, this is a task arranged by the sect master himself, and I care more about it than you do."

Flanders smiled and said: "That's good, but safety comes first."

The young man in black nodded understandingly, "Hey, I won't be cruel."


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