Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 251 Night Attack (Part 2)

The strong wind created by Wang Xiaofeng and Tang San finally revealed the figure of the Pink Empress who was making pink mist behind.

"We found it, Mubai and Fatty, we are in front, Xiaofeng Duan is behind, Xiao Wu and Zhu Qing are in the middle to support it, and pay attention to protect Xiao Ao and Rongrong."

Tang San quickly issued the order, and when everyone nodded to express their understanding, he carried the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product and opened the way in front.

After finding the target, the next step is to prepare for the battle. Everyone releases their martial soul.

Wang Xiaofeng instantly attached a boost to them, while Ning Rongrong hid her figure. She had decided not to reveal her figure unless it was a life or death situation. After all, there were still two soul kings hiding in the shadows. The police are eyeing her.

Tang San's eyes were shining with golden light as he guided the way, but they soon discovered that when moving in the dark environment, they had to be careful about their steps. This also resulted in their movement speed being unable to compare with this large group of pink girls. Always under siege.

Wang Xiaofeng suggested: "We can't go on like this, let's use Shunpo."

Using Shunpo to move in the air, you won't be affected by the annoying bushes and uneven ground.

Although Shunpo does not move very fast in the air, after all, at first Wang Xiaofeng just wanted to come up with a technique that could adjust his body shape in the air.

But later, the more Wang Xiaofeng studied and the more he understood the meridians of the human body, he discovered that the potential of Shunpo had not been fully developed. So, after careful study and continuous improvement, the current Shunpo was no longer the same one, and could only lift Qi three times in the air. Soul skills.

Shunpo version 2.0: once again reduces the pressure of soul power on the meridians, increases the utilization rate of soul power, increases the explosive power of soul power, and increases the movement speed.

What if no one has tested it after the improvement, so Wang Xiaofeng has long taught everyone the soul skills of these three-no products. It has to be said that with Oscar's sausage and Xin Xin's jelly beans, Wang Xiaofeng and Tang San have found out many minor flaws and flaws. Currently, this is a qualified self-created soul skill.

Oscar grinned and said, "That's just right, I haven't tried the improved Shunpo yet."

Oscar was indeed telling the truth. Every time they sparred, he never had a chance to use Shunpo before being beaten by others. His brain couldn't react and his body couldn't keep up.

Ma Hongjun flipped up his handsome bangs. At this time, he had already used his third soul skill to transform into a handsome man mode, "Young Master can fly without Shunpo anymore."

Wang Xiaofeng curled his lips and said, "I hope you can say this so forcefully in an hour."

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Tang San questioningly, and Tang San nodded, "Just follow Xiaofeng's wishes."

Wang Xiaofeng's opinion was simple. Relying on Shunpo's air superiority, he directly crossed the circle surrounded by the pink girls, and then went straight to Huanglong.

In order to make the plan more complete, Oscar also specially created several phantom intestines that transformed into several clones and broke out in different directions, attracting the attention of many pink girls.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, everyone immediately used Shunpo to get out of the encirclement.

Tang San ran in front, using bluesilver grass to maintain the distance between them. With the help of trees, everyone quickly rushed out of the pink mist created by the pink girl with the help of Shunbu.

Everyone's vision suddenly cleared. With Wang Xiaofeng's fourth soul skill amplified, the surrounding scenery instantly became clear. Through the faint moonlight, the true appearance of the 'Pink Girl' appeared in front of them.

Scorpions that looked like they were carved out of pink crystal kept swimming on the ground, emitting a faint pink gas that kept condensing toward the front, and behind them, there was a huge pink empress, The whole body is covered with a layer of fine scales, and there are six small dark red eyes on the head that shine with a faint cold light.

Not only that, there is also a huge scorpion staying beside the Pink Lady. What is strange is that this big scorpion is all white, with a tail made of nine tail bones raised high, with a fiery red tail attached to it. tail hook.

Everyone discovered two soul beasts, and the soul beasts naturally saw Wang Xiaofeng and his group. They saw the strange scorpion soul beast let out an unpleasant scream, and a pillar of fire suddenly spewed out from its tail, heading straight towards the crowd. Come.


Everyone had no idea of ​​being a target and fell to the ground one after another. The pink lady was not a powerful soul beast. Without the poisonous mist, they were not enough to burn Ma Hongjun alone.

However, Ma Hongjun didn't want to burn such a thing. He was interested in the soul beast that dared to set fire to him, and wanted to fight one on one.

"I know, I know, just let me do the chores." Wang Xiaofeng shrugged, and a gourd vine grew rapidly under his control.

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