Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 253: Fight (Part 2)

After previous contact, Wang Xiaofeng vaguely found out the other party's background.

Although the strength of the man in front of him is not much weaker than his, and as a weapon soul master, he has a stronger fighting ability, but the man's speed is not that fast, and his reaction after being baptized by the fourth soul ring is even more overwhelming. Therefore, Wang Xiaofeng Prepare to use Shunpo to launch a violent attack on him.

The young man was also very aware of the disadvantage that he was half a beat slower than Wang Xiaofeng, so he did not do any useless dodges. He danced the bloody sickle in his hand to make it airtight.

One inch is long and one is strong, one inch is short and one is dangerous.

Any attack that Wang Xiaofeng made before his fist mark came into contact with the man's body would be countered by him with a more powerful attack.

Faced with the advantage of short hands, Qi Wuhun was pushed to the extreme by the young man.

"Dang, Dang, Dang..."

With the dazzling attack and defense of the two people, the crisp sound of gold and iron intersecting almost became one.


Wang Xiaofeng held the gourd tightly with his left hand and blocked the bloody giant scythe again. Following the trend, the young man felt his body tilt and immediately slashed the giant scythe to the side. However, he only used seven points of his strength in each attack. The third force allowed him to switch from slashing to stirring in time, and the giant scythe's attack direction changed again, slashing towards Wang Xiaofeng's side.

"It's too late." Wang Xiaofeng chuckled. Although he didn't expect that the opponent could change his offensive temporarily, he had already mastered the rhythm.

Because at this time, Wang Xiaofeng was already within half a meter of the young man.

The fist was once again condensed with scalp-numbing soul power, carrying a fierce wind, and hit the opponent's bloody giant scythe fiercely.


This sudden explosion was almost like thunder, exploding violently in the forest.

Zhao Wuji's eyes passed through the pink mist and landed on the place where the sound came from. He said helplessly: "It seems that there is real fire, Flanders, you don't care?"

Flanders squinted his eyes and showed a fox-like smile: "Where are we now? The kitten and the little rabbit are really ruthless. Zhaozhao stares at the next three and fights. This time, Meng Meng is afraid that he will give birth to a child. Psychological shadow."


In the explosion mixed with smoke, dust and powdery mist, two figures suddenly rushed out.

Wang Xiaofeng stepped back nearly a dozen steps, leaving more than a dozen half-inch-deep footprints on the ground.

The young man also felt uncomfortable. The bloody giant scythe in his hand suddenly trembled violently, and was forcibly separated from his hand in mid-air, flying diagonally to the open space not far away.

Fortunately, the bloody scythe is a martial soul and can be summoned back by consuming soul power. Otherwise, just this one blow would have almost wiped out most of his combat effectiveness.

"Cough..." Wang Xiaofeng coughed lightly, rubbed his sore right hand, and slowly calculated the strength gap between the two sides in his mind.

The opponent's giant scythe is too restrained in melee combat. Since this is not a life and death battle, it is not easy to use long-range moves such as heavy impact, which are neither light nor heavy. The fight is restrained and a bit frustrating.

‘Is this the leader secretly cultivated by the big forces? He is really powerful. ’

Although it was the first time that he truly relied on himself to face a Soul King, Wang Xiaofeng did not show the slightest hint of timidity. Instead, his chest was filled with a burning desire to fight.

"Boy, tell me your name." Although he had already seen the information of Shrek's students, speaking out at this time showed that the man had truly placed Wang Xiaofeng on an equal footing.

"Don't you introduce yourself before asking others to give you your name? Besides, you have already seen our information, right?" Wang Xiaofeng said nonchalantly after twisting his neck.

The young man paused. This was the first time he was challenged by someone other than Meng Zhutou. "If you don't want to say anything, I won't ask."

Listening to the increasingly quiet sounds of fighting not far away, the young man also knew that the time had come to decide the winner, so he suggested: "Let's decide the winner with one move next."

Wang Xiaofeng nodded and said: "No problem."

The battlefield was divided into four parts. Except for the unknown situation on Ma Hongjun's side, the other two places should be about the same, so there is no need to delay.

The surging soul power was rising steadily in the young man's body, and a powerful aura surged out of his body at this moment.

One, two, four, and three of the soul rings suddenly lit up under this aura.

The bloody giant scythe was held on his shoulders, his legs were slightly bent, and cracks began to spread in the ground under his feet.

"Baji - instant"

"Bang!" Wang Xiaofeng slowly raised the soles of his feet, and then suddenly stepped down.

With the sound of a violent energy explosion, Wang Xiaofeng's figure suddenly turned into an afterimage. In almost two breaths, he approached the young man across a distance of tens of meters.

Looking at Wang Xiaofeng, whose speed had increased several times in an instant, the young man's face suddenly changed, his pupils narrowed, and he stared at the increasingly larger fist mark that was gradually enlarging in his pupils.

"Why is he so fast? Shura..."

Before the young man could stop him, a pair of fists that were not very big appeared in front of him. They hit him in the face with a "bang" and flew backwards.

"Ahem!" The young man's mouth was bleeding, stars were shining in his eyes, his face was crooked, and it swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he was feeling dizzy.

Wang Xiaofeng blew his fist and said disdainfully: "Are you stupid? Although the victory is determined by one move, what fool would wait for you to use your big move?"

"I admit defeat." The young man was silent for a while, then stood up and said, "I admit you. I will never lose next time."

Wang Xiaofeng waved his hand and said casually: "Yeah."


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