Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 254 Fire Lord

"Xiao Feng, so you are here."

Wang Xiaofeng turned around when he heard a familiar voice and saw three figures walking out of the pink mist. It turned out to be Tang San, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun.

I saw Ma Hongjun's clothes in tatters, one hand still resting on Tang San's shoulder, and traces of blood on his body indicated that he was seriously injured.

Dai Mubai wasn't much better either, his head was gray and his face was gray, but fortunately he didn't seem to be hurt at all.

Among the three of them, Tang San was the only one who seemed to be intact. He held the Youxiang Qiluo in one hand to separate the pink mist, and supported Ma Hongjun with the other.

Seeing how miserable Ma Hongjun looked, Wang Xiaofeng said amusedly: "What's going on, Fatty? Didn't I agree that I would deal with the King of Earth alone? Why am I still so disgraced?"

Ma Hongjun cried: "I said it all with tears, that guy didn't follow the rules."

Time goes back to five minutes ago.

Ma Hongjun, who was shocked by the fluctuation and unable to escape, used Gou Zi Jue to its extreme at that moment.

The Phoenix on Fire was activated to the extreme by him, and the highly concentrated flame turned into a thin protective barrier, wrapping it up well.

Unfortunately, Ma Hongjun's actions were too hasty. The fire pillar formed by the magma finally broke through the protection of the phoenix flame and injured Ma Hongjun. Fortunately, he had the sausage prepared by Oscar in advance. He took the sausage at the moment of injury and healed the injury. Pressed down.

The King of the Earth was about to beat up the drowned dog, but he met Ma Hongjun who could continue to fight, and the two started fighting again.

At this time, Tang San had already tied up the Pink Queen in uniform, and was ready to help Ma Hongjun with his free hands. Unfortunately, Ma Hongjun insisted on challenging the King of Earth to a duel. As a result, when he was distracted while talking, the King of Earth found the opportunity to ruthlessly attack him. Hammered it hard.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Ma Hongjun with contempt: "You deserve it. Reason with the soul beast. You are afraid of taking the wrong medicine."

Seeing Ma Hongjun's pitiful look, Dai Mubai persuaded him: "Okay, okay, stop arguing. The most important thing now is to find Xiao Wu and the others."

"Hey, I've already taken care of one examiner. The remaining one, Xiao Wu, should be easy for them to deal with." Wang Xiaofeng laughed. He was about to introduce the examiner to the three of them, but when he turned around, he saw that there was no one there. That young man The man had already left.

Wang Xiaofeng muttered: "He ran so fast."

"Ah sneeze!"

A mile away, the young man couldn't help but sneeze.

The young man in black walked out from the shadow of the trees, throwing the mark in his hand and mockingly said: "Stupid sickle, I didn't expect you to lose this time, and you lost to a soul sect."

The young man's right eye flashed red, but he hid it again, "If your skills are inferior to others, you will lose if you lose."

Not seeing the interesting reaction as expected, the black shadow man said with a 'cut' sound: "Tsk tsk, let's go, it's time to complete the task assigned to us by the sect master."


Relying on the Purple Demon Eyes, Xiao Wu and the others were quickly found.

With Oscar's detoxifying sausage, they don't have any toxins in their bodies, but they are similar to Dai Mubai, a little bit disgraced.

Xiao Wu squeezed her pink fist and said angrily: "I'm so angry. I didn't expect that the other party can summon pets to help like the master."

Wang Xiaofeng glanced at Oscar, and Oscar immediately understood what Wang Xiaofeng meant and began to explain their experience.

It turned out that after Wang Xiaofeng lured someone away in advance, Oscar was immediately attacked.

Xiao Wu quickly reacted and started fighting with the opponent. As long as Tang San subdued the Pink Empress, the longer they delayed, the higher their winning rate would be.

As a result, Xiao Wu obviously overestimated her own temper and underestimated her opponent. During the battle, the opponent kept teasing her with words. Soon, Xiao Wu was brought into the rhythm of the opponent, and she slowly became farther and farther away from Zhu Zhuqing and the others. In the end, the three of them were attacked by a wild boar-like beast, and Ning Rongrong's bell was also snatched away.

Xiao Wu pouted and said, "You're so cunning, you actually used your clone to confuse me."

"That's the Pig Fairy."

Seeing everyone's eyes turning around, Ning Rongrong explained: "If I read correctly, that should be Meng Zhutou's martial spirit Zhu Xian."

"Pig Fairy? I seem to have heard of this name." Wang Xiaofeng pondered for a while and said with some uncertainty: "Is it that bold and noble young master? The one who was feared by everyone in the Soul Fighting Arena five years ago?"

"Well, that is indeed Meng Zhutou's title in the Soul Fighting Arena." Ning Rongrong blushed a little, and it seemed that it was not a good name worthy of praise.

Wang Xiaofeng muttered in his heart: "The red giant scythe... that should be the one fighting me."

From the information revealed by Ning Rongrong, he already knew who he was fighting against. As expected, he had caught the opponent off guard and won so easily.

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and said: "Oscar, it seems you are finished. That is Rongrong's father's direct disciple. Your performance this time will put a big X in the other person's heart."

"Ah! Then do I still have a chance to make amends?" Oscar was so frightened that his face instantly turned pale. What should he do? This assessment report will definitely be sent to Sect Leader Ning.

Ning Rongrong glared at Wang Xiaofeng who was covering his mouth and snickering, and comforted him: "Don't worry, dad won't look down on you."

Oscar said pitifully: "Really."

Ning Rongrong assured softly: "It's true."

"Oh, it's so sour, fat man, would you like a bayberry?"

"Okay, uh...it's really sour."

There seemed to be flames burning behind Ning Rongrong: "That's enough, you two!"

The assessment came to an end, and Master Flanders and the four of them also walked out of the corner.

Seeing the serious expression on the master's face, everyone lowered their heads with guilt and prepared themselves to face the violent storm.

"Ahem, I'm extremely dissatisfied with this assessment, especially you, Ma Hongjun."

Ma Hongjun shrank his head in fear

"But this is the wrong place. I'll punish you again when you go back." Although he failed the assessment, the master was still in a good mood.

Because it’s good to be able to detect defects in time. Otherwise, it would be too late to discover the problem only during a competition or a life-and-death crisis.

"Hey, the King of Earth is missing, and so is the Pink Queen."

Without the command of the Pink Queen, the pink girls quickly escaped, and the pink mist gradually dispersed.

The Pink Empress and the Earth King, who had been tied up not far away by Tang San's Blue Silver Grass, disappeared at this time.

Flanders said indifferently: "She probably escaped. It doesn't matter. The next soul beast will be better."

In fact, when he saw the King of the Earth, he was very conflicted in his heart, because although the King of the Earth was considered a top-grade soul beast, it could only be regarded as the bottom among the top-grade soul beasts, and the fire attack was too dull. For Ma Hongjun, It's relatively useless, so you don't have to worry about it when you leave.


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