Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 255: Fire Lord (Part 2)

But others don't know, because in their opinion, the King of Earth is indeed suitable for Ma Hongjun.

Moreover, the Pink Queen is quite old, so she might be suitable for one of them. Thinking about this, everyone feels that they have lost hundreds of millions.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the broken branches and broken trees around him and the terrible damage on the ground, and said helplessly: "It seems that we don't even know whether the murderer is a human or a spirit beast."

"Not necessarily." Tang San squatted down. Although the Bluesilver Grass had dissipated after being destroyed, there was still a trace left on the ground where the Earth King was bound.

After looking carefully, Tang San asserted: "It was cut with a sharp weapon, so it should have been let go."

Wang Xiaofeng took a look and saw that the mark Tang San pointed to was indeed a cut, very small, as if it had been scraped out accidentally.

Wang Xiaofeng thought for a while and said with a strange expression: "It seems to be my fault. The martial spirit of the person I fought with happened to be a scythe. Maybe I beat him too badly."

Ma Hongjun said carelessly: "Since you have beaten him up, forget it. I don't like that scorpion very much anyway. The flame temperature is too low."

The master came over and said calmly: "There is still some time before dawn, let's go back to the camp first."

Five kilometers away.

"Ah sneeze!"

The young man in black said amusedly: "What, you have a cold?"

The young man wiped his nose and said, "No, I just feel like I'm carrying a blame that doesn't belong to me."

Everyone quickly returned to the camp. Due to the rampage of the pink girls, the tents and everything were in tatters, and the entire camp became a mess.

Wang Xiaofeng sat down cross-legged, "Well, it seems we can't rest tonight."

It was impossible to sleep, so everyone could only sit down cross-legged around the rekindled bonfire, silently recovering their soul power.

There was no words for a night. When Wang Xiaofeng woke up from his semi-cultivation state, everyone had already begun to stretch their muscles and clean up the camp.

An hour later, the sun showed a small silhouette, and the sunlight shone through the leaves on the slightly damp ground.

After everyone simply washed up and had breakfast, they set out on the road to find the soul beast again.

The light mist was cold and moist, and many soul beasts had already begun to look for food around the territory. From time to time, Wang Xiaofeng and the others would encounter some early soul beasts. Unfortunately, they were not old enough, so they were released after a little education.

Just when everyone had just let go of a group of ten or twenty-year-old iron-toothed weasels and prepared to continue on their way, suddenly, Wang Xiaofeng and Tang San cast their eyes in the same direction at the same time.

"Something is approaching."*2

Zhu Zhuqing, who was on guard at the side, suddenly jumped to the branch of a big tree and looked in that direction.

As a ray of colored light was injected into his body, Zhu Zhuqing instantly saw clearly the figure of the soul beast that was quickly rushing towards them.

Just as everyone was guarding that direction in a defensive state, Zhu Zhuqing's cold voice came from the tree, "It's a flying snake. It has a fleshy crown on its head, as red as blood, and its tail is fan-shaped, right against the ground. It was flying towards us at a height of about five meters."

Wang Xiaofeng asked in confusion: "It sounds like a crested crested snake. Are there so many types of soul beasts in the Sunset Forest?"

Soul beasts like the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake are quite rare, and it would be difficult to find one even in the Star Dou Forest.

Dai Mubai showed his sharp tiger claws, smiled ferociously and said, "It doesn't matter if it is a tiger, catch it first."

Zhu Zhuqing's voice came again, "The flying snake's body seems to be injured, its speed is very slow, and behind it is a soul beast with flames all over its body."

"Buy one, get one free, you seem to be lucky."

Since the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb was not injured as quickly as expected, Zhu Zhuqing quickly told the specific information about the two soul beasts.

Tang San analyzed: "The five-meter-tall flaming stone man sounds like the Fire Lord who is around 4,500 to 5,500 years old. The nine-meter-long phoenix-tailed crested snake should be around 3,800 years old." By about 4,300 years.”

The older the soul beast is, the harder it is to judge, so we can only make a rough estimate.

Oscar showed a mean expression and said: "The Fire Lord is just right for a fat man, so I will accept it without hesitation."

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