Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 261: Iron-Blooded Mercenary Group

"Keep your voice down." Wang Xiaofeng took a glance and found that the others were not startled by Ma Hongjun's voice and were still sleeping peacefully. He cursed in a low voice: "Are you trying to wake up Teacher Erlong!"

When Ma Hongjun and Oscar thought about the scene of being dominated by Liu Erlong, their bodies trembled. They looked at each other, snorted coldly, and turned their heads to ignore each other.

"Why do you still look like a child?" Wang Xiaofeng shook his head. Ma Hongjun had a strange magic power that lowered the opponent's IQ to the same level as his own. Of course, it only worked on Oscar.

In the dark night sky, a crescent moon hangs lonely in it, and the faint cold moonlight falls on the earth.

Time slowly entered the ugly hour.

Beside the bonfire, Ma Hongjun and Oscar were playing with the flames and bickering with each other, so happily.

The two of them had just absorbed the soul rings and were full of energy, but Wang Xiaofeng was not.

After traveling all day yesterday, we were attacked by the Pink Queen and the Earth King. There was another game today and there was no rest. The vigil was already a bit boring, and Wang Xiaofeng was a little drowsy at this time.

Just when Wang Xiaofeng was half asleep, a sudden explosion in the distance woke him up.

Wang Xiaofeng stood up in confusion, "What's going on? Is there a soul beast coming?"

The sound was a little far away, almost like a mosquito buzzing in his ears. Oscar distinguished it, shook his head and said: "No, it should be the spirit beasts fighting for territory."

Ma Hongjun was a little ready to make a move, "How about, let me go and see what's going on."

Wang Xiaofeng listened carefully and found that it was similar to what Oscar said, the explosion was quite far away from them, so he sat down again with peace of mind, "Forget it, it's hard to say what exactly happened, don't cause trouble, these two Haven’t God given you enough fights yet?”

"Okay." Although Ma Hongjun really wanted to find a soul beast to try his fourth soul skill, when he heard Wang Xiaofeng say this, Ma Hongjun could only hold back.

It's just that although Wang Xiaofeng and the others have no intention of causing trouble, things are always not decided by their will.

As time went by, the sound of the riot not only did not decrease, but intensified. Judging from the sound, the place where the sound originated was approaching their camp.

Listening to the voice coming from his ears, Wang Xiaofeng opened his eyes a little irritably and rubbed his hair, "Ah ah ah, I just want to take a nap and be lazy."

Glancing at Ma Hongjun, who looked excited, Wang Xiaofeng said helplessly: "You can go if you want. We agreed in advance that we would just take a look."

"Got it." Ma Hongjun agreed, patting his chest. He spread out a pair of fire wings and flew towards the direction of the sound.

Oscar is also a bold master of arts. Seeing Ma Hongjun leave, he also wanted to join in the fun.

Wang Xiaofeng thought for a while, with Oscar's third soul skill and fourth soul skill combined, even an agility-attack soul emperor might not be able to compare with Oscar in terms of escape methods, so he just let it go.

After all, it is normal for young people to always like to join in the fun. However, Wang Xiaofeng made an agreement with Oscar in advance and could not act alone.

"Absorb all things purple gourd." "Clear ears and eyes orange gourd." In order to ensure Oscar's safety, Wang Xiaofeng specially added two boosts to him. Now even if he is unlucky enough to encounter the Soul Emperor, he can run away in advance.

"Okay, leave early and come back early."

"Thanks, Xiaofeng." Oscar ate the mushroom sausage, flapped his six wings behind him, and chased after Ma Hongjun.

"Well, young people are full of energy." Wang Xiaofeng shook his head and said. As soon as he turned around, he found that everyone else had woken up and their big eyes were facing his.

Wang Xiaofeng made a surrender gesture, "I can explain."

Master and Flender looked at each other and nodded, "Well, we are listening."


The speed of Oscar's fourth soul skill was indeed extraordinary, and within ten seconds he caught up with Ma Hongjun, who had set off early. "Fat man, wait for me."

Ma Hongjun was a little puzzled, "Oscar, you are here."

"Hey, how can such a good thing be without me." Oscar chuckled: "It's better to leave quickly and go back early. Otherwise, if the master and the others find out that we sneaked out without keeping a good watch, it will be miserable when we go back."

Ma Hongjun's fire wings were too conspicuous at night, so he ended up eating mushroom sausages and replacing them with six wings. Since he flew frequently, he was obviously much more proficient in control than Oscar, a newbie who had just started flying.

Soon, they found the source of the noise that was occurring so late at night.

Ma Hongjun and Oscar hid in the canopy of the tree. Looking through the leaves, they discovered that there were a large number of soul beasts below desperately chasing the few soul masters in front of them. They kept throwing wind blades and fire bombs at them as if they didn't need soul power. Make them miserable.

The one running for his life at the front was a Soul Emperor, followed closely behind him were two Soul Kings and a Soul Sect, but it was too dark to see clearly their genders and martial spirits.

Ma Hongjun said with some fear: "Oh my god, what on earth did they do? They couldn't have dug out the lair of some ten thousand year old soul beast, right?"

Oscar shook his head and looked cautiously at the six bright soul rings of the leading man at the front, "I don't know, it won't be a good thing anyway. When they pass by, we will go back and tell Master them."

Just as they were discussing how to find an excuse to hide it from the master, whether it was a coincidence or not, a wind blade happened to fly over and cut the tree where they were in half.

This sudden change shocked Ma Hongjun and Oscar, and they subconsciously jumped out before the tree fell.

It happened that the Sixth Ring Soul Emperor was not far from the big tree where Ma Hongjun and Oscar were staying, so even though it was dark, they were still spotted at once.

The leading man in front let out a hearty laugh, "You two brothers, what a coincidence."

"Yeah, it's quite a coincidence." Ma Hongjun and Oscar were awkwardly sandwiched between the soul beast and the four people of unknown origin. There were wolves in front of them and tigers in the back, but the soul beasts in the back didn't recognize people. Of course they would die later, so Oscar and Ma Hongjun quickly dodged the incoming wind blades and fire bullets, and automatically joined the fleeing team.

Because Ma Hongjun and Oscar did not show any cultivation and could keep up with the four of them with just Shunpo, the four who saw that they were not easy to mess with temporarily stopped thinking about making them scapegoats.

"The two brothers look quite young, I don't know where they are going to be."

Oscar laughed, "Haha, we brothers happened to be here on behalf of the Qibao Glazed Sect, and then we found it was a bit lively here, so we came to take a look."

Ma Hongjun secretly gave a thumbs up. He didn't expect Oscar to have such a strong side. Before he married Ning Rongrong, he dared to bear the name of his old father-in-law's influence.

"Seven Treasures Glazed Sect!" The four of them looked at each other, and it seemed that they were not ready to make a move. "It turns out that I am a friend of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. I am honored to meet you. I am Lei Ming, the deputy leader of the Iron-Blooded Mercenary Group."

"Since we are brothers of the Qibao Glazed Sect, our strength should be extraordinary. How about we join forces and deal with the group of soul beasts behind us first."

Ma Hongjun and Oscar looked at each other: "How are you preparing the mushroom sausage?"

"That goes without saying. Fortunately, I prepared three pieces in advance and two phantom intestines, which is enough to escape."

"Okay, let's play with a few of them."


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