Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 262: Short Flanders

Just as Ma Hongjun and Oscar were making eye contact, Lei Ming, the deputy leader of the Iron-Blooded Mercenary Group, interrupted their wink and said with a smile: "How are you two, have you made your decision?"

This sentence sounded like a question, but Oscar actually heard that it was forcing them to make a choice.

"I think you should give us some time to think about it? Three... no, one minute will do." Oscar originally wanted to delay the time and consume some of the opponent's soul power, but after seeing the fierce light hidden in Lei Ming's eyes, , quickly changed his words.

"Okay, I'll give you time to think about it." After saying that, Lei Ming concentrated on clearing the way for the team ahead.

If Oscar hadn't said that he was from the Qibao Glazed Sect, Lei Ming would have used them both as bait.

Oscar's guess was correct. In order to escape the pursuit of the soul beasts behind them, the Iron-Blooded Mercenary Group had almost exhausted their soul power. If Oscar and Ma Hongjun hadn't been unlucky and were suddenly discovered by them, Lei Mingsi would have been killed. People have long been fighting to the death with the spirit beasts behind them.

A minute later, Oscar gave a timely reply: "We have thought about it and agreed to cooperate with you to deal with the group of soul beasts behind us, but we have to agree first that after the solution, our fate is over, and you cannot prevent us brothers from leaving. .”

Lei Ming got the answer he wanted, and his ferocious face suddenly turned into a smile, "That's natural. We are not an evil mercenary group. Naturally, we will not make things difficult for you brothers. On the contrary, we will give you certain compensation."

"Forget it about compensation, I hope you keep your word." Oscar said calmly.

Such a group of soul beasts is not easy to cause at all. It is most likely that this iron-blooded mercenary group has caused some big trouble. It is better to leave as soon as possible, otherwise you may not know what will happen if you stay for a while.

If I had known earlier, I would have listened to Wang Xiaofeng and not come to join in the fun. The Sixth Ring Soul Emperor, I hope it is not an agility attack type.

Otherwise, if he wanted to run away later, he might not be able to escape in a short-distance explosion. Lei Ming had hair all over his body, and Oscar couldn't tell what kind of martial spirit it was for a while. Why did he fall asleep as soon as he started class?

Lei Ming commanded: "Okay, I'll count to three, and let's release our strongest soul skills to the soul beasts behind."

He is the strongest here and is the leader of the team, so Oscar and Ma Hongjun have no objection to his decision.


Except for Oscar, the spirit rings on the other four people began to shine. Ma Hongjun also entered the state of possession by the martial spirit. The martial spirit put a lot of pressure on the others.

"Is this a top-level beast spirit?" Feeling the pressure from the spirit class, Lei Ming was secretly surprised and secretly gave the others an incomprehensible look, asking them to calm down.

That's right, Lei Ming didn't want to let Oscar and Ma Hongjun go, because no one knew whether they knew they had obtained the treasure. In order to ensure that no accidents happen, these two people who suddenly appeared must die here so that no information will be revealed.

Only the dead keep secrets.


"Aren't you going to release your martial spirit?" A short and thin man next to Lei Ming asked Oscar doubtfully.

"Sorry, I'm a food soul master." Oscar stretched out his palm, a sausage appeared, and the short and thin man showed an incomprehensible expression.


"Let go!" Lei Ming shouted.

"Phoenix Fire Wire." "Thunder and Lightning." "Wind Blade." "Soul-Chasing Slash." "Confining Vine."

The identities of hunter and prey suddenly changed.

The soul beasts were chasing after the excitement, but unexpectedly Ma Hongjun and Lei Ming suddenly turned around and counterattacked.

First, a huge vine net suddenly appeared, covering the first few spirit beasts. The spirit beasts behind had no time to brake, and ended up crashing into the spirit beasts trapped by the vine net. Just like this. The next one immediately caused a large-scale stampede of soul beasts, slowing down the dozens of soul beasts behind.

There is nothing to say next. Flames, thunder and lightning, wind blades, sharp blades formed by shadow energy, these group attack soul skills were released as if they were free, and fell on the still confused soul beasts.


A huge explosion sounded, directly scraping away a layer of turf in the dense forest, and some thin bushes were also cut off in the middle.

Lei Ming gasped slightly and whispered to the other three people: "Go quickly, or you won't be able to leave until the rightful owner comes."

Oscar and Ma Hongjun followed them silently. Soon, Lei Ming, who had full experience in hiding, led a group of people to escape the pursuit of some powerful soul beasts.

"Okay, I should be able to take a rest now."

Everyone hid under a huge tree. There was a small tree hole with some human and animal bones inside. It looked like the lair of a spirit beast, but the owner didn't seem to be there. He didn't know whether he was out looking for food or patrolling the territory. went.

Oscar glanced at the four people who were silently replenishing their strength, and said with a smile: "Now that we have got rid of the soul beast group, it's time for us brothers to say goodbye." After that, he turned around and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute." Oscar and Ma Hongjun had just taken two steps when the other thin man in the team suddenly said: "Just now you told Shouhou that you were a food-type soul master. Just now you didn't contribute, so you have to get some food. , otherwise you are not allowed to leave."

Oscar glanced at the four people surrounding him, "Is this what you all mean?"

"Stop talking to these villains, Iron-Blooded Mercenary Group? They're just a bunch of villains." Ma Hongjun clenched his fist and stood in front of Oscar. The phoenix flame had already begun to burn on his body.

"You guys lied to us." Lei Ming laughed and said disdainfully: "Two brats pretending to be members of the Qibao Glazed Sect don't pretend to be anything like them. Remember this in your next life. Every foreign affairs officer of the Qibao Glazed Sect They will all wear sect badges on their bodies.”


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