Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 269 The insidious attacker (2/7)

Before the scale beast could resist, the colorless and odorless poison in the poison array had already entered its body along its respiratory tract and skin.

The scaled beast let out a mournful cry, and its strength was suddenly reduced. Even its strength could not be used. It waved its tail to scare everyone away, and then ran towards the outside of the poisonous array on its small thick legs.

Flanders didn't give it a chance to escape. He flapped his wings and hung the scaled beast on the tree. His soft abdomen was immediately exposed, but even the abdomen was covered with layers of scale armor. Much lighter and thinner than other parts.

"Is this a scaled beast? It's just like what the book says, it's a bit hard." Wang Xiaofeng knocked on the steely shell of the scaled beast, and a crisp sound echoed around. This kind of armor is more than enough even if it is used directly as armor. .

"Okay, let Rongrong kill the scale beast first."

Xiao Wu, who was standing in the corner, looked pale: "The scale beast..."

Tang San noticed Xiao Wu's strange behavior and quickly held her in his arms as if to comfort her.

Wang Xiaofeng sighed at the side, he had seen such a girl in his previous life, she was just as simple and kind.

While saying that the rabbit is so cute, he ordered the spicy rabbit head and other things with saliva.

The master ignored Ning Rongrong, who was afraid of blood, and left it to Oscar for guidance. He turned to Tang San and asked: "Xiao San, what do you think of the 5,500-year-old Man-Faced Demon Spider? Blue Silver Grass already has no shortage of flame resistance." Sex and hardness, the Man-Faced Demon Spider can make up for the shortcomings in the strength and toughness of the Blue Silver Grass Toxin."

Tang San thought for a while and shook his head, "No, teacher, I want to choose the ten thousand year underground magic bead."

Tang San and the masters argued fiercely, but finally convinced them.

Flender's claws were still tied to the scale beast, so Zhao Wuji and Liu Erlong captured the Crypt Demonic Bead.

The process of capturing was a bit dangerous, because for some reason, this crypt spider was in the same manic and crazy state as the ghost tiger.

Moreover, the attack mode of the Flying Divine Claw is too direct. When the Crypt Demonic Orb saw the Flying Divine Claw flying towards it, it didn’t even try to dodge. It directly used its sharp spider legs to slap it away, and then swallowed the spider silk and entangled the Flying Divine Claw. to make it completely useless.

Tang San looked at the manic Crypt Demonic Pearl and thought to himself: "The Crypt Demonic Spider is good at controlling, restricting and hiding, but now it is completely irrational. What is going on? Such terrifying and vicious blood energy..."

"Xiaosan, please wait a moment and let us catch it back."

Just when the two teachers were so angry that they wanted to go out and catch the crypt magic bead.

Suddenly, Wang Xiaofeng felt a tremor in his heart, which was a warning of danger from his enhanced five senses.

"Be careful!" Wang Xiaofeng shouted subconsciously, and his body left the place instantly.

There was a loud "bang" sound, and the ground under the scale beast suddenly cracked.

Oscar subconsciously threw Ning Rongrong down. A sharp spider leg rubbed his scalp and plunged directly into the scale beast's body.

The extremely hard scales were like paper, making Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai, who were watching the whole process clearly, feel frightened.

The slender blood-colored spider legs flashed with a burst of red light, and accompanied by the wailing of the scale-armored beast, they turned into a mummy visible to the naked eye, with only the thick layer of steel armor clinging to the body.

But the fist-sized holes in the scales challenged everyone's common sense.

"This, this is... a bloodthirsty demon spider."

Dai Mubai shouted: "Quickly retreat!!" He completed the possession of the white tiger in an instant, and the two large amplifications behind him blessed him, and he rushed towards the bloodthirsty spider. He had to attract the attention of the bloodthirsty spider and give Oscar and Ning Rongrong fought for the chance to escape.

I have to say that the Bloodthirsty Demon Spider found a great opportunity. Zhao Wuji and Liu Erlong happened to go to the edge of the poison array to capture the soul beast for Tang San. The place where it appeared happened to be the blind spot behind Flanders, with one hand Also tied to the Feitian Divine Claw.

Shrek's three powerful forces were unable to take action against it at that moment.

Facing Dai Mubai's attack, the bloodthirsty demon spider roared and attacked with its sharp spider legs.

"Orange gourd with clear ears and eyes" "Purple gourd that absorbs all things."

The colored light was injected into his body, and Dai Mubai, who had improved his reflexes, dodged the attack of the bloodthirsty spider in time. As for the attack that could not be avoided, Zhu Zhuqing's sharp claws would hit the joints in time, causing the spider's legs to tilt.

The tacit cooperation between Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing slightly attracted the attention of the bloodthirsty demon spider. Xiao Wu seized the opportunity, and the third soul ring glowed, instantly crossing the five-meter distance and appearing next to Ning Rongrong and Oscar.

"Let's go!" Xiao Wu hugged the two of them and was about to run away, but who knew that this was the bloodthirsty spider's trick.

The bloodthirsty demon spider no longer paid attention to Zhu Zhuqing and Dai Mubai's harassment. Even Ma Hongjun's phoenix line of fire didn't make it change its mind. The three sharp forelimbs moved forward at the same time, and the bloody and sharp spider legs went straight towards Xiao Wu. , Oscar and Ning Rongrong thrust into her breasts.

"The third soul skill, Blue Silver Cage." Tang San's control finally arrived.

However, even at the beginning, it was difficult for everyone to solve a bloodthirsty spider that was about two thousand years old. If it weren't for Zhao Wuji's help, they would not have been able to obtain the soul ring of the bloodthirsty spider, not to mention that this was a spider in front of them. More than six thousand years of existence.

Even the ten thousand year soul beast did not dare to provoke this killer. The cold eyes of the bloodthirsty demon spider showed no emotion due to Tang San's attack. The blue silver grass shattered in response, and the position pointed by the spider spear did not change at all. , still thrusting towards the chests of the three of them.

At that moment, Xiao Wu suddenly slapped Oscar and Ning Rongrong with both hands, and the three of them changed their positions at the same time due to this clever force.

The spider leg almost passed over her head.

Ning Rongrong and Oscar flew heavily in the air, avoiding being skewered into gourds.


The bloodthirsty demon spider was furious, its eight blood-red spider eyes immediately stared at Xiao Wu's figure, its body was raised high again, and four sharp spider spears were thrust towards Xiao Wu again.

In order to buy Oscar and Ning Rongrong time to escape, Xiao Wu ignored the mental backlash that she would suffer. The second soul ring lit up, and the soul power swarmed into the soul ring. The pink charming light penetrated the eight eyes of the bloodthirsty demon spider. In one eye, it gave it a moment of sluggishness.

In the moment before being backlashed, Xiao Wu used her feet to step on the bloodthirsty spider's legs in time, using the force to push back out of the attack range covered by the spider's legs.

At that moment, Xiao Wu had reached the ultimate level, and even the master couldn't find any faults.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the crazily surging bloody soul power on the bloodthirsty demon spider. He could feel the rage and madness contained in it without even touching it. He suddenly realized in his heart: "Bloody evil spirit? It turns out that the madness of the ghost tiger is the crypt magic bead. Manic, all this is done by the bloodthirsty demon spider behind the scenes."


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