Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 270 Soul Beast Sneak Attack

The thoughts that flashed through his mind did not affect the movements of Wang Xiaofeng's hands.

The sword finger was slightly bent, and the gourd vines quietly sprang out from the ground, quickly intertwined into a network, and caught Oscar safely while he yelled in surprise.

On the other side, Ning Rongrong was also caught in the air by Zhu Zhuqing.

Flanders looked gloomy. Unexpectedly, he almost lost three lovely students in just an instant. He was very angry and directly used the martial spirit avatar.

A huge owl, five meters high and with a wingspan of more than ten meters, suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

A pair of eagle claws caught the bloodthirsty spider as easily as an eagle catching a chicken. Flanders flapped his wings and quickly left the poisonous formation with the bloodthirsty spider.

After a few seconds, a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky.

There was a loud "boom", large tracts of soil flew everywhere, and countless fragments of soil and smoke were shaken up to half the height.

Smoke and dust filled the air, reducing visibility to a minimum.

"Huhu" Flanders flapped his wings, blowing away the smoke and dust, revealing the miserable body of the bloodthirsty demon spider.

The abdomen was directly smashed to pieces, and it was a bloody mess. Only three of the eight spider legs were left, and the remaining five were only connected to the body by a trace of flesh. The blood-colored armor on the body was no longer as bright as before, and was almost completely broken.

"You actually dare to hurt Xiao Wu, I want you to die!" Tang San's eyes were red as if he was going crazy, and he directly used the Eight Spider Spears. He ignored everyone's calls and rushed in front of the bloodthirsty demon spider. The eight spider spears were raised high and shot directly from the broken The carapace pierced into the body of the bloodthirsty demon spider, causing it to cry out in agony.

Immediately afterwards, the bloodthirsty demon spider's body stopped struggling and began to tremble rapidly.

The body of the bloodthirsty demon spider dried up rapidly, visible to the naked eye, and streams of blood-red light continued to flow along the body of the bloodthirsty demon spider and be sucked into Tang San's body through the Eight Spider Spears.

The eight blood-red spider spears on Tang San's back were particularly strange at this time.

Flanders exited the martial spirit avatar state, and a sudden weakness surged through his body. Oscar's quick eyesight and quick hands handed over a recovery sausage in time.

Flanders chewed the sausage, looked at Tang San lying motionless on the bloodthirsty spider, and asked in confusion: "Xiao San, what is this..."

"This is an opportunity for him. Let's see if others are OK first."

The Grandmaster has no doubt about the devouring ability of the Eight Spider Spears. If not for the frequent use of the devouring ability, which would cause the soul power to become mottled and affect the realm breakthrough, the Grandmaster would have taken Tang San to live in the Star Dou Forest.

The bloodthirsty spider was smashed by Flanders until only a trace of blood remained. The bloodthirsty spider was already a fish on the chopping board.

Xiao Wu checked the lovesickness on her chest. In fact, a spider leg almost hurt her just now, but luckily there was a fairy to help her block it. "Master, I'm fine."

Ning Rongrong said crisply: "Master, I'm okay too. Oscar, are you okay?"

"Of course I'm fine." As soon as Oscar finished speaking, a drop of blood flowed from his head.

"Ouch, Oscar, you're bleeding!"

Everyone was suddenly in a panic.

On the other side, hearing the roar from the poison array, Zhao Wuji quickly interrupted Liu Erlong's torture, and watched Liu Erlong beat the underground magic beads in just a few breaths until his whole body was burning with dragon flames. He was twitching on the ground and said quickly: "There is something wrong with the poisonous array. I am afraid that a soul beast has broken into the poisonous array."

"Oops, Xiaogang!" Liu Erlong threw aside the crypt magic bead in his hand, flapped his dragon wings and hurried back.

"Isn't this a waste?" Just as Zhao Wuji was about to drag the half-dead crypt magic bead back, a bolt of lightning struck in front of him, exploding a big crater.

The seven thousand-year soul beasts headed by the Thunderous Lightning Dragon unknowingly formed a half-encirclement circle, isolating Zhao Wuji from the poisonous formation.

"I know it's easy to come out, but hard to go back." Zhao Wuji clenched his fists, and the powerful Vajra Bear phantom roared behind him.

Behind them are more than fifty thousand-year soul beasts, and in front are high-level soul beasts.

Zhao Wuji roared angrily, and his pair of bear paws instantly turned golden under the injection of the soul ring, doubled in size, and swung out towards the thundering electric dragon with incomparable momentum.

At that moment, he suddenly felt that this scene seemed familiar.

Oh, by the way, when he was the Soul Emperor more than ten years ago, he also charged at more than a dozen Soul Emperors like this.

"The second soul skill, the powerful Vajra Palm..."


"Xiao Gang, how are you?" Liu Erlong hurried back, ignoring the strange looks from everyone, and groped the master for a while.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." The master quickly grabbed Liu Erlong's hands to stop her. If this continues, he will lose all dignity in front of his students.

Flanders looked at Liu Erlong and the master with some relief, but suddenly felt something was wrong. It seemed that someone was missing, "By the way, Wuji, why didn't I come back with you?"

"It's over, I forgot Teacher Zhao there." Liu Erlong was shocked. When she and Zhao Wuji acted together, she could naturally frighten the surrounding spirit beasts, but she was eager to save people and came back first. So...

As if to confirm Liu Erlong's words, a bear roar sounded, accompanied by a fierce explosion, which was much louder than the destruction caused by Flanders before.

"No, Wuji is in danger." Flanders endured the weakness in his body and immediately entered the spirit-possessed state. He flapped his wings and flew in the direction of the sound.

"Take good care of Master!" Liu Erlong left a message and followed Flanders in a flash.


Zhao Wuji coughed up a mouthful of purple-red blood. Fortunately, he used the Fudo Myoyo Body in time, otherwise he would not have been able to survive the round of fire just now.

"Roar!" The thundering electric dragon's horn shone slightly, and after it roared, the sounds of tigers roaring, lions roaring and various spirit beasts resounded through the sky.

Zhao Wuji saw that the part of Thunder Lightning Dragon's body that was hit by the powerful Vajra Palm was only slightly dented, and sighed, "What he fucked is thicker than my old Zhao's bearskin, what a fucking fuck."

While Zhao Wuji was cursing, thunder and lightning and wind blades struck again.

"Again?" The third soul ring on his body shone brightly, and Zhao Wuji instantly spread out the gravity field. After the wind blade and lightning entered the gravity range, their speed suddenly slowed down a beat. Zhao Wuji took the opportunity to step hard on the ground with his right foot, and his body suddenly With an acceleration, he actually resisted the soul skills of a group of thousand-year-old soul beasts behind him and forcibly broke through the encirclement.

"Old Zhao, are you dead?" An eagle whistle sounded in the air, and Flanders's voice reached his ears.

Zhao Wuji looked happy and responded loudly: "If you come later, you will die."

A dragon roar sounded, and a huge fire dragon rushed down, instantly swallowing some of the soul beasts behind Zhao Wuji.

This sudden flame startled the soul beasts, and they quickly stopped chasing.


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