Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 280 Shrek’s Special Costume

Six days flew by.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the opening ceremony of the Tiandou Empire Division of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition.

A grand opening ceremony was held in the Tiandou City Fighting Arena.

The impact of this ceremony, which was watched by countless people, was somewhat beyond Wang Xiaofeng's imagination. Maybe he didn't feel it because he was young and lived in a small remote county. But now, Wang Xiaofeng really feels the enthusiasm of people from all over the world.

Good guy, it was really crowded, a sea of ​​people, nothing but people.

The tourist attractions during the Spring Festival and festivals are extremely weak.

Perhaps only the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics in 2000 in my previous life can be compared.

Hearing Wang Xiaofeng's emotion, the master walking in front said calmly: "Because the soul master's status in the mainland is too special. It is a symbol of powerful power, the foundation of wealth and title, and is pursued by countless people."

"What's more, you who are less than twenty-five years old are destined to be the brightest stars in the next era. Any force will want to win over you in advance."

"Of course, civilians are more interested in watching the fun. After all, such high-level and high-quality games are usually not available to watch."

"So from common people to the royal family, every class regards this competition as the grandest day."

"So that's it." Wang Xiaofeng nodded thoughtfully.

Someone on the roadside shouted to buy tickets at high prices.

"Whoever has a ticket for the opening ceremony exhibition match, I will pay ten gold soul coins to buy it."

A young man passing by laughed disdainfully and said: "Only ten gold soul coins? No one will sell you even if you double it."

This young man was indeed right. Outside the gate of the Tiandou City Spirit Arena, where the opening ceremony was held, many opportunistic parties selling tickets at high prices had already raised the ticket prices to a high price of thirty-five gold soul coins.

Flanders, who had the foresight to do so, used the infield tickets given as a gift to the academy to make a fortune in advance.

Not only tickets, but all the hotels in Tiandou City have been fully booked since a few days ago.

If the student dormitories were not available for rent, Flanders would have rented them out long ago.

However, looking at the surprised looks of passers-by around him, and seeing people giving way wherever he went, Wang Xiaofeng tugged at his clothes irritably.

I didn't see that Xiao Wu and the other girls didn't dare to raise their heads.

Tang San said somewhat helplessly: "Dean, why do we have to add this to our team uniforms?"

Behind everyone, there is a line of large characters: Recruitment for sponsorship advertisement.

Printed on the chest: Please discuss advertising costs with Flanders, the dean of Shrek Academy.

Although the yellow and greenish clothes are a strange color, they are quite comfortable to wear and of good quality. (The premise is not to compare with other colleges, otherwise your mentality will explode)

But coupled with the strange advertisement for rent, it's no wonder that others are pointing fingers.

Flanders was not ashamed at all. Instead, he criticized: "You guys don't know how expensive food and rice are. In order to maintain the development of Shrek Academy in the past few years, I have almost wiped out all my savings. Why don't I take the opportunity to make a fortune?" Maintain that high fee.”

As he spoke, Flanders puffed up his chest proudly and retorted loudly: "And as your dean, shouldn't I wear it too?"

"Are you wearing the clothes because they look good? After all, you are not greedy for money." Wang Xiaofeng glanced at the master, Liu Erlong and Zhao Wuji who were following them far behind. I thought to myself: "It's because you are dressed like this that they don't walk with you. Dean, you are about to be kicked out of the team."

If Flender hadn't said that he would share one-third of the money earned from advertising space with them, then a fool would wear this outfit. Unfortunately, they are still too young, or this outfit is too eye-catching, and it will naturally attract a lot of attention. sight.

Look, look, I won't lose a piece of meat anyway, but it will increase the small amount of money in my pocket.

With this in mind, Wang Xiaofeng straightened his chest instead, and his handsome face with a hint of baby fat on his cheeks made many girls who liked his style look sideways.

"Wow, that team is so good-looking, all handsome guys."

"Really? Where is it?"

"There, wearing shs clothes."

"Wow, that handsome blond guy is really handsome."

Flanders listened to the shouting voices around him and nodded with satisfaction: "Look at Xiaofeng, you have to do what he does!"

Wang Xiaofeng coughed lightly, please stop sowing discord here.

Squeezing into the Great Soul Fighting Arena from the crowd, everyone was relieved without those depressing eyes, and successfully found the rest area belonging to Shrek.

In this rest area, there are only teams from various colleges. At a glance, the Great Soul Fighting Arena is divided into areas, with at least thousands of seats.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the thirty competing teams around him, and he had to say that except for their Shrek Academy's strange costumes, many of the other academy teams were so handsome and gorgeous, with all kinds of strange decorations that were dizzying.

Ma Hongjun looked at the handsome clothes and complained casually: "I regret it. I really shouldn't have been bribed by the teacher's gold soul coins."

Wang Xiaofeng screamed strangely: "What, Fatty, you actually took the money."

Ma Hongjun knew that he said something wrong and wanted to change the subject. Unfortunately, no one would let him go. After being tortured to extract a confession, Ma Hongjun told the truth.

It turned out that Flender felt that money alone might not make them all agree, so he bribed Ma Hongjun in advance and made a series of internal and external cooperation at the critical moment, breaking down everyone's resistance.

Ma Hongjun grimaced: "I didn't know these clothes could be so ugly."

Wang Xiaofeng pointed to the constant jeers from the surrounding teams: "The matter has come to this, we can only use our strength to shut them up."

Dai Mubai pinched his wrist and showed a ferocious smile: "I hope we can be beaten later."

"Canghui College?" Tang San carefully wrote down the name of the most popular college among all the colleges.

It's just that the words from Canghui Academy became more and more unpleasant. Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai couldn't help but use the words they learned from Wang Xiaofeng without using curse words.

"Speaking so irritably? It seems that the whole family is gone, and the brothers are trying to calm down the anger. No, are you even giving up your wife to your brothers? ... Wow, this is so miserable for you!"

"Everyone in your family is like this, and you still come to participate in the competition? Are you really an orphan and have nothing to fear?"

"Brother, you are strong. You win. Other people scold orphans, but you actually mean it. Ah... don't cry, just touch your head."

Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai were teasing each other, which made Canghui Academy so angry that the blood surged up. They pulled up their sleeves and wanted to hit someone.

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun were looking forward to it. As long as the opponent struck first, it would be reasonable to even cripple the opponent with a backhand.


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