Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 281: Give me an assistant to directly defeat the competition

Tang San and others looked at Wang Xiaofeng with strange eyes. Wang Xiaofeng quickly denied: "I'm not, I didn't, I never said such a thing."

He is a new generation of virtuous young people, how could he be so rude? These are clearly arts that they have learned from the profound language.

Just when Canghui Academy was about to take action, a cold voice sounded from behind Canghui Academy: "What are you doing? You are about to enter the venue. Why are you still laughing and joking here!"

Everyone in the Canghui Academy team trembled and quickly lowered their heads and stood up. Wang Xiaofeng also took advantage of the situation and saw the person who spoke.

I saw an old man who looked about sixty years old, looking at the people from Canghui College with a slightly gloomy expression.

"Teacher..." The students headed by Canghui Academy were about to explain, but the old man just glanced at him, and the young man suppressed what he was about to say.

"Let's go." The old man glanced at Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai, and left quickly without saying a word, leading the Canghui College team who looked aggrieved.

Ma Hongjun said loudly and reluctantly: "Hey, why are you leaving? Don't you want to take action? Come on, hit me here. Anyone who doesn't take action will be a puppy."

Wang Xiaofeng stopped Ma Hongjun: "Okay, save Fatty, our two teams will meet sooner or later, let's talk with our fists then."

Tang San nodded and agreed: "That's right, verbal abuse is just an inferior approach. Friction between soul masters still has to be resolved through battle."

Wang Xiaofeng glanced at the excited people rubbing shoulders and thought to himself: You just want to beat them up.

However, let alone them, Wang Xiaofeng was a little moved.

Flanders had just returned from advertising in his special uniform when he saw the old man leaving and asked everyone.

Ma Hongjun said a lot of words, and then asked doubtfully: "Teacher, do you know him?"

"Fortunately you didn't provoke him, otherwise it wouldn't be a good thing to be worried about this old boy." Flanders nodded, indicating that he did know the old man who seemed not to be trifled with.

"This old guy's name is Shi Nian, the martial spirit Can Meng. His ability is to drag his opponents into the environment and then make them kill each other. He is a very rare spiritual martial spirit."

"I met him when I was young. He should be a Soul Saint now. That old boy is notoriously petty and you have provoked his students. You'd better be careful these days."

After speaking, Flanders shook his head as if there was some grudge between the two.

Douluo Continent is indeed Douluo Continent, but there are actually martial arts like Constructing Illusions? But talking about such a special martial spirit, Wang Xiaofeng suddenly thought of the dreamy butterfly he met when he obtained the third spirit ring and wondered if it was among the old man's seven spirit rings.

If so, it would be really troublesome. After all, the ability of the Dream Butterfly is too buggy. Paired with the Remnant Dream Martial Spirit, tsk tsk, it suddenly feels like this combination is a bit unsolvable.

Wang Xiaofeng, who was brainstorming in his mind to decipher the soul skill he had just dreamed up, didn't realize that Flanders had left at some point. With confused eyes, he was pushed and pulled to the front of the opening ceremony by Ma Hongjun, who had long expected.

The fierce cheers woke up Wang Xiaofeng, and he was instantly shocked by everything in front of him.

Surrounding the huge and open square were countless shouting and cheering spectators.

Directly in front of the central venue is a rostrum with a golden background. Behind the rostrum is the renovated VIP area.

This venue is very long, several hundred meters long. Every time a team enters, there will be an emcee introducing it.

It felt like the opening ceremony of a sports meeting a lifetime ago.

"Xiao Feng, don't be stunned and leave quickly."

"Oh." Hearing Ma Hongjun's urgent urging behind him, Wang Xiaofeng hurriedly walked forward.

At this time, it was Shrek Academy’s turn. The emcee’s solemn and serious style suddenly changed and became a bit playful: “Ah, the last one to come on stage is Shrek Team...Oh, a slip of the tongue, it’s Shrek Team. Their original form is Blue. The attire of Ba Academy is really distinctive and outstanding. Their slogan is: Give me a support and I can directly pass through the competition. Haha, it’s really funny, but I still hope they can perform well."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter from the audience.

The emcee's mocking words made everyone in Shrek extremely angry. If it weren't for the wrong place and time, the emcee must know what a punch the size of a sandbag is.

Flanders, who was standing in the stands, said angrily: "That guy must have taken money. I want to report this emcee."

"Forget it, it's useless even if you report it." The master, who was sitting across an empty seat from Flanders, said calmly: "The only one who can make the master of ceremonies openly mock us and have a grudge against us Shrek, after thinking about it, is Snow Star. The prince."

The team walked around the auditorium, and next came the familiar leader's speech. It seemed that this session was inevitable even in Douluo Continent.

Wang Xiaofeng let out a big yawn. Except for the emperor of the Tiandou Empire who was speaking, he did not know the other two people on the rostrum.

One is Ning Rongrong's father, Ning Fengzhi. There's nothing much to say about this. The teacher of the current prince is also the richest sect leader in Douluo Continent. It's not strange to be standing on top.

The other is the platinum bishop who is in charge of the Tiandou Empire's Wuhun Palace Temple, Salas.

Don't get me wrong, Wang Xiaofeng knew him because the platinum bishop's self-portrait was still hanging in the corridor of the Wuhun Hall where Wang Feng worked. There was a lot of nonsense written underneath but no useful achievements, which made Wang Xiaofeng immediately remember this shameless thing. old man.

After Emperor Xueye's speech, there was a speech by the special guest Ning Fengzhi.

I don’t know if it was an easter egg, but the master of ceremonies asked a small question after Ning Fengzhi’s speech. Of course Ning Fengzhi supported his daughter, but with his high emotional intelligence, he would definitely not say it so directly. Instead, he said implicitly: "Besides the Tiandou First Team from our Tiandou Empire, there is another team that I am optimistic about. This team will bring surprises to this competition! Not only the qualifiers, but also the promotion matches and even the finals. I Everyone should see the heroic appearance of this team.”

Each team felt that Ning Fengzhi was talking about their own team, so they straightened their chests and smiled.

After the speeches, the next step is to draw lots for the competition.

Of course, there is only one game today as an exhibition match. Whichever team is drawn by the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy can play today.

"Catch us, catch us." Ma Hongjun's voice came to his ears.

Wang Xiaofeng sneered: "Fat man, there are a total of thirty teams. It's very difficult to win with a one-in-thirty chance."

"If I win, then I will..."

"The first round of the qualifying round, Tiandou Royal Academy versus Shrek Academy."

Ma Hongjun blinked: "Just what?"


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