Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 288 The Emperor of Blue Silver Grass

A table-sized four-wheeled stall is filled with a variety of ingredients, and rice balls with bright grains are placed on a wooden board.

The middle-aged man who is both the chef and the boss is putting the rice balls ordered by the previous customers into the oil pan and frying them.

"Fried rice balls? They are indeed the delicacies of the Star Luo Empire. They are really unique."

Not only Wang Xiaofeng was attracted by the stall owner's operation, but passers-by also stopped and stood to watch with interest.

Half a minute later, the fried golden rice balls were taken out by the boss, put into the paper box that had been prepared, and handed to the customer in front of Wang Xiaofeng, "Please use it slowly."

The boss wiped his sweat and said, "This guest, would you like a piece of Star Luo Empire's classic delicacy - fried rice balls?"

Wang Xiaofeng nodded: "Boss, give me one."


Soon, Wang Xiaofeng got a fried rice ball from the boss. It was not expensive, only ten copper soul coins.

Wang Xiaofeng randomly found a corner to sit down, opened the paper box, and found five pieces of fried rice balls neatly placed inside.

Rice balls are mixed with rice and meat sauce, then wrapped in a coating and fried until golden brown.

There are some fillings added in the middle. The fried rice balls Wang Xiaofeng bought were filled with cheese, minced bacon and sweet fish skin.

Take a bite, well, the light salty taste washes away the slight greasiness, leaving only a light sweet fragrance spreading in your mouth.

"It's delicious!" Wang Xiaofeng's eyes lit up, like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit, he finished the five fried rice balls in a few seconds.

After eating, I licked my somewhat greasy fingers with unfinished intention.

"No, I have to buy a few more." Thinking like this, Wang Xiaofeng rushed back to the snack street.

After packing 20 portions of fried rice balls and buying some special delicacies here and there, Wang Xiaofeng ate here and there. Soon, Wang Xiaofeng had his stomach full.

Since there were other training plans in the afternoon, Wang Xiaofeng stopped watching other teams' games. He put the packed food into his martial arts soul and left the bustling soul fighting arena.

After Wang Xiaofeng returned to the academy, he went directly to the wooden house in the woods behind the academy. This has become their exclusive training venue, and everyone usually trains here.

As expected, everyone was practicing in the wooden house. Grandmaster, Liu Erlong and Zhao Wuji were also there. Only Flanders was not there, and he was probably still looking for potential customers.

As soon as Wang Xiaofeng stepped into the house, Ma Hongjun asked, "Xiaofeng, wherever you have been this morning, I haven't seen you."

"I went to watch the game. Not to mention, I found that the strength of other teams is really not weak. If they follow the current configuration, there is a real possibility of overturning."

Wang Xiaofeng shrugged, summoned his martial spirit, took out the packed food and put it on the table.

"This smells like this!" Dai Mubai, who was exercising with Zhu Zhuqing with weights, suddenly moved his nose, his eyes lit up, he threw down the weights and rushed over, quickly opened a paper box, and five rice balls came into view.

“Fried rice balls!”

Dai Mubai didn't mind his hands being dirty, so he picked one out and put it in his mouth, chewing it carefully, "Well, it's quite authentic, and it still has that familiar taste."

While eating, he didn't forget to share it with Zhu Zhuqing: "Zhuqing, come here quickly, Xiaofeng has brought us delicious food."

Xiao Wu moved after hearing the news and came to the table in a flash. After having the fourth soul ring, her speed was not much slower than Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing's speed was more focused on short-distance bursts, while Xiao Wu's speed was more focused on movement in a narrow space.

One focuses on explosiveness, the other focuses on dexterity.

Xiao Wu pinched the golden rice ball and said, "Is this a rice ball? Why does it look weird?"

Dai Mubai explained: "The surface is covered with flour and fried to make it look like this. Although it looks greasy, it tastes delicious."

Xiao Wu tentatively took a bite, and then fell in love with this food. He ate the remaining rice ball in one bite and stuffed his mouth full.

Tai Lung and others also gave a thumbs up, saying that this was the best rice ball they had ever eaten.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at everyone eating fried rice balls and felt a little greedy. He opened a box and while eating, he suddenly realized that three people were missing, so he asked: "By the way, why are Xiaosan, Xiaoao and Rongrong missing? "

"You don't know?" Ma Hongjun was stunned for a moment, "Didn't you get asked by the master to train together?"

"So they are still practicing distraction control in the open space." Wang Xiaofeng patted his head, picked up a few boxes and walked towards the woods.

"Wait, I'll go too." Xiao Wu hurriedly stuffed the last fried rice ball in the carton into her mouth and hurriedly followed.

She was very curious about what the master taught Tang San, which kept Tang San in a daze for a day, so she took this opportunity to take a sneak peek.

When Wang Xiaofeng brought Xiao Wu to the clearing of the grove, the place was completely different.

The empty space that originally had only a few weeds was now covered with blue silver grass, making Wang Xiaofeng feel as if he had entered a sea of ​​blue silver grass.

However, the blue silver grass with a hint of red in the black always feels a bit familiar.

"Look, Master and the others are there." Xiao Wu suddenly pointed at the center of the Bluesilver Grass and said.

Wang Xiaofeng looked around and saw that there were three people standing there. Who could they be if they weren't the master?

Wang Xiaofeng and Xiao Wu took the instant step and crossed the lush blue silver grass. They still didn't know what was going on, so it was better not to touch it easily.

Xiao Wu glanced around and found that Tang San was not there, so she asked anxiously: "Master, what's going on? Where did he go?"

The master's expression was a little strange, "Here he is."

Xiao Wu looked in the direction of the master's finger and saw Tang San's figure looming among the layers of blue silver grass.

The master recounted what had happened before, and then expressed his speculation: "Xiao San seems to have entered a state of top-level mimicry environment cultivation."

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Tang San, who was surrounded by the blue silver grass in the center, like an emperor of the blue silver grass, and thought to himself: This is how it feels to watch others enter the top level mimicry environment cultivation state.

Oscar said with envy: "I also want to enter this state to practice."

Wang Xiaofeng said calmly: "And then there are big sausages growing all around?"

Ning Rongrong couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter.

Oscar's head is full of black lines.

An hour later, the surrounding Blue Silver Grass suddenly shrank and returned to its original ordinary appearance.

As soon as Tang San opened his eyes, he saw Xiao Wu standing next to the master, looking at him with a worried expression.

Oscar and Ning Rongrong looked at him with envy.

On the other hand, Wang Xiaofeng's face looked like a smile but not a smile, which was very strange.


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