Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 289 The Elephant Academy of the Five Elements Academy

"Xiao Wu, why are you looking at me like this?" Tang San asked doubtfully.

Tang San was a little confused, always feeling that he had missed something.

The surrounding area returned to its original open space, and the wildly growing bluesilver grass had returned to normal, as if it had never happened, so Tang San didn't find the problem.

Xiao Wu felt relieved when she saw that there was no problem with Tang San's body.

The master calmly recounted what happened before, and then asked: "Xiao San, do you still remember how you felt just now?"

Tang San expressed his feelings, Grandmaster and Oscar were thoughtful, while Ning Rongrong looked confused.

For the next whole day, the two of them kept practicing distraction control, and their progress was rapid!

Especially Tang San, he could occasionally control the blue silver grass to perform different actions, but it was sometimes ineffective, which made people uncomfortable to watch.

Ning Rongrong was the only one with a sad face. She was the only one who couldn't understand what Tang San meant. What did it mean to regard the surrounding Blue Silver Grass as a part of oneself? Did she want to put up several models of the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda?

Time flew by and the next day came in a blink of an eye.

Today is the third day of the qualifiers. After a round of competition, everyone has a good idea of ​​the strength of each team.

Shrek Academy is currently ranked third. The unexpected Ten Thousand Years Soul Ring, the powerful Phoenix Spirit Soul Sect, and the record of finishing the game the fastest in history all make Shrek Academy's ranking very high. If not There aren’t enough games to be ranked number one.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the evaluation of Shrek in the small manual in his hand, and was amazed that such an unofficial and unpopular publication was selling very well. The above evaluation was also eye-catching.

To be honest, the people who created this publication were quite bold. After all, this was only the first round, and they were not afraid of the lower-ranked colleges knocking on their door.

Ma Hongjun's big face with thick eyebrows came over, looked at the booklet in Wang Xiaofeng's hand, and said with a smile: "So you are reading this too, and what's written on it is quite interesting."

Oscar also gathered over, "I feel that the person who wrote this publication must be a Shrek fan, otherwise Shrek's ranking would be so high."

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head, "It's not necessarily true. It might be a compliment. You have to know that the higher you stand, the harder you will fall."

Dai Mubai said disdainfully: "It doesn't matter whether he is flattering or not, as long as we keep winning."

The master came over: "Having confidence is a good thing. Come and take a look. Our opponent has already come out."

In order to prevent cheating, the teams for each game are selected by the person in charge of each college on that day.

Everyone gathered together, and the master said solemnly: "The opponent you are going to fight today is the Elephant Academy of the Five Elements Academy, which represents the thickness of earth."

Tang San thought deeply: "I heard that this academy is biased towards defense. Brother Feng, is there anything worth noting?"

Because the master wanted his students to grow, he decided not to help them collect opponent information during the qualifying rounds.

So Wang Xiaofeng replaced the master and was responsible for collecting information for other teams.

Wang Xiaofeng flipped through his notebook, and there happened to be a game from Elephant Academy yesterday on it.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the content in the book, thought about it carefully and said: "Elephant Academy did not reveal too much. In yesterday's game, the seven members of the Elephant Academy team just used a combined battle formation to resist the opponent. attack, and a wave of charges knocked their opponents out of the field."

Tang San nodded: "So the first thing we need to solve is their combined battle formation."

Wang Xiaofeng continued: "Secondly, their martial spirits are diamond mammoths. You must not confront them head-on unless necessary."

Ning Rongrong suddenly realized: "Elephant Armor College, I see, this is not an affiliated college of the Elephant Armor Sect."

The Elephant Armor Sect ranks sixth among the sects of the Tiandou Empire, and the ancestral martial spirit Diamond Mammoth is known to be invincible in defense and unbreakable at the same level.

The sect leader Hu Yanzhen is even famous for his ability to withstand three attacks from a certain titled Douluo with his soul Douluo body.

Of course, this is just like the Qibao Glazed Sect claiming to be the strongest in assisting, and the Haotian Sect claiming to be the strongest in attacking.

However, although it is just a name, the fact that this name has been hanging on the sect and has not been taken down by anyone means that this martial spirit must have something worthy of praise.

Wang Xiaofeng raised two fingers on his fist: "After my observation, I found several weaknesses. First, when in the combined battle formation, the Elephant Academy can only maintain one direction. Second, although the Diamond Mammoth is powerful, its defense is weak. They are strong, but their speed is very slow, especially when they launch an attack, they rely more on constantly accumulating momentum to deliver a powerful and explosive blow."

Tang San nodded, having so much information was enough for him to plan tactics against Elephant Armor Academy. As long as the opponent still came up with the same lineup as yesterday, then he was 70% sure to win easily.

The master patted Wang Xiaofeng's shoulder happily. Zhao Wuji smiled and said: "Master, it seems that your job is not guaranteed."

"If you don't want to protect it, don't protect it."

Just when Tang San was arranging the players, Flanders suddenly walked in, holding a pile of clothes in his hands, not knowing what to do.

Flanders was greatly relieved when he saw the students in the rest area who had not yet taken the field. "Fortunately, we caught up. Come on, come on, little monsters, quickly change into the new uniforms I prepared for you."

Ma Hongjun rummaged through the clothes on the floor and said speechlessly: "Teacher, aren't these exactly the same as our clothes? The ones we are wearing are not broken now, so why do we need to change them."

Flanders glared at him: "You are the only one who has many things to do. If you are asked to change, change it as soon as possible."

Under pressure, Ma Hongjun had no choice but to go into the toilet and change his clothes. When he came out, Wang Xiaofeng and the others knew why Flanders had specially given them clothes.

I saw it written on the chest of Ma Hongjun's clothes: "Bawang Pill, one pill is worth two pills. After eating it, your waist will no longer be sore, your legs will no longer hurt, and you will feel more energetic at work."

On the back of the clothes is written: "Very charming, wonderfully fragrant flower dew, wash for better health."

They also marked it with a bright font color, as if they were afraid that others would not see it.

Xiao Wu said disgustedly: "I would rather die than wear this ugly clothes."

Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and Jiangzhu nodded in agreement.

"Don't say that, I think it's pretty good-looking." Flanders saw that the female students in the team refused to wear it. Knowing that he was in the wrong, he could only play the emotional card: "If we don't make it like this, how can we do it?" Advertisers place advertisements for our college, but without advertising, our college would have no funds and would not be able to support it.”


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