Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 290 Drawing Lots

"Isn't it all for the sake of the academy that I have worked so hard?" As he said this, Flanders quietly used his soul power to squeeze out a small tear.

Wang Xiaofeng's eyelids twitched slightly. Only Flanders could shamelessly perform such embarrassing acting skills. Not even a little girl could fool him...

Xiao Wu looked a little embarrassed. She looked at the ugly clothes in her hands and said to herself as if to encourage herself: "The dean has paid too much for our college. The funds provided by these two advertisements can solve the urgent need."

Zhu Zhuqing even used her own actions to express her support for the college. She was seen wearing her clothes heavily.

Wang Xiaofeng felt a little pain on his cheek, "Hey, hey, you are hitting me in the face."

Flanders secretly showed a sly smile where no one could see him.

It's a pity that they overestimated their ability to bear it. After a while, they squatted on the ground and drew circles with their heads in their hands: "No, I don't want to wear such ugly clothes."

Tang San looked at the few people who were out of shape due to their clothes, lowered his head and pondered for a while and said, "In this case, let's draw lots to enter."

Xiao Wu stood up in a flash and said happily: "Brother, you still have an idea."

Tang San looked at Wang Xiaofeng with a smile: "Brother Feng, can you play?"

Wang Xiaofeng shrugged: "It's up to you."

Except for Ning Rongrong who cannot play and Tang San, Tailong, Jiangzhu, Jing Ling, and Huang Yuan who must play, the remaining six people Wang Xiaofeng, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Mubai, and Xiao Wu can just be divided into There are three groups in ABC. Whoever gets the short draw will play in this game.

Wang Xiaofeng whispered: "If we draw an inappropriate group, will it affect the chance of winning?"

Tang San's eyes showed a glimmer of confidence, "No, it's just an Elephant Academy."

Of course, in order to coordinate with the lineup, Tang San still arranged the members of each group.

Group A, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, Group B, Xiao Wu and Oscar, Group C, Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun.

"Come on, whoever smokes first."

"I'll smoke it!" Looking at the three bluesilver grasses in Tang San's hand, Ma Hongjun walked forward and took one casually with his eyes closed.

Then, unsurprisingly, the shortest of the three.

Oscar couldn't help but laugh and said: "Haha, Fatty really sucks his soul."

Wang Xiaofeng complained: "Oh, I still have to play."

He had a premonition that something bad had happened when he heard Tang San assigned Ma Hongjun to be with him, but this fat man also said he wanted to prove his luck in front of everyone.

If time could go back one minute, he would definitely not agree with Ma Hongjun's decision.

Wang Xiaofeng didn't want to wear that ugly red, yellow and green dress. It would have been nice if he could wear it a day later, but now he had no choice but to go to the bathroom and change into a new team uniform.

Xiao Wu smiled and said, "Brother Feng, Fatty, thank you for your hard work."

Wang Xiaofeng snorted coldly, "Little Rabbit, you can't escape. I'm waiting for the day you put it on."

"A little bit!" Xiao Wu made a face.

Flanders was still fiddling with his clothes, "Is it really ugly? I think it's pretty good. I really don't understand what young people think nowadays."

Tang San gathered his friends who were about to play together: "Okay, let's play this game like this..."

Half an hour later.

It was the turn of Shrek Academy and Elephant Academy to take the stage. Wang Xiaofeng moved his body and followed the others onto the Soul Fighting Stage.

Since the competition between Shrek Academy and Elephant Academy was the most interesting, the competition officials arranged them on the central soul fighting stage.

Tang San and the others were keeping a close eye on their opponents in this competition, the elites of the Elephant Armor Sect. Seven of them were not possessed by martial spirits, and one of them was a two-meter-tall 'giant'.

I have to say that the members of the Xiangjia Academy are very energetic. Jiangzhu and the others’ palms began to sweat.

Only Wang Xiaofeng looked around, looking like a curious baby. It seemed that he was not a player participating in the game, but a spectator who bought the seat ticket closest to the game.

Today, there are some changes in the personnel at the VIP table.

Next to Ning Fengzhi, there was an old man who looked like a mummy, and it was Bone Douluo who had met once at Shrek.

And similarly, beside Platinum Bishop Salas, there is also a strong man!

This big man was at least two and a half meters tall. He looked like a giant. The muscles all over his body were like rugged rocks intertwined, making the whole person look like a big mountain with a strong momentum.

Zhao Wuji, who was sitting in his seat, was a little surprised and said: "Old money fan, look who that is."

"Who is it?" Flanders was imagining Shrek punching Cang Hui and kicking Weevil to reach the top of the competition. He was too confused to react, but when he followed Zhao Wuji's gaze to the rostrum, he smiled slightly. A frightening look suddenly flashed through his narrowed eyes.

"The sky is shaking? I didn't expect this old immortal to be here too. It seems that he has boarded the big ship of Wuhun Palace."

Although Flanders has no grudge against Wuhun Palace, his good brothers have suffered a lot from Wuhun Palace, so he doesn't have a good impression of Wuhun Palace as a whole.

Gu Rong looked at Hu Yanzhen next to Salas with some surprise, "How come the Elephant Armor Sect suddenly favored the Spirit Hall?"

"It's not surprising. Since the Haotian Sect was sealed, the trees have fallen and the hozens have dispersed. It's normal for the lower four sects to have their own little ideas."

A trace of worry flashed in Ning Fengzhi's eyes. Wuhun Palace has become more and more powerful in recent years, and has also received the support of the next four sects. The situation is getting harder and harder to see clearly, and it seems that we need to make more preparations.

"The first game of the second round of the competition qualifiers, Shrek Academy vs. Elephant Academy, begins!"

Both sides completed the possession of martial spirits in an instant, and the leader Hu Yanli, who had turned into a three-meter-tall little giant, shouted: "Form the Big Dipper battle formation and crush these clowns!"

The seven people raised their right feet at the same time and stomped heavily on the ring. With a loud bang, like an ancient giant elephant, they charged towards Shrek.

Big Dipper Battle Formation, Giant Elephant Attack!

Seeing Hu Yanli arrange the team into a battle formation, Tang San smiled, "I didn't expect that there are still people in this world studying battle formations, but it's a pity that this battle formation is too crude."

The soul rings shone brightly, and several pieces of blue silver grass were quietly tied around everyone's waists.

"Fat man!"

"Here we come!" Ma Hongjun's third soul ring glowed, wrapped in flames, and he successfully completed his transformation.

The greatly changed Ma Hongjun flapped his wings violently and directly brought his body into the air, and he held a piece of blue silver grass tightly in his hand.

Looking at the rapidly advancing giant elephant, Tang San shouted: "Inflate your energy and lighten your body!"

"Wake me up!" Ma Hongjun gritted his teeth, and his arms burst out with tyrannical power.

Under the surprised eyes of the audience and the rostrum, he actually took the entire team into the air.


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