Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 295: Better than Elephant Armor


Sparks flew everywhere, and the strong wind exploded!

Hu Yanli's left leg was red, and it was unclear how many blue and silver darts were inserted into his body.

The right leg looks very miserable. The horny armor on the surface is full of cracks, and few parts are intact. There is even a trace of black liquid flowing at the root of the thigh, which makes the male audience unable to help but cover it. Some part of the lower body.

Fifth breath, result: 770 acupoints.

At this time, two-thirds of the goal had been completed, but there was no trace of joy in Tang San's eyes. In time, Xuantian Gong kept healing the meridians, and his hands were still radiating pain like tearing, constantly reminding him that he had arrived. It's the limit.

Tang San gritted his teeth, "Sure enough, with my current cultivation and physical condition, using Tiannu to scatter flowers is still too much."

Although the goddess scattering flowers is the most common technique in the Tang sect, everyone from the headmaster to the handyman disciples will use it. But its upper limit is extremely high. One Thousand and One Nights, which ranks third in hidden weapon techniques, is its advanced version.

The most basic requirement of Fairy Flowers is to throw out twelve hidden weapons in one second. Even at the highest level, it can only cast seventy-two hidden weapons instantly. The Fairy Flowers used by Tang San at this time had already surpassed the ordinary level, and even more It's like using the technique of One Thousand and One Nights to activate this most basic hidden weapon technique.

Six breaths, result: 890 acupuncture points.

But Tang San couldn't help but cry out in pain at this moment. His wrist was swollen and dozens of bloody blue silver grass darts were slowly falling from his fingertips.

Tang San knew that he was no longer able to use hidden weapons, so he shouted: "Xiao Feng, speed up, it's going to be too late."

"There's enough time!"

The only acupuncture points on Hu Yanli's body were his back and head. Wang Xiaofeng took advantage of Hu Yanli's attack to successfully reach his back and launched the attack again, but without Tang San's help, it was a little slower.

Seventh breath, result: 990 acupuncture points.

Damn, each blow is too slow, and there is a place as big as the head, one breath is definitely not enough.

Wang Xiaofeng was heartbroken and his soul power burst out. A light green gourd vine quietly appeared on Hu Yanli's shoulder. It was tied to one ear, bent into a bow shape, and stretched tightly, like a big bow.

Wang Xiaofeng jumped up, and the gourd vine bent into an exaggerated arc. Hu Yanli felt his ears hurt, and his head couldn't stop tilting to the side.

The powerful soul power was condensed, and the fist of Wang Xiaofeng's right hand was like a big light bulb, shining brightly.


A black shadow flashed past and hit Hu Yanli's head hard. At this moment, except for soul masters with Soul Emperor level and above, no one else could detect his figure.

The leaders of each team suddenly showed fear.

The surging soul power turned into sharp force, piercing through the brain.

A strong explosion sounded.

Hu Yanli felt as if his head had been hit hard by a heavy object, his eyes turned black, and his body wanted to move, but he couldn't use any strength.

"This scene seems familiar." This inexplicable thought suddenly flashed through Hu Yanli's mind.

The eighth breath, one thousand and eighty acupuncture points, the acupoint sealing is completed.

"Where is it?" Tang San had already been prepared. The moment Wang Xiaofeng finished sealing the acupoint, he activated the Purple Demon Eye to its maximum.

Hu Yanli was immediately glanced at from head to toe.

A red and coquettish light lit up from Hu Yanli's ankle.

"No, why is it on the ankle?"

It seemed that even God was on the side of the Elephant Academy, with their ankles the farthest away from them, and one second was not enough.

Even Tang San, who had a tough heart, felt a little powerless at this time. Because he had to avoid Hu Yanli's attack, he was in mid-air at this time. Not to mention Wang Xiaofeng, who was still under Hu Yanli's attack just a second ago. head on.

Wang Xiaofeng did not give up. When he heard Tang San muttering to himself, he shouted: "Xiao San, lend me some strength."

Hearing Wang Xiaofeng's voice, Tang San unconsciously felt a surge of hope in his heart and responded loudly, "Here he comes!"

The soul ring shines, the blue silver grass, and entanglement are activated.

Strands of blue silver grass instantly wrapped around Wang Xiaofeng's arm. Tang San endured the pain in his wrist, pulled the end of the blue silver grass, swung it hard, and used Control Crane and Capture Dragon again to increase Wang Xiaofeng's speed.

Speed ​​up, speed up!

Wang Xiaofeng was not focused on anything else, just thinking about increasing the speed. Suddenly, a flash of enlightenment flashed in his heart, and the Shunbu on his feet was suddenly replaced by Baji Shun.

Wang Xiaofeng's figure in mid-air suddenly stopped.

Just when others think they are dazzled.

Click! Click!

Cracks appeared one after another on Hu Yanli's body, and soon they were all over his body.

At this time, there was an explosion on the field.

Boom, boom, boom!

The entire Soul Fighting Stage shook violently. Under the violent airflow, there was a roaring sound all around. The surrounding audience all bent down in the violent airflow. Some people quickly protected their hats and clothes, while others chased after him. Wearing a wig that was blown off by the strong wind.

"What's going on? I'm really worried." Shrek and the others clasped their hands together and couldn't help praying to heaven.

Hu Yanzhen opened his eyes wide and seemed to be able to see his grandson through the smoke.

Smoke and dust spread all over the place, and just as the audience stared blankly at the spirit fighting arena with their hearts raised, a cough suddenly sounded.

A dark shadow gradually emerged from the smoke.

When they saw the black shadow, the audience suddenly burst into loud exclamations.

Because the person who appeared in front of them was none other than Hu Yanli from Xiang Jia Academy.

Is a dark horse really just a dark horse?

Emperor Xue Ye, who was watching the game, shook his head. Platinum Bishop Salas and Hu Yanzhen laughed happily. Only Ning Fengzhi still kept smiling.

Just when the referee was about to announce the victory of Xiangjia Academy, Hu Yanli suddenly fell down and fell weakly under the ring.

This turn of events shocked everyone.

After a few seconds, two more students from the Elephant Academy flew out of the smoke and landed outside the venue.

Tang San was seen walking out of the smoke with blood on his arms and his back covered in blood. He looked at the referee with a smile and said, "Can we declare victory?"

"The continent's advanced soul master academy qualifiers, Shrek Academy's first-tier academy, the winner is - Shrek Academy!"

Emperor Xue Ye listened to the cheers of the audience and clapped with a smile: "It's so wonderful. Shrek actually defeated the elephant giant with only two people. There is a successor to the empire."

Ning Fengzhi glanced at Hu Yanzhen, who had a dull look on his face, and said with a smile: "What the hell, these little guys still have a lot to be desired."

Salas looked at Shrek who was celebrating and hugging Tang San and Wang Xiaofeng, and said with an ugly face: "Master Huyan, you have interfered with this competition, no matter what, you must be punished."

Hu Yanzhen recovered from his sluggishness, but he didn't know that he was using the rules of the competition to punish himself for not doing things well.

"Yes, Hu Yanzhen is willing to be punished."

One day later, the elite tournament official posted a notice, which roughly stated that Hu Yanzhen had been severely punished for affecting the event during the tournament.

Time returns to the present.

Off the field.

Wang Xiaofeng's breath was barely audible, and Oscar opened his mouth and stuffed the sausage into it.

Oscar looked at Wang Xiaofeng, who was covered in blood, and asked the master on the side: "It is better to leave this kind of injury to the Wuhun Hall. Eating sausages will only ensure that the injury will not worsen."

The injuries on Wang Xiaofeng's body looked too miserable. There was nothing but blood on his body. No wonder Oscar said this.

The master waved his hand and said, "Take it back first and then talk about it."


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