Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 296: The truth is also false when it is fake

The day before Shrek Academy played against Elephant Academy.

The Master's Office.

Flender hurriedly pushed the door open and said loudly: "Master, look at what this is."

As he said that, he raised the golden envelope in his hand and said, "I'm going to make a lot of money this time. Get dressed up quickly and come with me to perform in a play tonight."

After saying that, Flanders realized that in the small office, in addition to the master, there was Tang San standing aside. He coughed slightly and calmed down his exaggerated look just now.

Then he said as if explaining to Tang San: "Salas, the Platinum Bishop of Wuhun Palace, invited us to a banquet tonight. The letter also mentioned unconditionally supporting Shrek. This is a good opportunity to make extra money."

"It just so happens that Mistress is here, please go and inform Xiaofeng and the others."

However, the reactions of Grandmaster and Tang San were not as exciting as Flanders imagined, but remained silent.

Flanders: "What's the matter? I'm just going to act. I know Wuhundian had some grudges with you in the past. This time it's just right. Not only can I spend their money, but I can also make them suffer unspeakably, killing two birds with one stone." .”

After a while, Tang San shook his head and said: "Sorry, Dean, I don't want to go..."

The master just explained to Tang San that his father had not really abandoned him all these years, and all the clues were vaguely pointing to Wuhun Palace, so at this moment, he did not want to stay with his enemy, even if it was just to be polite. Seek perfection.

"Fland, this is not the first day you have dealt with Wuhun Palace. With Wuhun Palace's temperament, it is impossible for him to take advantage of you in vain. If you eat this meat, it will be difficult to spit it out."

The master shook his head and said: "This time, I am on Xiaosan's side."

"Okay." Flanders thought about it carefully, and he really didn't think it through thoroughly. After getting the letter from Wuhun Palace, he was also shocked by Wuhun Palace's generosity and lost his sense of proportion for a moment.


In a gorgeous palace, there is the largest banquet hall in the middle.

Salas closed his eyes, as if waiting for someone silently.

Suddenly, an attendant hurried over and whispered: "Sir, someone has sent this letter, saying it is for you."

"Yes." Salas took the letter and waved his hand, and the attendant immediately lowered his head and stood aside.

It read: "Honorable Bishop Salas: Flanders was flattered by the invitation from the Bishop. Unexpectedly, they had eaten dirty food at noon, and everyone was in poor health and could not attend the appointment. I am deeply sorry. I will visit you to apologize in the future. I hope the Bishop will Sir Haihan."

At the end, Flanders also specially drew an image of himself deeply apologizing. The vivid appearance made Salas look like Flanders was mocking himself.

At this moment, the attendant next to him reported the news: "Sir, after the Shrek Academy competition ended yesterday, Prince Xue Qinghe and Ning Fengzhi of the Qibao Glazed Sect summoned Tang San."

The letter in his hand quietly turned into ashes, and Salas showed a smile: "Flanders, this is your choice."

"Go, send someone to Elephant Armor Academy to ask the Huyan Sect Master to come over. Just tell him that I have something to ask him to talk to."

"Yes!" The attendant quietly exited the banquet hall.

One day later, Elephant Academy was disappointingly eliminated by Shrek.

Salas looked at Tang San's scarred arms, and then saw Wang Xiaofeng covered in blood being carried on a stretcher by Dai Mubai and Oscar, and hurriedly ran to the lounge.

The anger in his heart subsided unconsciously. Although Hu Yanzhen, an idiot, did not save the face of Wuhun Palace, it also caused Shrek to be severely damaged and his trump card was revealed, which made up for some losses.

Oscar shouted while carrying it: "Xiao Feng, hold on, you will be fine."

Dai Mubai nodded desperately: "Yes, we will definitely find the best doctor for you."

Seeing Shrek and his group disappear from sight, teachers and students from other colleges breathed a sigh of relief. They had to say that whether Elephant Academy or Shrek Academy won, it was not the scene they wanted to see. It would be best if both sides suffered losses. .

As soon as he entered Shrek's exclusive lounge, Wang Xiaofeng jumped off the stretcher in an instant, picked up the martial spirit and started drinking water.

Everyone looked unsurprised.

Only Ma Hongjun, holding his cane, looked at the lively Wang Xiaofeng in surprise, with tears streaming down his face and his mouth wide open in shock. No matter how you looked at it, it was funny.

"Xiao Feng, you, aren't you seriously injured?"

Oscar said speechlessly: "That's all just for the other teams to see. Fatty, you won't believe it."

Ma Hongjun quickly wiped his eyes with his thick, bandaged hands, "No, these are my tears of joy of victory."

Wang Xiaofeng hugged Ma Hongjun: "If it weren't for Fatty's sincere performance, it would be really difficult to deceive those old foxes. You guys, your acting is really too exaggerated."

Dai Mubai quickly pushed the blame: "There is nothing we can do. The dean suddenly asked us to perform. It's like rushing a duck to the stage. It's too difficult for others."

After learning the truth, Ma Hongjun was not angry. Instead, he touched the blood on Wang Xiaofeng's body curiously: "Your blood is so real. Where did you get it?"

Tang San showed an inexplicable smile: "You have to thank Hu Yanli for this."

Ma Hongjun nodded in realization, but unfortunately his confused eyes revealed the fact that he didn't understand it at all.

Sometimes Ma Hongjun is incredibly smart, and sometimes he is so cute and silly. Sometimes Wang Xiaofeng wonders if he is pretending to be stupid on purpose.

"Okay, okay, I just took this opportunity to hide Xiaofeng and Hongjun. Hongjun was too showy in these two games, and Xiaofeng was even more of a mistress to turn the tide, even defeating the full body Hu Yanli with the soul bone. "

"It's all Xiao San's fault. He said he could beat him." Wang Xiaofeng quickly said that he would not take the blame.

The master said: "Fortunately, Xiaofeng, you didn't show your martial spirit. Everyone regards you as an agility-based soul master, so your trump card is not a flop and can continue to be hidden."

Wang Xiaofeng shrugged: "Anyway, my injury won't heal in less than ten days and a half."

The master smiled: "I haven't congratulated you yet for defeating the Elephant Academy."

Everyone looked at each other, and Dai Mubai was the first to extend his right hand, followed closely by Wang Xiaofeng, Tang San, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, Oscar, Ning Rongrong, Tailong, Huang Yuan, Jiangzhu, and Jing Ling.

Finally, it was Ma Hongjun who raised his oval-shaped right hand with great difficulty.

"Shrek, we must win!"

In the corner, Canghui Academy looked at the audience that had ended for a long time, and there were still people shouting Shrek, with gloomy expressions on their faces.

Neither Xiang Jia Academy nor Tian Dou Team 2 can defeat them.

But these two teams, which they thought were invincible, both lost to Shrek Academy, which was simply unimaginable.

Can such an invincible Shrek really be able to defeat them when he fights against them?

"Don't worry." Shi Nian put his hands behind his back and glanced at them lightly, "You just need to continue playing. I will help you with the rest."

"is teacher."


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