Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 297 This chapter is simply a transitional chapter

The next day, Wang Xiaofeng did not follow everyone to the field to watch the game.

In the eyes of others, he was now seriously injured, so he had no choice but to practice in the dormitory with Ma Hongjun. Even the meals were delivered by Oscar.

"It's so boring to stay in the dormitory. I really want to go out and play." Ma Hongjun wrapped the quilt around him and rolled around on Wang Xiaofeng's bed.

Wang Xiaofeng said while practicing: "Then find something to do, such as cleaning the dormitory."

Ma Hongjun curled his lips and said, "You think I'm so stupid. This is your and Oscar's dormitory, not mine. Unless you treat me to a big dinner, there's no need to talk."

"Even if I treat you to dinner, it will be a week later. Why don't I treat you to the cafeteria? You can eat whatever you want."

"Forget it, I'm tired of eating in the cafeteria." Ma Hongjun wrapped himself in a quilt again and rolled around wildly, "I want to be free, I want to go out and play."

Ever since he was strictly prohibited from leaving school by the master yesterday, Ma Hongjun has become like this. No one can persuade him to do anything. Then after everyone unanimously agreed, everyone left him to Wang Xiaofeng.

Anyway, both of them can't go out due to injuries, so let's take care of this idiot.

Just as Wang Xiaofeng continued to endure Ma Hongjun's harassment, Oscar suddenly opened the dormitory door and walked in, "Haha, fat man, look what I brought you."

"Oscar, you're finally here, I'm almost suffocated to death." Ma Hongjun's eyes lit up when he saw the food box in Oscar's hand, his nose moved slightly, and he blurted out: "This is the smell of roast chicken!"

"Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from your pig nose."

As soon as the food box was opened, there was indeed a roast chicken inside. Oscar took it out and placed various side dishes on the table.

Wang Xiaofeng slowly withdrew his martial soul, felt a trace of soul power growing in his body, and nodded with satisfaction.

Although there is no system panel, he can still detect the progress of his soul power with his strong mental power.

It is because he can intuitively feel the continuous improvement of his strength that Wang Xiaofeng can endure the loneliness of cultivation. Otherwise, like studying soul skills, he will get stuck for some reason, and it will be difficult for people to maintain the motivation to persist in studying.

The long-range attack soul skill that Wang Xiaofeng has been studying is stuck at the stage where the attack power of the soul power is insufficient.

There is no way to solve this problem for the time being, so Wang Xiaofeng can only focus on improving his cultivation. Maybe when his cultivation reaches a certain level, this problem will be solved naturally.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Oscar who was competing for roast chicken with Ma Hongjun, and asked with some confusion: "Oscar, why are you back so early today?"

Because his home territory is very close to the competition venue, Shrek Academy always arrives at the right time. However, they just sent him out of the dormitory an hour ago. Why did he come back so soon?

In the end, Oscar only grabbed half a chicken wing, took a bite and said: "Hey, I'm lucky today. I was assigned to be among the first batch to play. The opposite Rogge Academy was so bad that they were all eliminated in less than a minute. , so I came back early.”

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head: "No, I'm surprised that you didn't go on a date with Rongrong today."

Oscar snorted coldly and said, "Do you think my consciousness is that low in your heart?" "Women are like clothes, and brothers are like brothers and sisters. Of course you are more important in my heart."

Ma Hongjun, whose mouth was full of oil after eating, patted Oscar's shoulder with his greasy right hand and said happily: "Oscar, you will be my Ma Hongjun's best brother from now on."

Oscar quickly slapped his greasy hands away: "Stop disgusting me."

Although it was still some time before noon, Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but pick up the bowls and chopsticks and join the crowd of people scrambling to eat.

The truth is certainly not what Oscar said.

It's different.

Tiandou City, Fontaine Street.

This street is the largest shopping street in Tiandou City. From six-year-old children to ninety-year-olds, everyone has heard of the name of this street.

Because of the elite tournament, the sidewalks were lined with stalls.

Some were barbecuing, some were pushing stalls selling corn, some were performing acrobatics, and some were selling jelly and dough snacks.

Some sell toys, some sell drinks, they really have everything.

And as time goes by, the flow of people continues to increase.

"Look, Xiao Wu, this hairpin is so beautiful." Ning Rongrong picked up a wooden hairpin from the stall and said to Xiao Wu beside her with a smile.

I also tried to insert it into the already long hair.

"Well, it looks pretty." Xiao Wu said, picking up one and trying to put it in her hair, "Brother, look at it, does it look good?"

Tang San held various boxes stacked high and kept nodding his head: "It looks good, it looks good."

Although the hairpins are made of poor material, it can be seen that the owners who made these things are very attentive. The flowers, birds, fish, insects, birds and animals carved on them are carefully carved and lifelike.

It can be said to be a rare masterpiece.

The owner of the stall couldn't help but show off: "Girl, these were carved by my nephew. If you want to buy them, buy them early. If you don't buy them later, they will be gone."

It was okay for the boss to say this, because in a short period of time, he sold three more hairpins.

Ning Rongrong nodded, took out a handful of gold soul coins and said, "Boss, I bought it. You can wrap up the rest to see if the money is enough."

"More, more." The boss carefully took out a gold soul coin from it. Just when he was about to change the money, Ning Rong waved his hand directly, "Boss, there is no need to look for it. Add another gold soul coin. You can put this stall Just give it to us."

How much is this poor cart worth? The boss was very happy. He didn't know that he had met a noble person. He quickly thanked him: "Thank you, girl, thank you, girl."

Tang San placed the various boxes carefully and neatly on the trolley, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

He rubbed his sore shoulders and thought to himself: Damn Oscar, he actually used Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun as an excuse. It's really enviable.

"Brother, come quickly." Xiao Wu's voice came from the distance, and Tang San loudly replied: "Coming."

Then he pushed the cart awkwardly, moving with difficulty in the crowded narrow sidewalk.


In the afternoon, when Oscar saw Tang San slowly pushing various things like hills back to the academy, he couldn't help but praise his own cleverness.

Fortunately, he had an idea at that time, otherwise his small arms and legs would not be able to withstand such a high-intensity shopping.

That's right, from Oscar's point of view, shopping at this time of the Elite Tournament is simply hell-level difficulty.

"Oscar, you seem very proud."

His right ear suddenly hurt. Oscar immediately put away his smile and said with a grimace: "It hurts, it hurts, Rongrong, I was wrong."

"What's wrong?"


Seeing Oscar's miserable state, the resentment in Tang San's heart immediately dissipated.

"Brother, look, I bought you a lot of things."

Watching Xiao Wu looking for things in the small mountain of gift boxes, Tang San also showed a wry smile. After shopping for a day, there were only one or two things in the pile that Xiao Wu bought for him. At this time, he had to deal with so many If you look for it in things, isn't that a sin?

Tang San, who couldn't bear to be scolded, could only follow helplessly, looking for each item one by one.

Wang Xiaofeng opened the window, looked at the bustle downstairs, and sighed: "Oh, the air is filled with the sour smell of love."


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