Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 299 Oscar’s Story

Fengpo Academy's protest did not affect Shrek Academy's winning streak.

And because he lost a main student and had to be a substitute, he lost three games in a row against Shrek Academy, Canghui Academy and Nulton Advanced Soul Master Academy, and went directly to the bottom of the rankings.

Two days later, the seventh round of the Classic.

In the morning, Shrek and his group left Shrek Academy and walked excitedly towards the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena.

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Ma Hongjun couldn't stand the boredom in the dormitory, so he went to stay in a mimicry training environment.

Without the annoying noise constantly ringing in his ears, Wang Xiaofeng could finally have some quiet time.

The winter sunshine turned Wang Xiaofeng beside the window into gold, and the gourd floated in front of him and slowly rotated.

I don't know how many times it has been weakened, but it is still difficult for people to absorb and utilize the true sun fire, which turns into a wisp of golden light and flows into the gourd's mouth.

Although ninety-nine percent of it was absorbed by the gourd itself, there was still a trace of residue flowing into the body, slowly tempering the bones and raising the upper limit.

Wang Xiaofeng thought he would have a quiet morning, but an hour later...

"Xiao Feng, someone committed suicide again." Oscar, who came back early with two bags of food, said seriously.

Wang Xiaofeng calmly took out a sesame seed cake from the food bag, took a bite and said, "Where is the security team responsible for maintaining order and ensuring the safety of the players? What do you say over there?"

"What else can you say? Let us not worry. If it is man-made, then they guarantee that they will find the murderer in time and ensure the safety of the players." Oscar curled his lips, obviously disgusted with this official excuse.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Oscar carefully and looked a little confused: "Oscar, there is something wrong with you. You seem to be too concerned about this suicide case."

"Sorry." Oscar's body suddenly stiffened, and he stretched out his hand to rub his eyes, as if he remembered something: "Because my uncle also committed suicide inexplicably like this."

Oscar sat on the bed and began to slowly tell his story: "It was the winter fourteen years ago, when I was only three years old, and I was happily shopping with my parents."

"Then while walking, I found that my parents had disappeared, and the lively streets were suddenly deserted, as if they had turned into a ghost town."

"I was so scared that I ran and ran and ran, but I could never get out of the street. Just when I felt desperate, my uncle suddenly appeared in front of me and took me out of the deserted place. street."

"At that time, my uncle looked very panicked, as if he was being chased by someone. Then I was shaken by him and passed out. When I woke up again, it was my parents who shook me awake, and my uncle was beside me. Died far away."

Oscar looked a little sad, "I was found in the trash can by my parents, and after examination, my uncle's death was also judged to be suicide."

Oscar wiped his tears: "Although there seems to be no connection, my intuition tells me that this is done by the same person."

Wang Xiaofeng wiped the oil stains on his hands: "Are you so sure it was homicide? Where is the evidence?"

"In my impression, when my uncle hugged me, his left hand was holding something, but then it disappeared." Oscar said with great certainty: "It means that the person who chased my uncle at that time must have come from him. I got what I wanted, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to let me go, even if I didn’t see anything.”

Indeed, if Oscar's uncle had put that thing together with Oscar at that time, after that person killed someone, he would definitely search around if he couldn't find it, and Oscar would definitely not be alive today.

"After I became a great soul master, I even checked it out. With my identity as an auxiliary soul master, I actually found some clues from the incomplete newspaper."

Oscar said, taking out a stack of yellow paper from the soul guide bracelet, with some incomprehensible times and events scrawled on it.

"Look, this is my uncle's mercenary group. This is the time when my uncle committed suicide." Oscar pointed to two unrelated time points.

"What's the connection between this?" Wang Xiaofeng raised his eyebrows at the right time.

"It doesn't seem to have any connection this way, but add it up."

Oscar placed a yellowed newspaper in front of Wang Xiaofeng. Wang Xiaofeng picked it up and read the title: "Shocked, a seven-man mercenary group actually hunted a fifty-thousand-year-old soul beast."

"This is a report from a small town in the Star Dou Forest fourteen years ago, and my parents also said that two months before my uncle committed suicide, their mercenary group was very lucky to encounter an old Thousand-year-old soul beast, and then I tried my best to grab a head from the group of soul beasts."

Wang Xiaofeng touched his chin: "So..."

"Yes, everyone in the mercenary group committed suicide one after another, and my uncle was the last one."

"It sounds very much like the curse of a ten thousand year soul beast." Ma Hongjun, who came over at some unknown time, was skillfully opening the bag, taking out the sesame seed cakes and eating them with relish.

Looking at the bag of food in front of him that was missing half of the food, it looked like it had been there for a while.

"Compared to the illusory curse, I am more inclined to think that they have found a treasure that makes people jealous." Wang Xiaofeng squinted his eyes and said softly: "Is there anything more jealous than a soul bone?"

Oscar nodded: "My guess is exactly the same as Xiaofeng's."

Only then did Ma Hongjun react: "Wow, a 50,000-year-old head soul bone?"

"If your intuition is correct, then this killer in the dark is an old pervert with a lower-level Soul Saint, a higher-level Titled Douluo, and a 50,000-year-old soul bone."

Wang Xiaofeng rolled his eyes, "I advise you not to ask for trouble. Killing you for this kind of person is as easy as accidentally stepping on an ant."

"I look like that kind of person." Oscar watched Ma Hongjun keep nodding, and said speechlessly: "I cherish my life, but I want to find more clues, otherwise I don't know when the next encounter will be. .”

Oscar's phantom intestine can be seen through by soul masters who are ten levels higher than himself. Judging from his confident look, he should not act recklessly.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it was the ninth round of the elite competition, which was the tenth day of the competition.

Because of Shrek Academy's powerful suppression, the opponents in today's match decisively surrendered before the match even started.

Oscar crossed his legs and lay on the sofa: "Oh, it feels so good not to have to play, and you can watch the game for free."

"That's right." Flanders walked in carrying a thick stack of flyers, "Since you are so free, go outside and hand out flyers to me."

"Oscar!" Looking at the angry looks in everyone's eyes, Oscar quickly raised his hands: "Don't slap me in the face, okay?"


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