Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 300: Distributing flyers and meeting acquaintances

"Oscar, you are such a crow." Ning Rongrong snorted coldly, pinched the soft flesh of someone's waist and twisted it hard. Oscar suddenly sat upright and took a deep breath.

Seeing Oscar's unlucky look, everyone burst into laughter.

Flanders said angrily: "If you laugh enough, send me flyers as soon as possible. You can get several gold soul coins every minute." After saying that, he carried a thick pile of flyers and walked out of the door.

Everyone looked at each other and could only follow Flanders obediently out of the big spirit fighting arena.

As soon as they arrived outside, everyone saw two familiar figures.

"Xiao Feng, Fatty, why are you two here?"

Oscar looked at Wang Xiaofeng, who was sitting in a wheelchair like a rice dumpling, and then at Ma Hongjun, who was on crutches. Both of them were holding a thick stack of leaflets in their hands, and they laughed out loud: "Who the hell had this idea? Let you two come out to distribute leaflets."

Flender pinched Oscar's ears and shouted loudly: "I am the devil you are talking about. What, is there a problem!"

"No problem..." Oscar was shocked and dizzy.

Wang Xiaofeng explained to everyone with a wry smile: "Master felt that it was unreasonable for us to not show up all the time, so he agreed to the dean's arrangement and let us come out to distribute leaflets."

"Don't waste time. Each of you get a bunch of them. Don't come back today until you finish distributing them." Flanders each handed out flyers half as tall as a person, then looked at Tang San Xiaowu who was tired of being together, and said Dai Mubai, who was courting Zhu Zhuqing, said angrily: "Don't get tired of hanging out together, work separately for me!"

After the arrangement was completed, Flanders walked away without acknowledging his relatives, "Oh! These little bastards are really heart-breaking..."

Dai Mubai flipped the flyer in his hand and shook his head: "I always feel that after coming to Tiandou City, the dean regards money as his life even more."

Wang Xiaofeng said with a smile: "Isn't this a good thing? At least you are motivated. Otherwise, like before, you will stay in that little shabby shop every day and you will get into trouble."

"That's right." Dai Mubai nodded. In the past, Flanders couldn't see anyone all day long, and he couldn't even be found except when he was in class. Now at least I can instruct students to make money.

"Stop complaining. Even the wounded like us are out working. What else do you have to complain about?"

Ma Hongjun was limping on crutches and handing out leaflets to passers-by, as if to make strangers more willing to accept the leaflets. There was also a small wooden sign tied to the plaster on Ma Hongjun's left hand, which read in bright red characters: 'The body is disabled but the mind is strong, we are self-reliant, please support'

"I can only say that he is worthy of being a master and disciple." Tang San shook his head, said something to Xiao Wu, and then walked in another direction alone, apparently wanting to complete Flanders' mission quickly.

The others thought the same thing, holding the thick leaflets and walking in different directions. Soon only the weak duo were left.

Wang Xiaofeng followed Ma Hongjun's example and tied a similar wooden sign behind his wheelchair. Since his face was covered by the bandage, he would not be recognized by acquaintances.

Not to mention, Ma Hongjun's method worked quite well. Soon, Wang Xiaofeng lost a lot of flyers on his legs. Judging from the speed of distribution, this unfortunate task could be completed in less than an hour.

It's a pity that if we can't be extremely happy, extreme happiness will lead to sadness.

A familiar voice sounded behind Wang Xiaofeng.

"Xiao Feng? You are Xiao Feng, right."

Before Wang Xiaofeng could react, a figure rushed in front of Wang Xiaofeng and touched his body excitedly: "Aren't you participating in a competition? Why are you doing this, and you are also handing out small advertisements!"

"Brother Feng..." Wang Xiaofeng held the flyer at a loss and struggled to speak out.

You don't need to guess, Wang Feng must have imagined him at this time: an aspiring young man who is poor and lonely outside, but very strong on the inside, does not reveal any difficulties to his family, and still faces life with a smile.

The most embarrassing thing in the world is this time. At this moment, Wang Xiaofeng simply wanted to die.

‘If I had known that I would meet Brother Feng’s family today, I would have severely rejected Flanders’ request. ’

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine.

"Brother Feng..."

Before Wang Xiaofeng finished speaking, he was interrupted by Wang Feng, "Xiaofeng, I will send you home now. Don't worry, no matter how much money we spend, we will definitely cure you."

As he said this, he wanted to push Wang Xiaofeng away, but he found that this wheelchair seemed a bit heavy? !

"Brother Feng!" Wang Xiaofeng looked at the pedestrians who were starting to gather around him, looked at them curiously, and said quickly: "This is not the place to talk. Let's change places."

"Yes, yes." Wang Feng patted his head. This place was indeed not the place to talk. With all his strength, he pushed Wang Xiaofeng and slowly walked towards the restaurant not far away.

When they arrived outside the restaurant, before Wang Feng could take a breath, a woman holding a child came over and scolded: "Well, Wang Feng, you went to buy something and it took you so long. Are you in this big city?" I'm fascinated by the colorful flowers. Do you want to abandon us, mother and son..."

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Wang Feng in surprise as he kept apologizing to his wife. He didn't expect Brother Feng to keep his word and actually bring his whole family to watch his game.

After scolding Wang Feng for half an hour, the woman discovered Wang Xiaofeng sitting in a wheelchair and asked in a low voice: "Where did you find this disabled... patient?"

Wang Feng calmed down, and then realized that he had forgotten Wang Xiaofeng, and quickly introduced: "This is Xiaofeng."

The woman said in surprise: "Xiao Feng? Isn't he participating in the elite competition? How could he do this?"

"Hey, sister-in-law, Brother Feng, please go to the restaurant first." Wang Xiaofeng quickly interrupted the two of them.

In the private room of the restaurant, Wang Xiaofeng talked all kinds of things, said it three times, and even performed a backflip of eighteen consecutive times himself, which shocked the little kid so hard that his hands turned red. The couple then believed that Wang Xiaofeng's body was intact. Nothing happened.

"So it's because your unscrupulous dean exploited the students' labor force to make money, that's why you pretended to be disabled and distributed leaflets."

"That's right." Wang Xiaofeng nodded.

In order not to be exposed, it's up to you, Dean, to take the blame.

"Hey, who's talking about me?" Flanders, who was far away in Shrek, wiped his nose and began to slowly count the gold soul coins on the table.

"Let's not talk about that, Brother Feng, didn't you say you only came to watch my game in the finals? How come the qualifiers are here right now." Wang Xiaofeng said a little confused.

Wang Feng said with some embarrassment: "Ahem, the main purpose is to come over to watch your game and then have some fun."

"I see."


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