Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 301 Dreams and Counterattack

At the same time, other friends who were distributing flyers used their own unique skills to achieve their goals.

On the busy street, Oscar held a plate of sausages in his left hand, waved a flyer in his right hand, and shouted: "Delicious sausages are given away for free. As long as you get a flyer, you can eat a delicious sausage for free." ! Fragrant! Sausage! Don’t miss it when you’re passing by.”

Although the roar was hard, the thick stack of flyers at Oscar's feet was visibly declining.

There are even some grandparents who drag several people over just to get more sausages.

Human-to-human transmission. Soon, the uncles and aunts around knew that there was a young man giving away sausages for free, and they crowded around Oscar, grabbing the few remaining sausages and flyers. Such a hot scene made Oscar lose the energy to roar in the end. I can only numbly summon sausages.

An hour later, Oscar looked like a downtrodden little girl, stroking the messy clothes on her body miserably, "I should be the first to complete the task."

In this regard, Ning Rongrong, who was the first to complete the task, had something to say.

an hour ago…

Ning Rongrong looked at the flyer in his hand and frowned.

"Distributing leaflets indiscriminately like this will not only damage the city's appearance and environment, but will also cause trouble to passers-by."

Therefore, in order to protect the environment and not affect others, Ning Rongrong decisively threw the pile of flyers in his hand into the trash can.

"Oh, I, the most beautiful girl in the mainland, am so smart." Ning Rongrong walked into a clothing store next to her with a smile.

Just as 'smart' as her is Xiao Wu.

After Xiao Wu got the flyer, she glanced at the crowd and suddenly had an idea.

I saw Xiao Wu's figure flashing quickly in the crowd, and within a minute, she had stuffed all the flyers in her hand.

"Little girl, what are you..." The middle-aged uncle looked at the flyer in his arms and was stunned.

"Don't look for me, the flyers are gone." Xiao Wu came to trouble her. He waved his hands quickly, the third soul ring on his body flashed, and the middle-aged man suddenly disappeared as soon as he closed and opened his eyes.

He was so frightened that he thought he had seen Gui during the day, and ran home with a pale face, forgetting to throw away the flyers in his arms.


"Ah, look, it's triplets handing out leaflets."

"Where, wow, these triplets are beautiful. This is the first time I've seen them."

In the busy street, a cry of surprise suddenly came.

It turns out that Zhu Zhuqing used his fourth soul skill to distribute flyers in order to speed up, so he had eye-catching triplets.

With his extremely good looks, hot figure, and avatars that ordinary people couldn't see, he soon gathered many men around him.

The leaflet in hand is a reduction visible to the naked eye.

But compared to Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Mubai was a bit miserable.

I saw him being blocked by a group of aunts, who were all trying to introduce girlfriends to him.

"What a handsome young man! How old are you? Where do you live?"

"Have you a girlfriend?"

"Hey, I was the one who spoke first! Young man, let me introduce to you the fourth daughter of my cousin's second sister-in-law's next-door neighbor. She is very beautiful. You will definitely like it."

Dai Mubai was about to cry, "I just want to send out a flyer..."


"Oh, it turned out that I came to visit my relatives. No wonder I traveled so far and lied to me that I came just to watch the game."

Wang Xiaofeng waved goodbye to Wang Feng's family. While eating, Wang Feng couldn't stand Wang Xiaofeng's teasing and finally revealed the purpose of his trip, which was to visit his mother-in-law's house.

It was a coincidence that Wang Feng's wife was originally a direct disciple of a small business family, but the young woman ran away overnight because she disobeyed her family's arrangements.

Finally, he met Wang Feng in the Wuhun Palace, got married and had children, and finally found peace of mind.

‘I always feel that this plot has an inexplicable familiarity. ’

Wang Xiaofeng tilted his head. The sky in the distance was already a little dark, but the leaflets in his hand had not been distributed yet. If he returned with such a thick stack, he would definitely be covered in Flanders' spit.

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaofeng felt a chill, so he found a direction with more people and pushed his wheelchair all the way there.

An hour later...

"Sir, please take a look. Qixiang Flower Dew has recently launched a new product. Now you can get a beautiful gift with this flyer."

"Really? Let me have a look."

After finally handing out the last leaflet in his hand, Wang Xiaofeng looked at the almost empty environment around him and sighed. He had unknowingly gone to an extremely remote location.

They had previously made an appointment to meet at the cold drink shop on Center Street in Douhunchang after handing out flyers. Now that the sun is setting, I don't know if they are still there.

"They should still be there. Maybe they'll be full and just waiting for me to pay the bill."

Just when Wang Xiaofeng was about to push the wheelchair away, a wave of soul power suddenly erupted from the woods not far away. Although the wave was not large and difficult to detect, Wang Xiaofeng still sensed it with his excellent mental power.

‘This soul power oppresses people so much, is it Soul Saint? ’

Wang Xiaofeng, who experienced Zhao Wuji's soul power oppression for half an hour every day, instantly figured out the level of the person who exploded with soul power, which was probably around level seventy-four.

Wang Xiaofeng, who had no intention of lying in the muddy water, suddenly thought of Oscar. A Soul Saint-level combat power appeared in such a remote place. Maybe he was the person who killed Uncle Oscar.

‘If you want to take a look from a distance, it’s not too late to leave before you see that person’s face’.

Wang Xiaofeng thought for a moment, and with his current strength, he should have no problem escaping. After all, the speed at which Baji-Shun erupted in an instant would definitely make it impossible for ordinary soul saints to react. If the time comes, he would be nowhere to be found if he just burrowed into the crowd.

The martial soul quietly appeared in the palm of his hand, and the four soul rings lit up one after another.

With the four major amplifications blessing himself, Wang Xiaofeng quickly climbed up a tree, his soul power gathered in his eyes, and the objects around him began to magnify rapidly.

"Haha, Tang San, you still can't escape my grasp after all, commit suicide quickly, commit suicide!"

Not far away, Shi Nian was activating the Remnant Dream Martial Spirit. Nightmare-like ghosts were wrapped around Tang San's body, and traces of blood continued to flow from the corners of his mouth.

Tang San was trembling all over, his face was pale, and he looked like he had been severely tortured. At this time, he was holding a sharp dagger in his hand and kept gesticulating on his neck. It seemed that his spirit was struggling with the nightmare. struggle.

"Suicide, commit suicide quickly." Shi Nian showed a ferocious smile. What he liked most was watching geniuses fall into his hands in the most miserable manner.

Suddenly, Shi Nian turned his head and looked in an empty direction: "Who actually saw through my nightmare and illusion!"

"good chance!"

Tang San had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. The Purple Demonic Eyes instantly activated, and a golden light instantly pierced the entire illusion.

A crisp cracking sound sounded quietly.

Shi Nian let out a painful groan, the illusion was broken, and he also suffered a lot of backlash.

Tang San, who was originally lying on the ground, slapped the ground with his left hand, and instantly jumped up. His body turned 180 degrees in mid-air, and with the power of this half-turn, his entire right arm was thrown out violently, and dozens of hidden weapons swarmed around him. And out.

Shi Nian endured the discomfort in his head and mustered up his energy to build a soul shield. The hidden weapon crackled on it without breaking the defense at all.

"Do you think I haven't seen your competition? You showed this unique soul skill in the Elephant Armor Academy match." Shi Nian showed a ferocious smile, "Although I don't know how a mere soul sect can break through me. It’s an illusion, but it doesn’t matter, I can pry this secret out of your mouth soon.”

Unfortunately, Shi Nian did not notice that among the numerous hidden weapons, there was a silent black light that had quietly broken through the shield and scratched his finger.

Of course, it's possible that he noticed it, but he didn't care at all. After all, in his mind, it was just a small wound that would heal itself in less than a minute.

Ominous black soul power surged around Shi Nian. Tang San snorted coldly under the pressure of this soul power, his body trembling unconsciously. However, in such a dangerous situation, the corners of his mouth slightly raised. Wan, "It's funny, I actually discovered your illusion from the beginning."

"What!" Shi Nian's expression changed.

"Your fantasy allowed me to see the person I had been feeling guilty about, and I also settled a matter on my mind, even though it was fake."

"Go to hell!"

Shi Nian didn't want to hear Tang San's voice, and under his control, countless nightmares rushed towards Tang San.

"Three...two...one, down!"

"What did you do to me?" Shi Nian looked at his hands that had turned pitch black and was about to say something, but the next second, his whole body suddenly turned into black water and disappeared.

Tang San's face was so pale that he leaned against the big tree and sat down slowly.

Suddenly, there was a slight sound of footsteps.


"Um, did I come at the wrong time?" Wang Xiaofeng quietly revealed his head from behind the tree, with an innocent look in his eyes.


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