Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 379: Die together

Dai Mubai shouted loudly, and all the soul power in his body exploded, and the golden light shined brightly in the sky.

The God Lock Ring flashed through cracks and made an overwhelming creaking sound.

'How can it be? ’

Under the stage, Lei Dong, who was holding back his sleepiness, stood up in surprise. Even if the lightning attached to it was not included, the God Locking Ring was still a powerful single-body control soul skill. It would be impossible for an opponent of the same level to use it in just three seconds. Can break free.

Bang! ! !

Under Lei Dong's disbelieving gaze, the God Locking Ring turned into dots of blue light and dissipated in the air.

Dai Mubai then stepped forward, lowered his waist, and punched!

The little giant was not to be outdone, and countless thunder exploded under his feet!

Countless fist shadows suddenly shot out from around the two men, as if countless cannonballs were shot out at the same time.

"Wood big wood big wood big wood big."

The air trembled, and countless fists collided with each other.

The sand and rocks within tens of meters around the two people suddenly shook, like huge waves on the sea, rising several feet high!

It was like a huge mushroom cloud, spreading in the sky.


The howling north wind blew away the huge dust, revealing two figures standing and kneeling in the smoke.

Dai Mubai half-knelt on the pitted ground, panting heavily, his evil eyes fixed on the figure as tall as a mountain in front of him.

The giant-like man in front of him was undoubtedly the most difficult enemy Dai Mubai had ever encountered in terms of strength, defense, attack speed, and combat awareness.

"Dai Mubai, you are indeed qualified to be Yu Tianxin's opponent." A dull voice came from his ear, and Dai Mubai's pupils narrowed.

He took action.

The soul ring bloomed with light, and the giant-like man instantly punched forward with lightning, but it missed.

A sonic boom sounded from under his fist, and before he could turn around, the sound of footsteps and the sound of muscle tearing rang out beside him.

At a distance of ten meters, no one could clearly see how Dai Mubai jumped over, except that the clothes of the man behind him tore and flew, revealing three huge blood holes below that were deep enough to show bone.

The giant expressionlessly used his soul power to control the muscles around the wound to squirm slightly, and the bloody mouth soon stopped bleeding under the squeeze of the muscles.

If the giant's face hadn't been a little pale, others wouldn't have been able to tell that he had been injured just now.

"What a monster."

Dai Mubai cursed secretly, activated his soul power again, and pounced out like a tiger.

The 'giant' didn't dare to be careless, the soul ring shone, thunder and lightning burst, and the giant fist was blessed by soul skills.

In an instant, the huge storm produced by the collision of the two shot out in all directions at the same time, blowing away the surrounding white smoke and vacating a circular and clean area.

The little giant's eyes widened with anger, and his stern face was full of shock and unbelievable expression.

After all, Dai Mubai had fought twice in a row, and his soul power and physical strength were already running low, but now he could still fight him back and forth.

He could clearly see that Dai Mubai became more energetic the more he fought, and his combat power increased instead of falling.

"We can't delay it any longer, we must deal with him as soon as possible."

There was another collision between fists, like a substantial air wave, once again pushing away the surrounding sand and gravel.

Dai Mubai took advantage of the opponent's strength to take a dozen steps back and got a chance to breathe.

However, the opponent did not follow closely and pursue him like before. Instead, he stood on the spot, with the four soul rings on his body shining slightly, as if he was holding back some special move.

Head-to-head, I like it.

Dai Mubai grinned and poured the remaining soul power into the third soul ring.

The thousand-year soul ring suddenly exuded a coquettish purple light.

The 'giant' man was the first to gather his soul power, so he released his soul skills a bit faster than Dai Mubai.

The fourth soul skill Thunder Armor is superimposed with the third soul skill Crazy Thunder Blast.

Super powerful thunder burst out from his body, and the surrounding gravel on the ground was levitated due to the strong magnetic force. The giant fist like a millstone carried countless electric snakes, breaking through the billowing airflow, and hit Dai Mubai three feet around his body. within!

But Dai Mubai did not dodge, and in the violent turbulence of the air, the blood-colored right claw on his waist bounced up, seemingly slow, but in fact it was extremely fast, and the oscillating space was like water, causing ripples. .

The white tiger tears out its claws!

Three bloody claw shadows met the opponent's thunderous punch.

The violent energy spread out, and the soul power suddenly exploded!

The arena, which was hundreds of feet wide, seemed to suddenly explode with thousands of thunders. The shattered field once again stirred up gravel and dust several feet high.


A figure flew out of the smoke, blood sprayed in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground outside the ring.

Before the referee could clearly see his identity, Zhu Zhuqing's exclamation revealed Dai Mubai's identity.

The referee quickly raised the flag in his hand: "Thunder Academy won this game..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Dai Mubai, who was lying outside the ring: "Referee, you... better... see... the situation clearly before announcing... the result."

Dai Mubai lay in Zhu Zhuqing's arms and finished speaking intermittently. Jiangzhu waved the healing staff to suppress Dai Mubai's serious injuries.

It doesn't matter if you wait. After all, it is Shrek's request, and this request is of great benefit to Thunder Academy (those who defend the ring can get some rest time).

The smoke gradually fell, and the audience looked at the situation on the field in disbelief.

I saw the 'giant' man lying on the ground and falling into a coma. Three claw marks extended from his shoulders to the roots of his thighs. His skin was torn open and countless blood was flowing down his body.

But he is not dead yet.

The tyranny of his physical body is evident.


There are two people left in Thunder Academy, one is captain Yu Tianxin, and on Shrek's side, only Wang Xiaofeng is left.

Dai Mubai was carried down by the medical staff to receive better treatment.

After all, if you just rely on Jiangzhu and Oscar, although you can cure it before the finals, it will waste more time in the entire treatment process.

"Three Soul Sect has been defeated in a row... It seems that my useless brother has grown up a lot during the time he ran away from home."

The dark figure under the cloak stretched and said, "You continue to collect information, I will go back first."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

The damage to the arena was too serious, unlike when Tang San and Huo Wu did it. They were the last ones of the day. Even if the melting ring blew up most of the arena, there would still be enough time to repair it.

Under the emergency repairs of high-level soul masters, the previous potholes were barely filled in, but there was no time to lay floor tiles that could withstand the power of the soul sect.

Wang Xiaofeng and the woman who was the third trump card of Thunder Academy walked onto the somewhat crude-looking arena.

"Qiuyue, forty-level control soul master, please give me your advice."

Wang Xiaofeng could hear the deep resentment hidden behind the other party's cold words: "Wang Xiaofeng, a level 46 auxiliary soul master, please give me your advice."

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