Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 380: A straight man who doesn’t know how to pity women

The slender ponytail behind Qiuyue swayed as she bowed and stood up. The silhouette of her calves illuminated by the sun was so beautiful that her bones and flesh were smooth and warm as jade, which probably describes this scene.

Qiuyue... is another player who did not appear in the qualifiers.

But it's normal. Even Chihuo, Shenfeng, and Tianshui have three or four soul sects. It makes no sense that Thunder, as a veteran academy, only has two soul sects to support the show.

"Please let both players release their martial spirits."

As soon as the referee finished speaking, Qiuyue released her martial spirit instantly.

A spear with thunder flashing from the tip was held in Qiuyue's hand.

The spear was completely black and shone with a cold luster. The shaft was eight feet long, and the wide tip was actually four feet long. The shaft was as thick as an ordinary human arm, with two yellow and two purple rings. Four soul rings appeared on the gun body. .

"A gun-like weapon with a martial spirit..."

A gleam flashed in Wang Xiaofeng's eyes, and he silently summoned his mediocre gourd martial spirit, and then quietly waited for the start of the game.

Qiuyue had no idea of ​​chatting, so the arena fell into silence.

The audience in the audience was not impatient, but stared at the ring intently. Everyone knew clearly that this was the calm before the storm.

When the referee saw that the players on both sides were ready, he shouted: The game has begun.

The first soul ring shone brightly. Qiuyue held the spear in her left hand and grasped the tail of the spear in her right hand, suddenly exerting force.

"Phew!" The tip of the spear rotated, tearing apart the air, drawing a twisted arc, and stabbed Wang Xiaofeng.

Wang Xiaofeng was shocked. The speed of this shot was completely beyond his expectation.

When I was training in the Great Soul Fighting Arena, I also fought against soul masters with spear-type martial arts, but in comparison, their shooting speed was no different from a turtle's.

Wang Xiaofeng held the gourd and used it as a hammer, hitting the spear heavily.

But at the moment of contact, a thunderous force from the gun head spread along the gourd to Wang Xiaofeng's body, making him feel numb all over.

Not only that, the spear rotated like a big swimming snake. When Wang Xiaofeng's stored energy was hit by the rotation of the spear, most of the impact force was directly removed. The spear did not lose its momentum and still carried a powerful offensive, stabbing Wang Xiaofeng's abdomen.

Before Qiuyue had time to show her happy expression, a feeling like piercing old thick cowhide made her expression change.

I saw that the spear that was supposed to pierce Wang Xiaofeng's abdomen seemed to be blocked by some kind of armor. The thunder spear only barely pierced Wang Xiaofeng's clothes, and was then tightly grasped by his left hand.

Seeing her martial spirit being caught by Wang Xiaofeng, Qiu Yue decisively kicked the gun barrel and retreated.

The information about Wang Xiaofeng's divine power is no longer a secret. Only a fool would engage in close combat with such a person.

In the blink of an eye, Qiuyue had already slipped out of his attack range.

When fighting against such masters who use spears, you cannot let them distance themselves. Close combat is a good solution.

Wang Xiaofeng used his skill to throw the gourd away. The moment Qiu Yue swept away the gourd with his thunder spear, Wang Xiaofeng was already on top of him, less than two meters away from Qiu Yue.

Qiu Yue naturally would not use her own shortcomings to fight Wang Xiaofeng, and the yellow soul ring on her body flashed.

"The second soul skill, Thunder Shock."

Powerful thunder energy burst out from Qiu Yue's body. As soon as Wang Xiaofeng rushed in front of her, he was pushed back several meters by the thunder energy.

There was no way, the ordinary dirt ground was too soft, and every time he stepped on it, there would be a pit. Wang Xiaofeng didn't want to reveal too many skills, so he looked a little embarrassed.

Qiuyue's state quickly returned to its peak after adjusting with the second soul skill, and a sharp aura like a spear burst out from her body.

"The third soul ring, lightning flashed."

The spear spun and pierced the sky, but its speed suddenly increased!

Lightning flash effect: Shot speed increased by 50%, strength increased by 50%, attack power increased by 50%.

Although his marksmanship is fast, he cannot escape Wang Xiaofeng's eyes.

Wang Xiaofeng easily found his true identity among the gun shadows in the sky, and casually waved the iron gourd in his hand, blocking thirteen shots in a row.

Qiuyue never thought that her family's special skills could be blocked by the opponent so easily, and the continuous offensive suddenly stopped for a moment.

The battle between masters is to catch the opponent's mistakes, then take advantage and pursue the victory.

Wang Xiaofeng seized the opportunity and kicked the barrel of the thunder spear, deflecting it. He held the gourd in his right hand and pointed the bottom at Qiuyue.

Meteor flashes!

"Huh?" Qiuyue's complexion suddenly changed, the hairs all over her body stood up, and her heart contracted suddenly.

There was no time to turn around, he only had time to place the thunder spear in his hand across his chest.

The next second, a terrifying impact hit Qiuyue's body, causing her to fly back involuntarily.

However, as a master with guns, the spear in Qiuyue's hand naturally took advantage of the situation and suddenly turned 180 degrees to hit the gourd in mid-air, directly sweeping it away.

When Qiuyue fell to the ground, she immediately rolled in mid-air and squatted on the ground, holding a spear and staring at Wang Xiaofeng's body... Huh? What about others?

Qiuyue was stunned, and suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air behind her. She had no time to turn around, so she could only swing her thunder spear and poke it back.

"Slow, too slow."

Wang Xiaofeng turned slightly to avoid the thrust in the air, and his right fist hit hard on the back of the delicate body.

Qiuyue only felt a pain in her back, her internal organs were shaking, and a mouthful of blood could not help but flow into her mouth.

Before she could recover, a knife struck her on the back of her neck, with such force that she almost broke her cervical spine.

Qiuyue rolled her eyes and passed out.

"The player is unconscious. Please send the next player from Thunder Academy."

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