Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 388: An attack that ends in an anticlimax

Wherever the sword pointed, ripples were raised in the space, and everything in front of it was destroyed and dissipated.

The golden and silver halo formed by martial soul fusion skills is no exception.

A strip of white light flashed past!

The gold and silver halo with a diameter of 100 meters was immediately divided into two halves, turning into golden light spots floating in the sky with the wind.

The power of suppression disappeared, the solidified space began to flow slowly, and the two figures were forced to condense out of the light and shadow.

"Okay, okay! As expected of the number one attacker. Today we admit defeat, but from now on you will repay this debt a hundred times."

After leaving a harsh word, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo quietly disappeared into the shadows, so fast that even Sword Douluo couldn't catch up.

"have they gone?"

Sword Douluo coughed violently, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. His right hand trembled slightly and dispersed the sword energy shield behind him that protected Ning Fengzhi: "Martial soul fusion skills... are indeed the two sharpest knives in the hands of the Pope. It’s deep enough.”

Ning Fengzhi increased the injection of soul power, and the healing light from the sixth level of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda turned into a beam of light and enveloped Sword Douluo's body.

Two embarrassed figures emerged from the shadows of the forest a hundred miles away.

"Old ghost, are you okay?"

Ghost Douluo covered the sword wound that almost pierced him, and coughed heavily: "Cough, cough... He's not dead yet, but the Pope's mission has finally been completed, and Chen Xin's strength is almost figured out."

Ju Douluo's seductive voice sounded: "As expected of the Titled Douluo who ranks first in attack, this mission is really difficult to complete."

Ju Douluo, with a pale face, controlled the Qi Velvet Babel Chrysanthemum in his hand and scattered the petals on the wound. The Qi Velvet Babel Chrysanthemum cooperated with Ghost Douluo's soul power, and the hair-like sword energy on the wound was barely suppressed.

"No, I can only suppress the sword energy. If I want to be completely cured, Your Majesty must take action. Unexpectedly, Chen Xin has already faintly embarked on that path. It seems that the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect cannot be allowed to continue to develop. The Soul Hunting Plan It must be opened as soon as possible.”

"The first step is to eliminate the opposition voices in Wuhun Hall..."

"Old Poison, thank you."

The huge phantom of the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor turned into little rays of light and disappeared, and Shrek and the rest of the academy walked out of it.

The scope of the explosion just now was too large, and they were controlled by many soul masters, and they were suddenly affected by the rest. Fortunately, Dugu Bo suddenly appeared and not only killed all the enemies, but also protected everyone. .

"Haha, I was just hired by the Tiandou royal family to do what I should do."

Dugu Bo waved his hand indifferently: "I'll go to the center of the station and take a look to see if the old chrysanthemum is dead. You guys should run away as quickly as possible."

After saying that, he turned into a phantom of the Jade Phosphorus Snake King and swam towards the center of the explosion.

"Come on, let's run a little further."

As soon as Dugu Bo left, Tang San became the leader. With his good relationship with the titled Douluo, he easily commanded everyone.

Without the men in black pretending to be bandits to stop them, everyone quickly ran to a safe location.

Then he happened to bump into Wang Xiaofeng who was eating barbecue.

"Hey, good afternoon everyone."

Wang Xiaofeng didn't care about the scalding, and quickly stuffed the freshly baked sausage, which was still sizzling with hot oil on the surface, into his mouth, making himself breathless.

It looks very much like Erha who protects food.

Ma Hongjun said in disbelief: "Wow, Xiaofeng, in such an environment where you may encounter danger anytime and anywhere, you actually still eat barbecue."

Just when the group thought Ma Hongjun was going to angrily rebuke Wang Xiaofeng, they saw him spitting into the small fire, and the palm-sized flames suddenly burst into flames. He picked up a sausage from the guide and started grilling it.

"No, you have to add me."

Everyone was suddenly shaken by the thunder.

I have to say that the barbecue place chosen by Wang Xiaofeng is still good. It is surrounded by bare land and has a wide view. It can prevent enemy attacks very well, so everyone discussed it and rested here temporarily.

In this way, while other colleges were on guard and resting to recover their soul power, Shrek was having a pleasant barbecue.

There is no way, Wang Xiaofeng's fourth soul skill is too unreasonable. Once the increase is activated, Wang Xiaofeng can't hide anything within 500 meters, and there is no need for anyone to guard it.

This inexplicable battle came and went quickly.

It didn't take long for a slightly injured knight to find them: "Everyone, His Majesty Sword Douluo has eliminated Xiao Xiao's followers. Please return to the team."

Some students in the team shouted: "What can prove that you are not the enemy?"

Obviously everyone doubted whether this was a spy sent by the enemy to deliberately trick them into a trap and then catch them all.

The knight was stunned for a moment. Although he had a knighthood badge, in this situation, just relying on the badge was definitely not enough. So after the knight ate the sausage handed over by the kind Oscar, he turned around and ran away. Went back.

After a while, a big man with blood on his face came over, and Flanders and a teacher happily greeted him.

"Who...is this?" Ma Hongjun looked at this scene with some confusion, and then took a bite of the grilled DC oil sausage.

Wang Xiaofeng patted his head: "Isn't this the leader of the Knights? Where did you throw your eyes?"

Ma Hongjun complained: "That regiment leader wears a helmet all day long, who knew he looked like that."

After testing the spirit and spirit rings, Flanders and the Soul Saint-level teacher finally believed that the legion commander was not someone else pretending to be him.

Then, under the leadership of the legion commander, the group successfully returned to the team.

Prince Xue Qinghe stood on the carriage and commanded the Royal Knights in an orderly manner, counting losses, rescuing the horses, looking for lost members, and restoring the formation...

Even Wang Xiaofeng and the others were roped in to be strong men responsible for recovery logistics.

It took an hour for Wang Xiaofeng to finally roughly calculate the logistics losses.

The carriage carrying food was deliberately targeted by the enemy. A large amount of food was destroyed in the battle, and the small amount of food left was barely enough for them to eat for one day.

After knowing this situation, Xue Qinghe went out of his way to find Oscar and the only remaining soul master in the team whose level 30 martial spirit was Bread.

After a conversation that was filled with affection and reason, Oscar responded with a grimace, then sat in the corner and kept making sausages.

Although he was making sausages that had no growth potential and could only satisfy hunger, after making enough food to satisfy seven hundred people in one go, Oscar was still exhausted and collapsed.

Ning Rongrong wiped Oscar's sweaty cheeks with a handkerchief, and said in a slightly reproachful tone: "Xiao Ao, when did you become so active and didn't even care about your body?"

"I can't help it, His Highness the Crown Prince has given me too much." Oscar smiled, "And your father is still here. If I don't behave well, I'm afraid it won't be easy for me to enter your house. .”

"You have such a weak body and you still want to get married?" Although Ning Rongrong's tone was full of disgust, a smile naturally appeared on her face.

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