Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 389 Finally arrived at Wuhun City

The sky was getting darker, so Xue Qinghe let everyone rest where they were.

A strong man walked into the prince's carriage.

"Your Highness, the casualties and losses have been calculated." The leader of the knights handed the data to Xue Qinghe.

Xue Qinghe couldn't help but frowned when he saw the losses above, "Eighty-nine people from the Knights died, 42 were seriously injured, 130 were slightly injured, and 34 were missing. Even the academy lost six people. students."

"Hateful! Wuhun Palace, Tiandou and you are at odds with each other!"

Especially that Golden Eagle Soul Douluo who dared to hit me on the head with his soul skills. I want you to look good when I get back!

Seeing the fierce glint in Xue Qinghe's eyes, Ning Fengzhi reminded him: "Your Highness, calm down."

Xue Qinghe slowly calmed down and looked at the silent leader: "How is Tang San?"

The leader of the Knights said respectfully: "With the protection of the Golden Iron Triangle's Killing Horn and Flying Horn, he was not only fine, but also killed many enemies on the battlefield, and also received a resounding title called 'Thousand-Armed Shura'. "

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Xue Qinghe said a little tiredly: "That's right, but Wuhun Palace still suspects Tang San's true identity, which is really a headache. We must strengthen protection. At least, Tang San cannot die on the way to the competition."

As Haotian's only child, Tang San will definitely go to the finals, and Wuhun Palace will definitely not let Tang San go. When the time comes...

The result of this elite competition is no longer important.

"Teacher, next..."

"Just proceed as planned. There won't be any twists and turns on the road ahead." Ning Fengzhi smiled and said, "After all, the two His Majesty's still don't know where to hide in the corner to heal their wounds."

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, before dawn, the entire team began to move forward, bypassing the 100-meter-diameter deep pit dug by the titled Douluo, and the group walked onto the official road again.

However, the atmosphere became obviously tense.

The leader of the Knights sent out all the remaining spies. The slightest disturbance around them made everyone nervous.

In order to appease everyone's emotions, Xue Qinghe directly transferred 3,000 armored divisions from the passing cities to protect them.

And he also used the Prince's Token to transfer several powerful Soul Saint masters from the Imperial Capital.

All major colleges knew that this was Xue Qinghe's plan, but they couldn't help but have a good impression of Xue Qinghe in their hearts.

Especially Tang San, he knew that the Wuhun Palace was actually targeting him, and the prince also knew it, but he still stepped up his defense without hesitation.

If Xue Qinghe could see Tang San's favorability, he would definitely find that his intimacy had reached the level of a close friend.

The boring time on the road passed by in a flash, and as Ning Fengzhi had inferred, he was no longer attacked by bandits.

It wasn't until they reached the confines of Wuhun City that everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, everyone has guessed the true identity of the fake robbers, but the fact that they are wearing a false identity shows that the other party doesn't want to show off yet.

So when they came to the jurisdiction of Wuhun City, they were in a safe area. At least the other party wouldn't blatantly attack them.

After passing some farmland and cultivated land, everyone arrived at the majestic Wuhun City.

Eighty meters high and thirty meters thick, the city wall made entirely of the hardest granite made everyone unable to help but marvel.

The arena used for the preliminaries and promotion rounds was only covered with a thin layer on the surface, while the entire Wuhun Palace was used as a city wall. When Flanders saw it, he could only lament that the Wuhun Palace was really rich.

Carvings on the outside of the city wall were six powerful spirits that were exactly the same as those on the Spirit Hall token. Wang Xiaofeng glanced at them and found that except for the mark of the Clear Sky Hammer, which looked a bit gray, the others were all illuminated by the sun. sparkling with light.

I heard from the master that because of something, the Haotian Sect was forced to close down by the Wuhun Palace. It seems that this rumor is true.

Otherwise, they would not be treated differently.

At the city gate, a red archbishop in his seventies greeted the team very respectfully.

Seeing Xue Qinghe having an intimate conversation with the red archbishop in front of him and laughing out loud from time to time, Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but sigh that every politician is the best actor.

Soon, the red archbishop took them to the hotel where they were resting.

The hotel covers a large area. In addition to the cafeteria on the first and second floors, there are eight rooms on each floor from the third to twelfth floors.

Each room is about a hundred square meters, with a small training room, kitchen, study room... everything you need is available, and even if you want someone to serve you, the hotel can arrange it for you.

Wang Xiaofeng used his mental power to secretly sense that even the servants cleaning the hall were exuding soul power fluctuations of more than 20 levels.

All I can say is that it is indeed the Wuhun City with the highest concentration of soul masters. If you throw a brick casually, everyone will hit a great soul master.

After settling down, Wang Xiaofeng took Ma Hongjun, who was unwilling to be lonely, out to look for food.

Wang Xiaofeng prefers street snacks to the delicacies prepared by the chefs specially invited by Wuhun Palace.

Walking on the streets of Wuhun City, it feels empty, with not many pedestrians and few shops.

Moreover, most of these shops sell some items needed by soul masters, such as special hemostatic plasters, herbs to increase the speed of cultivation, and even space storage soul guidance devices.

Of course, the space is only half a cubic meter, and the price is extremely expensive, which is not much more than the auction house.

After shopping around for a long time but not finding any restaurants, Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun were ready to go back.

Passing by a street, Ma Hongjun suddenly patted Wang Xiaofeng on the shoulder: "Wait, Xiaofeng, look over there."

Wang Xiaofeng looked in the direction of his finger and saw that the end of the street was an empty square, with a very large stone sculpture blocking most of the sunlight.

"Let's go over and have a look."

Since we haven’t found any delicious food, it’s not a bad idea to enjoy the scenic spots and historical sites.

When Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun walked into the square, they discovered that the stone sculpture was much taller than they imagined.

The stone statue is carved with a seraph. The stonemason's skills are very good and the angel carving is lifelike. The angel's eyes are downcast, as if he is pitying the world.

The angel statue is eighteen meters high and four meters wide. It is made of unknown stone and glows with a faint golden light, which looks like gold but not gold.

Wang Xiaofeng walked over curiously and wanted to touch it. Suddenly someone shouted: "Where did this person come from? He is so disrespectful to God!"

Wang Xiaofeng turned around and saw that a teenage girl was glaring at them from behind.

She was surrounded by the three best soul rings of yellow, yellow and purple. It seemed that as long as they got close to the angel stone statue, she would attack without hesitation.

Wang Xiaofeng gave up decisively and said, "Sorry, sorry, I have an old habit. I'm leaving now." With that, he pulled Ma Hongjun away from the angel statue.

This made the girl quietly sigh in relief, but it was really too much pressure from Ma Hongjun on the side.

Wang Xiaofeng secretly noted the location and prepared to come over in the evening.

I always feel that this stone statue exudes some kind of special power, as if I have encountered it somewhere.

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