Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 390 Goodbye Nydia

"Where are you running? There's a team over there, and a couple here are following me..."

The wall in the corner suddenly shook, and then two heads stuck out from behind two wallpapers similar to the walls.

Ma Hongjun looked around and found that no one was around, then he put away the mimic wallpaper and walked out: "That little girl really doesn't have martial ethics. We all said we were leaving, and she still called the guards over."

"Ah, that stone statue is really beautiful. It would be great if there really was such a person."

Ma Hongjun wiped his saliva secretly. Seeing that Wang Xiaofeng had been absent-minded since he left the square, he couldn't help but joked: "Why, have you fallen in love with that little girl?"

"Do you think I am you? I only think about these things all day long." Wang Xiaofeng came back from his thoughts and put away the mimic wallpaper in his hand: "That angel statue hides an extremely huge special energy, emitting The fluctuations always make me feel like we’ve seen each other before.”

Wang Xiaofeng kept tapping his head with his index finger, "I always feel like I have forgotten some important research."

"Gu Gu Gu Gu..."

Ma Hongjun touched his belly: "Okay, no matter it's research or something else, you have to give way before eating."

Wang Xiaofeng looked around and suddenly said: "Fat man, do you still remember the way back?"

"Um..." Ma Hongjun turned his head stiffly: "Aren't you always the one leading the way? Don't tell me that we are lost!"

"Although I really want to tell you that this is a joke, it's a pity." Wang Xiaofeng shrugged: "We are indeed lost."

If it doesn't work, just ask for directions. Three-legged toads are hard to find, but two-legged soul masters can catch a lot of them.

Could it be that a mere Wuhun City could really make them get lost?


The north wind picked up a few fallen leaves on the empty streets.

The sun had restrained its dazzling sunlight, and a crescent moon rose quietly. Around it, there were a few stars that gave off a faint light.

"Ah, I'm starving to death..." Ma Hongjun weakly followed Wang Xiaofeng.

"You said this an hour ago." Wang Xiaofeng couldn't help but roll his eyes.

It's really strange. He was obviously going in the direction pointed by the passerby, but why did he seem to have walked back to the same place after walking for half an hour?

"Isn't that the store with a weird name that we complained about before?"

Seeing the plaque that read 'Enter the store and you will make a lot of money', some novel plots flashed through Ma Hongjun's mind. He looked a little pale and said: "We must have encountered that kind of thing. "

Wang Xiaofeng curled his lips: "I told you, you have to believe in Ke..."

Ma Hongjun suddenly let out a horrifying scream and pointed forward with trembling fingers: "Look, isn't that the passerby we asked about before?!"

"Damn it, it's true." Wang Xiaofeng's eyes widened.

Have they fallen into some kind of illusion? No, the illusion that could affect him without anyone noticing was at least possible only if a Contra who was proficient in this technique used the eighth soul skill.

But he's not Tang San, there's no reason at all

Just when Wang Xiaofeng was thinking about this, the strange passerby seemed to have noticed them, and moved sideways in a very unscientific posture.

"He, he, he..." Ma Hongjun was so frightened that he couldn't even speak clearly.

Wang Xiaofeng stared blankly at the approaching figure, seemingly stunned, but the hidden sword on his right wrist was quietly loaded.

Twenty meters...fifteen meters...eight meters...

Come a little further.

The figure seemed to sense the danger and suddenly stopped seven meters away.

If one of them didn't come over and the other didn't take action, the two became inexplicably stalemate.

"Wang Xiaofeng, you and your friends are so interesting." A melodious voice suddenly came out from the mouth of this strange passerby.

Hearing this familiar voice, Wang Xiaofeng's expression changed: "You are..."

"Humph, I thought you had forgotten me."

The moment she took off her special mask to reveal her true face, the dark streets around her seemed to light up.

This girl has a peerless appearance, heavenly beauty, and elegant fairy spirit. Even though this is not the first time Wang Xiaofeng has seen her, she still feels a little amazed.

Realizing that what he encountered was not a strange event, but a joke made by a shady woman, Ma Hongjun's face turned pale and he was out of breath. He dared to jump out from behind Wang Xiaofeng.

"Xiaofeng..." Ma Hongjun poked at Wang Xiaofeng, "Isn't this your rumored girlfriend? I thought she had given up long ago, but I didn't expect that she actually chased her to Wuhun City."

"Fat man, if you are so good at talking, talk more." A black line flashed across Wang Xiaofeng's forehead: "I will help you donate this mouth to people in need."

"I was wrong." Ma Hongjun made a gesture of sewing his mouth shut.

Pushing Ma Hongjun aside, Wang Xiaofeng looked at the girl in front of him: "I said, you are still so boring and like to play such unflattering pranks."

Nitya made a face: "Hey, I don't know who was frightened by my unattractive prank just now."

Yeah, if you come any closer, I can shoot you with my hidden blade.

Wang Xiaofeng curled his lips and didn't bother to argue. He picked up Ma Hongjun and walked in another direction.

Only then did he remember that Nidia had said before that she would meet him in the finals, but it was a long time ago, and there were a lot of things to study recently, so he forgot about it for a while.

Because Tiandou was held back by Wuhun Palace, he arrived at Wuhun City a few days later than Xingluo.

And this gave Nitya plenty of time to prepare for this prank.

"Wait a minute, do you know how to get there?" Nidia quickly chased after her: "Although Wuhun City is not big, it has many alleys. If there are no locals to guide you, it is easy to get lost."

Wang Xiaofeng stopped and looked a little gloomy: "You want to say that I am a road idiot."

Nitya snorted slightly and said nothing, but her raised little face was full of stubbornness, with an expression of "you must be self-aware" and confident.

"Alas." Wang Xiaofeng glanced at Ma Hongjun, who was clutching his stomach and looking pitiful, and sighed: "Lead the way."

"Yeah." Nitya made a victory gesture and showed a smile that made the flowers on the roadside eclipse.

She clapped her hands gently, and a man in a cloak suddenly walked out of the shadows beside her, bent sideways, and made a "please" gesture.

Seeing Wang Xiaofeng's helpless expression, Nidia stuck out her tongue: "Oh, the process is not important. What is important is that I found a guide for you."

"Yes yes yes~"

The dim street lights lengthened the shadows of the four people, getting further and further away.

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