Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 402 Undercurrent is surging

Assassination, poisoning, siege...

These scenes that Wang Xiaofeng thought would appear did not appear in the end.

It was as calm as if the Clear Sky Hammer had never appeared in the competition, and everyone was trying their best to maintain order on the surface.

But Wang Xiaofeng knew that the seemingly calm situation had already been surging secretly.

All it takes is a little spark to detonate the city.

The remaining battle king, Xiaofeng, was too lazy to continue watching. He followed the teachers and used his soul power to stabilize Xiaowu and the others' injuries.

The seriously injured Xiao Wu, Tang San and Ma Hongjun were jointly suppressed by the Soul Saints. After painstaking treatment by the Soul Emperor-level doctors, their serious injuries generally improved.

Not to mention that I could get out of bed and walk immediately, but at least I woke up from the coma.

However, there was still one person whose injuries made the doctor very embarrassed.

The one who was most seriously injured among everyone was not Ma Hongjun, who had fought hard with the martial soul fusion technique, but Dai Mubai, who had fought Ming Tiangang for the longest time.

The injury is not serious on the outside, just apply some medicine and bandage the wound.

But the strange soul power in his body was intertwined with Dai Mubai's soul power and penetrated deep into his bones.

Ordinary methods cannot remove it at all, not even using soul skills to dispel abnormal conditions.

Forced removal will only cause his cultivation to regress.

Normally, this kind of injury would not be a big deal, as long as Ming Tiangang came over and extracted it directly.

Just like before, Ma Hongjun touched the Eight Spider Spear with his weak hands and was poisoned instead.

One poke and one suck with the Eight Spider Spears, and it was done immediately.

But now, Ming Tiangang had been seriously injured by Tang San and fell into a coma, and the Shadow Academy, which was filled with anger, wished that Shrek had lost one of its main players and was no longer in the top ten.

"Alas, I can't do anything. Dean Flanders should hire someone else."

The white-haired old man shook his head, stopped the soul skill in his hand, put away the silver needle inserted in Dai Mubai's body, and left with the medical kit on his back.

Flanders looked very disappointed, but still sent the old man out.


The door was closed tightly, and Flanders immediately showed a happy smile. He patted Wang Xiaofeng on the shoulder: "Wuhun Palace will send such quack doctors here, Xiaofeng, let them see what real medical skills are."

Wang Xiaofeng curled his lips: "Dean, I can't be considered a medical expert."

Flanders sat down on the sofa: "Whether he has medical skills or not, at least he can save people compared to that quack doctor."

Wang Xiaofeng complained in his heart: "You just feel sorry for the huge amount of money spent on medical treatment."

The old doctor just mentioned vaguely several times that as long as some precious herbs were used, the abnormal soul power in Dai Mubai's body could be driven away.

But Flanders didn't let go, he pretended to be dumbfounded, and made the person angry in the end.

A gourd appeared in the palm of his hand. Wang Xiaofeng held the gourd and slowly sucked the contents out of Dai Mubai's body.

Flanders, who was slumped on the sofa, sighed: "No matter how many times I see it, I am still shocked. There is such an almighty martial spirit. It is simply a miracle of the gods."

Wang Xiaofeng said angrily: "Dean, it's obvious that you are too lazy. The five senses development plan, the soul power control stage training, the mental power enhancement training that I made for you... As long as you stick to it, you can stand here and help Mubai heal now. It’s not me, it’s you.”

Flanders said in a relaxed tone: "Oh, those who are capable have more work to do, and I am so old, how can I stand your masochistic training? Please be considerate to the elderly."

As the alien soul power was removed from his body, Dai Mubai gradually woke up. Zhu Zhuqing happily threw himself into his arms, almost killing Dai Mubai who was in a weak state.

Wang Xiaofeng teased: "Hey, hey, hey, we're still here, can we make out after we leave?"

Flanders, an old man who was not shy, laughed "hehehe", which made Zhu Zhuqing, who was already thin-faced, so embarrassed that he could not raise his head.

According to the competition format, Shrek received a bye in the second round, which gave everyone a five-day rest.

Since the number of injured and the seriousness of the injuries were beyond the master's expectation, and the expensive treatment fees of Wuhun Palace discouraged Flanders, the small reserve of herbal medicines was quickly consumed.

There are still some in Tang San's treasure bag, but those are too high-level and not suitable for the current situation (too much tonic is extremely poisonous)

So the master sent the fastest Zhu Zhuqing to buy the needed medicinal materials.

"Ruidi's Drug Store, this is it."

The smell of Chinese medicine wafted out of the store. Zhu Zhuqing raised his head and glanced at the plaque. After confirming that it was correct, he went straight in.

Several clerks in the drugstore were pounding medicine in copper round bowls, making a rhythmic sound. When a waiter saw Zhu Zhuqing come in, he asked, "What do you need?"

Zhu Zhuqing handed over the note in his hand expressionlessly. The waiter took it respectfully and read it roughly.

"Please wait a moment."

Five minutes later, Zhu Zhuqing walked out of the store carrying a huge medicine bag.

Once you buy the medicine, your goal is halfway accomplished.

Tap tap tap…

The sound of Zhu Zhuqing's footsteps echoed in the quiet alley.

But if Wang Xiaofeng were here, he would be able to hear the footsteps of other people hidden in it.


Zhu Zhuqing stopped and suddenly turned around: "Who are you and why are you following me?"

The whistling wind came from the deserted alley, but Zhu Zhuqing did not dare to be careless.

After five minutes of such a stalemate, a burst of applause suddenly sounded.

The air rippled, and two men in white slowly appeared in front of Zhu Zhuqing.

If it weren't for the sudden alertness of his sixth sense, Zhu Zhuqing wouldn't even know that someone was following him. From this, it can be seen that the cultivation level of these two people is far above his own.

With such a highly cultivated soul master following behind, he was definitely not playing house.

Throwing the medicine bag aside, Zhu Zhuqing completed the possession of the martial spirit in an instant.

The fourth soul ring shone, and four black shadows suddenly disappeared from the spot and fled in different directions.

"Stop struggling needlessly. We have already set up a dragnet around here, and not even a fly can escape."

Along with bursts of deep laughter, walls of blue light suddenly rose above the alley and the two exits.

Zhu Zhuqing tried to let his clone break through the cage, but as soon as it touched the light wall, it was shaken away by the counter-shock force attached to it.

Seeing the masked man approaching step by step, Zhu Zhuqing was ready to fight to the death, but the fourteen soul rings that slowly emerged made her heart sink.

"Seven Rings... Soul Saint!"

"Boss Dai, what's wrong with you?" Wang Xiaofeng asked with some confusion. Dai Mubai's mood was very low, and his whole person was completely different from his usual appearance.

This situation seemed to have arisen after the master asked Zhu Zhuqing to buy medicine.

"I don't know." Dai Mubai covered his chest with a gloomy expression: "I suddenly have a bad feeling."

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