Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 403 Anger

Wang Xiaofeng tapped the table with his index finger, "You have merged with Zhuqing Wuhun many times, and their destinies have long been connected. The sudden feeling must not be groundless. I will go find the dean right now."

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Dai Mubai struggled to get up: "I want to go too."

Wang Xiaofeng pushed him back with his backhand: "Don't make trouble, it will only cause trouble."

The gourd vine quietly appeared and tied Dai Mubai, who still wanted to get up, into a rice dumpling. He could only writhe around on the bed like a maggot, roaring helplessly.

"Tailon, keep an eye on him."

Tai Lung slapped his chest loudly: "Leave it to me."

"Is Zhuqing in danger?"

Flanders, who was drinking tea with only a little tea dregs with Zhao Wuji, was suddenly startled by Wang Xiaofeng, "It's just a medicine, that's not it."

Zhao Wuji touched the short inch on his head and said, "This is Wuhun City, who wouldn't think of starting something here?"

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. Anyway, with the dean's speed, it won't take much time to go back and forth."

Seeing the teapot he had spent a huge sum of money to replace creak in Wang Xiaofeng's hands, Flender quickly nodded in agreement.

As a result, the peaceful Wuhun City finally welcomed two figures who were violating traffic regulations and speeding.

It's still the kind that the law enforcement team can't catch up with.

"Wait, there seems to be something going on there."

A strong wind suddenly roared past, blinding passers-by.

"I am Shrek's teacher. What happened inside?"

"Shrek?" The team leader rubbed his eyes and looked at the old man and the young man in front of him in surprise. When did two people stand in front of him?

"Is there a girl named Zhu Zhuqing in your team? She was attacked in this alley..."

Flanders' tall body suddenly swayed, and he suddenly felt panic in his heart. He was very afraid that what he would see later would be Zhu Zhuqing's cold body.

"The injury is not serious. Our people have already taken him to the hospital."

Flanders glared at him with ferocious eyes, wondering if he could finish the sentence in one breath.

Wang Xiaofeng said coldly: "No one dares to kill people in Wuhun City, because it means fighting to the death with Wuhun Palace. Dean, you go to see Zhuqing's situation first, and I will look for any clues here."

That's right, Wuhun Temple will not tolerate accidents during the competition, especially if students from participating colleges are injured. This simply tramples on the ground the prestige that Wuhun Temple has established over the years.

If nothing unexpected happens, Wuhun Palace should be gathering manpower now.

However, this does not mean that Wang Xiaofeng and the others will sit back and wait for death. Anyone who dares to provoke Shrek must be prepared to taste the anger.

Flanders came back to his senses. The news about Zhu Zhuqing's injury was so shocking that he was at a loss for a moment.

Flender took a deep breath, patted Wang Xiaofeng on the shoulder, and whispered: "Then I'll leave this place to you."

"Don't worry, they can't escape."

After watching Flanders leave, Wang Xiaofeng wiped his hands and quietly slipped into the alley while the guard wasn't paying attention.

The alley had obviously been checked, and there was no one else except the soldiers who were protecting the scene and maintaining order.

Wang Xiaofeng used his blind spot to avoid several guards and found the scene of the first crime.

Looking at the remaining scratches on the wall and floor tiles, his cold eyes flashed under his thick bangs.

With a casual grab with his right hand, the gourd was held in his hand, and the fourth soul ring was quietly placed on the gourd.

Reaction and perception are greatly enhanced at the same time.

The vibrations in the air caused by the gentle swing of the guard's body, the residual smell in the surroundings, the obvious traces of footsteps on the ground... and many other useful and useless information poured into Wang Xiaofeng's brain.

"Every time I enter this state, I feel a little uncomfortable." Wang Xiaofeng rubbed the Fengchi point, and his swollen brain quickly adapted to the current state.

Then, like going back in time, the original scene was quickly restored by Wang Xiaofeng.

Judging from the traces on the floor, two people took action. Judging from the traces of Zhuqing's resistance, the opponent's strength ranged from Soul Emperor to Soul Saint.

Wang Xiaofeng's nose moved slightly, and he quickly found the enemy's scent among hundreds of scents: "A high-end perfume exclusive to the Star Luo Empire, one drop of one hundred gold soul coins, pointing to the east."

Wang Xiaofeng stood in the corner for a long time, and the guard in charge finally found him: "Boy, this is not a place for fun, hurry up and leave."

"Uncle, I'm leaving now." Wang Xiaofeng smiled and took back the gourd hidden by his side, and his keen sense was once again covered by a thick layer of fog.

He returned to normal, but that smell had been remembered by him, and he couldn't cover it up even with other smells. Of course, there was a time limit, but as long as he caught it within an hour, it would be fine.

"Now, let's go back to find Teacher Zhao and Teacher Erlong."

Breaking into the dragon's pond and tiger's den alone is what Tie Hanhan does. A real warrior should go back and find helpers like him.

"What, Zhuqing is injured?!" Liu Erlong suddenly stood up, and the teacup in his hand was burned to dust by the high temperature.

"The dean is already guarding there. I came back to find help. I have found the enemy's traces."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go quickly! You dare to hurt my students, it's unforgivable!"

Half an hour later, a violent explosion suddenly occurred in a small village thirty kilometers away from Wuhun City.

Wang Xiaofeng looked expressionlessly at the village in front of him that was engulfed in flames.

A roaring giant bear and a red dragon raged in the flames, killing the last two remaining soul saints.

There are one hundred and thirty-seven villagers in this village, all of whom are soul masters in disguise.

If Zhao Wuji hadn't been very experienced and discovered that one of the people's behavior was somewhat inconsistent with the identity of the villagers, otherwise even if Wang Xiaofeng had found this place, he wouldn't have believed that it was all members of the killer organization.

The secret passage was blocked by Wang Xiaofeng in advance, and the remaining people could only say that they were catching a turtle in a jar.

Holding the incomplete information in his hand, Wang Xiaofeng found this on a high-level killer. Written on it was the amount of Zhu Zhuqing's reward: five million gold soul coins.

The only requirement to achieve the goal is to injure Zhu Zhuqing and prevent him from participating in the next game.

A simple mission, a hefty bounty, oh, no wonder the Soul Saint can be released.

“Wes, what’s wrong, you’re so angry all of a sudden.

"When the Clear Sky Hammer came out, many people couldn't sit down." Davis, who was sitting in the main seat, smiled crookedly, his domineering air leaking out: "Although Zhu Zhuqing was born in a humble background, she is still the second young lady of the Zhu family. , when you go out, you represent the face of the empire."

"It seems that the stable environment has made them forget that dogs cannot help their owners make decisions. Some people extend their claws too long, let Yingyi chop them up for them."

The man half-kneeling on the ground was dripping with cold sweat: "Yes, Your Highness."

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