Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 404 Follow-up

Just when Wang Xiaofeng and the others were wiping out the underground killer organization in the entire village, Wuhundian and Xingluo Empire took action at the same time.

Different from Wang Xiaofeng's painstaking search for evidence to confirm the traces, Wuhun Palace and Xingluo Empire directly started to sweep around Wuhun City with Wuhun City as the center.

Anyone with suspicious identity or behavior will be arrested.

As for whether there is guilt or not, that is the job of the court.

A vast purge began.

When Wang Xiaofeng and the three of them returned to the hotel, Flender also picked up Zhu Zhuqing from the medical clinic.

There wasn't much damage on the outside, but someone had given him a very troublesome poison inside his body.

It cannot be said to be poison, because the effect is similar to that of a drug. It will cause the soul power in the body to fall into a dormant state, and the host will also fall into a coma and lose consciousness.

This kind of drug is usually supplied by the Star Luo Empire to the most guilty and powerful criminals in prison, and it is not available to other forces except the Star Luo Empire.

Because the formula contains a herb that is only available in the Star Luo Empire and is strictly controlled by the royal family.

Thinking about it this way, the identity of the person who issued this mission in the killer organization is a bit intriguing.

Dai Mubai looked at Zhu Zhuqing lying on the hospital bed like a sleeping beauty, and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Feng, can you suck out the toxins in Zhu Qing's body?"

Wang Xiaofeng didn't refuse: "I'll give it a try."

The gourd rotated slowly in the palm of his hand. After five minutes, Wang Xiaofeng opened his eyes: "No, the ingredients of the drug have been combined with Zhuqing's soul power. Forcibly sucking it out will permanently reduce her cultivation."

Everyone looked at each other and it seemed that they could only wait for Zhu Zhuqing to wake up on his own.

Yes, the effect of this medicine can only last for ten days. If other medicines are used as auxiliary treatment, the time of recovery will be earlier.

"Leave the task of taking care of sister Zhu Qing to me. Everyone can participate in the competition with peace of mind." Jiangzhu patted her bulging chest and took over the task of taking care of Zhu Zhuqing.

"Then leave it to you, Jiangzhu."

After the attack, no one went out. Those who were injured took the time to recuperate, and those who were not injured were practicing crazily. Everyone was holding their breath.

Didn't the mastermind behind the scenes want to prevent Shrek from winning the championship? Then they just wanted to show the championship to these rats in the ditch. In the face of strength, all their machinations would be in vain.

At night, Wang Xiaofeng sat by the window, cultivating his soul power by the moonlight.

Although there is no increase in the mimicry training environment, it is much better than nothing.

Bang bang bang!

There was a sudden knock on the door, awakening Wang Xiaofeng from his cultivation state. Who came back to find him at such a late hour?

His vigilance was raised to the highest level, and the gourd in his hand began to accumulate soul power.

The door quietly opened a crack, and the moment Wang Xiaofeng was about to take action, Dai Mubai's slumped face suddenly came into view.

"I'll go, you scared me to death." Wang Xiaofeng took back the gourd that he almost threw out and said angrily: "You didn't have a good rest in the middle of the night and came out to scare people. What are you planning to do? Do you want to inherit my debt of more than 80,000 yuan? ?”

Dai Mubai twitched his lips in embarrassment, "Hey, I'm sorry, I just suddenly wanted to drink. After thinking about it, maybe you are the only one who has wine here."

It could be seen that Dai Mubai was not in a good mood, so he did not say anything to discourage him about not drinking if he was not in good health. "Here, I only brought two bottles with me because I was in a hurry, so just drink as you go."

After taking the wine from Wang Xiaofeng's hand and gulping down several large sips, Dai Mubai seemed to be in a much better mood: "Xiaofeng, do you think the attack on Zhuqing has something to do with my brother. "

Wang Xiaofeng thought for a while: "Our next opponent is the Xingluo Royal Academy. Without Zhuqing, we will lack the powerful weapon of martial soul fusion skills. From the perspective of interests, your brother is indeed suspected."

"It's just that Wuhun Palace is also suspected. Any seventy-level soul saint who enters Wuhun City must be within the surveillance range of Wuhun Palace, but Zhuqing was still attacked. So this matter involves The power and people are at least in high positions."

Dai Mubai drank the wine in the flask in one gulp: "I understand, at least until I succeed in my cultivation, I won't be reckless."

"Thank you Xiaofeng, I feel a lot better after chatting with you." Dai Mubai left the room with another wine gourd: "Now I have to recover well, and then go to Davis in person to find out. "

Wang Xiaofeng, who thought he would be able to practice well next, did not expect that as soon as he summoned the gourd and came out, the door was knocked again.

I looked at the door cautiously and saw that it was Oscar.

What's going on, little brother, why did you come to me even if you didn't sleep in the middle of the night?

Wang Xiaofeng was a little helpless, but still let him in: "What, you are also depressed and need someone to complain to?"

"Also?" Oscar glanced at him doubtfully, then sat down on the soft big bed unceremoniously: "Do you still have wine here? Let's have a few bottles first."

I feel like you guys come to my place to eat and drink just in the name of chatting.

Wang Xiaofeng complained in his mind, but he still took out two pots of gourd wine from his martial spirit and placed them on the table.

"Good wine." After half a pot of strong wine was in his stomach, Oscar poured out his heart to Wang Xiaofeng: "After Zhuqing was brought back by the dean, this is the first time I have seen Boss Dai so rude. Good guy, he is over 1.8 meters tall. The handsome boy was crying like a man in tears."

As he spoke, Oscar's expression gradually lowered: "If you think about it, I might be worse than Boss Dai."

"At least Dai Boss has a strong martial spirit and can take revenge. I can't do anything except run away with Rongrong. Rongrong is the future master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, so he will definitely encounter more attacks."

"Xiao Feng, I have thought about it for a long time and decided to take the offensive route from now on." Oscar wiped the tears on his face, "I want you to help me."

Wang Xiaofeng stared at him for a long time, and after making sure he was not talking nonsense while drunk, he slowly pulled out a piece of paper from the gourd.

"This is?"

"Mirror Shadow Beast is an extremely rare soul beast that is said to live in a cold land. One of the soul skills it provides is copying. Yes, it's just what you think. This soul skill can copy other people's martial arts. Soul and soul skills.”

"Although there are many restrictions, this is what I can think of, a method that will not disrupt your auxiliary system's route and give you combat effectiveness." Wang Xiaofeng handed the paper in his hand to Oscar, and he took it with trembling hands. .

"This records the locations where the Mirror Beast has appeared. It should be helpful to you."

"No thanks can be expressed in words, it's all in the wine."

Oscar was so moved that he picked up the gourd and poured it into his mouth. He drank it all in one go.

Just when Wang Xiaofeng was about to persuade him not to drink so hard, he saw Oscar's head tilted and he lay directly on the bed, making a snoring sound.

Wang Xiaofeng sighed: "So I said, you are all here to cause trouble for me."

The purge movement, led by the two superpowers of Star Luo Empire and Wuhun Palace, lasted for three days.

Then because of the start of the third round of the finals, the pace of cleaning slowed down.

In just three days, no less than ten soul saints have fallen, and even three powerful souls at the Contra level have fallen.

There are only so many Soul Saint Soul Douluo in the whole lower four sects.

One can imagine how tragic it is.

Finally, the entire underground force was forced to join forces directly.

Wuhun Palace and Xingluo Empire don't want to harvest all the wool in one go.

The entire underground force paid a huge price to finally see the two superpowers withdraw their troops.

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