Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 407: Battle against Star Luo Royal Academy (Part 2)

Countless white meteors surged out, completely turning into gold as they flew in mid-air.

boom! !

The golden light balls collided with each other and were destroyed.

The violent collision caused bursts of wailing to erupt in the playing field.

After so many days of brutal fighting, even though soul masters continued to repair the site, the site was still undamaged.

The impact of the collision of the two four-ring soul skills today caused several deep cracks to spread on the beaten floor tiles.

The dust caused by the shock wave covered the figures of the two men who looked similar. The shock wave brought by the violent soul power forced the soul saints who maintained the protective shield to increase their soul power output to resist it.

White Tiger Fierce Light Wave!

White Tiger Fierce Light Wave! !

Before the smoke and dust dissipated, the dazzling golden light collided again.

At that moment, a golden sun seemed to light up on the entire venue.

Bang! !

The dazzling light made the audience close their eyes, but the sound of gun collision still came from the ring.

It can only be said that they are indeed two brothers. Whether it is the release of moves or the timing of attacks, they are almost identical.

Davis stared at Dai Mubai, and Dai Mubai stared at him.

One was born almost at the top, with the best resources and training.

The other one is a substitute, and the meaning of survival is just to motivate his brother as a whetstone.

It wasn't until his spirit was finally wiped out and he lost all value that he escaped to Shrek Academy in the Tiandou Empire unharmed.

Rather than escaping, it was more like being exiled to Soto City by the Star Luo royal family.

As soon as he was old enough, he squeezed out the last remaining value and allowed his brother to ascend the throne.

Such two people are like light and darkness.

Whether light illuminates darkness or darkness devours light depends on their own strength.

Without using the soul skill again, the two bodies collided together again.

This time, the battle experience of both sides was compared.

Tiger claws collide with each other.

One second, Dai Mubai's tiger claw had scratched Davis's chest, and the next second, Davis' leg whip kicked Dai Mubai hard on the shoulder.

The two of them were thrown away in response and fell to the ground almost at the same time, each leaving a mark.

This time, after all, there was still no winner.

However, others have not forgotten that this is a team battle rather than an individual battle.

Uh-huh! !

A flash of lightning flashed through the air, hitting Dai Mubai who fell to the ground before he could get up.

Fortunately, Ma Hongjun had been keeping an eye on the situation here, and a phoenix line of fire intercepted the lightning in time.

"No one can disturb Boss Dai!"

Ma Hongjun unfolded the phoenix fire wings and successfully completed the transformation. The wings behind him overlapped with Oscar's mushroom intestines, and he flew into the air in an instant. The hot and fierce golden flames suddenly poured out from the air towards the soul master who had just made a sneak attack. .

"Damn it!"

The soul master cursed secretly, and electric current surged through his body, and he escaped from the range covered by the golden flames in a flash of light.

But Ma Hongjun's speed was not weaker than him at all, and the blazing flames followed him closely, unable to get rid of him at all.

Escape and chase, the pursuit slowly turned into a tug-of-war.

The next thing to compete is who has stronger soul power, but to compete with Ma Hongjun, who has Oscar's assistance, the opponent can only think too much.

the other side.

Because of Wang Xiaofeng's restraint, Xiao Wu finally made it to the rear of Xingluo Royal Academy without being blocked too much.

"The second soul skill, charm!"

Before they came in front of the three of them, Xiao Wu had already unleashed her only control skill, but they were all on guard and averted their eyes so as not to look at her, which made Xiao Wu secretly angry.

The angry Xiao Wu went up two points faster, leaving behind a series of afterimages, which was very powerful.

"The third soul skill, mirror light."

The Agile Attack Soul Sect, who was responsible for protecting the two auxiliary soul masters, felt that Xiao Wu had entered the attack range of his Martial Soul Reflection Mirror, and immediately used his only offensive soul skill.

However, Xiao Wu suddenly jumped up and did a 180-degree somersault. Not only did she avoid the attack, but she also used teleportation soul skills to instantly arrive behind the three soul masters.

The pink color once again filled the pupils, and this time, none of the three people escaped the charm.

However, one control of three greatly reduced the effect of the charm. Xiao Wu only had time to throw one of the auxiliary soul masters out of the field, and the other two returned to normal.

"The second soul skill, phantom light."

A ray of distorted light shone directly on Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu's figure that was rushing forward suddenly changed direction and ran towards the outside of the ring.

Xiao Wu jumped up high and rushed out of the ring. She broke free from the illusion, but luckily she was still in mid-air and did not fall outside the ring. Xiao Wu used the teleportation soul skill again and returned to the field.

Before Xiao Wu could breathe a sigh of relief, a thick beam of light came directly at him again.

The attack range this time was very large, covering a two-meter area around the body. Xiao Wu had no choice but to use the Invincible Golden Body to avoid the damage.

Brilliant golden light filled the body, and Xiao Wu directly used the light soul skill to come to the opponent. He put his hands on the shoulders of the mirror martial soul master, pulled him far away, and thrust his feet towards his lower back. Kick away!

The first soul skill is the waist bow.

The crisp sound of bone cracking was accompanied by the cry of pain at the same time.

Xiao Wu was thinking about taking advantage of his illness to kill him with another rabbit kicking the eagle, but a mirror suddenly stood in front of him, and Xiao Wu punched it without thinking.


A dull sound sounded on the mirror, Xiao Wu's face changed, and a huge force suddenly came from the mirror, making her couldn't help but take a few steps back. Not believing in evil, she tried several times again, but every time she was struck by this weird The mirror dissuaded me.

Xiao Wu has a lot of combat experience. After two trials, she almost understood that this mirror can reflect her attacks.

Without saying a word, he once again used the teleportation soul skill that he had converted, and directly passed the blockage of the mirror. Under the panic look of the opponent, a waist bow directly threw him out of the ring.

Except for Davis and Dai Mubai, who were evenly matched, everyone on the Xingluo Royal Academy side was at a disadvantage.

Zhu Zhuyun knew that he couldn't get past Tang San, so he feinted a shot and made a fake move to deceive Tang San before returning to Davis.

Tang San's expression changed, and he said urgently: "No, Mubai, stop her quickly, they are going to perform martial soul fusion skills."

"Haha, it's too late!"

After Davis and Zhu Zhuyun worked together to repel Dai Mubai, the two made moves that were very familiar to Shrek.

The white tiger flashing with golden light jumped out and merged with the civet cat bursting with faint black light in the air.

The huge Netherworld White Tiger appeared in front of everyone again.

But this time, he was on the field as an opponent. Wang Xiaofeng looked at the huge tiger body and showed an inexplicable smile.

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