Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 408: Beat up the Nether White Tiger

The Netherworld White Tiger of Davis and Zhu Zhuyun is somewhat different from the Netherworld White Tiger of Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, and its shape is more similar to the ancient saber-toothed tiger.

Thick fangs protrude upward from the lips, and large muscles bulge in the limbs, making it look full of strength.

The golden blue tiger eyes of the Netherworld White Tiger swept across the crowd, suddenly passed Dai Mubai and Tang San, and landed on Ning Rongrong in the last row.

"not good!"

Dai Mubai, who had played against Davis the most, was the first to see through the Netherworld White Tiger's thoughts. His second soul ring shone, and a golden ball of light streaked through the air, hitting the Netherworld White Tiger's huge body.

But such an attack is insignificant to the Netherworld White Tiger.

The next moment, a terrifying tiger roar echoed throughout the arena.

Roar! !

Rolling air currents mixed with sound waves, piercing the sky amid countless tearing sounds like howling ghosts and wolves.

As soon as the Netherworld White Tiger's roar came out, it was like a dozen-level tornado spitting out from his mouth, blasting the sky with strong winds.

The first thing to suffer was the ground that was several feet in diameter under the feet. It suddenly collapsed several feet, and the bricks and stones that had been paved were suddenly crushed into stone powder that looked like flour!

This attack has surpassed the sixth soul skill of ordinary soul emperors, almost reaching the soul saint level.

But Shrek's reaction was not slow either.

The thick vines rose first. Although Tang San didn't know who the Netherworld White Tiger would attack first, he just needed to restrain the Netherworld White Tiger.

Countless vines sprouted from the ground, like thousands of tentacles, bound towards the Netherworld White Tiger.

But the moment it came into contact with the waves, it was torn apart by the strong wind.

Tang San's expression changed, and he immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

However, Tang San's efforts were not in vain, and he still bought some time for everyone. Ma Hongjun hurriedly hurriedly slowed down, and finally his slender body blocked Yinlang's path.

Two thick beams of light were injected into his body one after another. Ma Hongjun's veins bloomed, drops of blood emerged from his pores, and even cyan soul power continued to seep out of his body.

This is a sign that the body has improved too much in a short period of time and cannot control the power.

The increase of the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda and the increase of the gourd have brought Ma Hongjun's body to the limit. What he has to do now is to release this power as soon as possible, otherwise he will be killed by his own people before he is killed by the Netherworld White Tiger's trick. Suffocated to death.

The phoenix dances for nine days!

The loud phoenix cry echoed in the ring again, and the huge flame wings wrapped Ma Hongjun into a ball of fire.

But unfortunately, quantitative changes did not lead to qualitative changes.

Like a substantial sonic air wave, it shot directly at the flaming phoenix like thunder. The violent air current surged endlessly, blowing out all the surrounding golden flames.

Ma Hongjun's flaming phoenix kept getting smaller and smaller until finally it could no longer resist it and was swept out of the ring by the sound wave.

After being weakened step by step by Tang San and Ma Hongjun, Yin Lang no longer had the devastating power it had at the beginning.

But for weak auxiliary soul masters like Oscar and Ning Rongrong, they were still unable to resist the attack.

If they are affected by the sound wave, then the next elite competition will have nothing to do with them.

Because this is not an injury that can be cured in two or three days.

Just when Ning Rongrong was desperate, a piece of mushroom sausage was suddenly stuffed into her mouth.

"This is?!" Ning Rongrong's eyes widened.

Oscar didn't have time to say anything, he just crossed his arms and stood in front of Ning Rongrong, with half-hearted soul power film covering his body.

This behavior goes without saying that he is preparing to use his body to buy Ning Rongrong time to escape.

At this moment, Ning Rongrong suddenly felt that Oscar's body was so majestic that he didn't even care about the phantom intestine in his mouth.

Even Ning Fengzhi on the stage was stunned, and for the first time, he recognized Oscar in his heart.

"Rongrong's vision is really good."

The roaring sound waves got closer and closer. Oscar closed his eyes in resignation, but he was soon frightened by the delicate body clinging to him behind him and opened his eyes.

"Rongrong, didn't I ask you to leave?!"

Ning Rongrong read Oscar's thoughts from his stern eyes, but she didn't care. At this time, she just wanted to be by Oscar's side, and they would die together.

Seeing Ning Rongrong acting petulant and lowering her head and ignoring him, Oscar was on the verge of tears: "It's over, now I really have to be a miserable mandarin duck."

But the range of the sound waves was too great. Xiao Wu's thin body couldn't withstand the range at all, and her little soul power was no longer enough for her to use the last invincible golden body again.

In order to avoid injury, Xiao Wu could only take Oscar and Ning Rongrong to jump off the ring.

The raging energy finally hit the protective cover of the arena, causing ripples.

Wang Xiaofeng also successfully threw Ma Hongjun's opponent out of the field.

At this time, there were only three people left on Shrek's side: Dai Mubai, who had less than 30% of his soul power, and Tang San, who was injured internally and had only half of his soul power.

There is also Wang Xiaofeng who has been paddling secretly.

Releasing such a powerful blow, the Netherworld White Tiger was not completely free of cost. At least his body became noticeably lighter.

And Netherworld White Tiger was obviously aware of this problem.

The powerful limbs suddenly tensed up, and a large piece of lime beneath his feet suddenly rose several meters away. The white tiger jumped and landed not far away from Tang San.

The arena could not withstand such weight, and broken tiles sputtered in all directions.

The Netherworld White Tiger was like a high-speed chariot, rumbling towards Tang San,

That's right, after finishing the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower, he set his target on Tang San.

Tang San, who possesses twin martial spirits, is obviously the most threatening among the remaining three.

Even if the black hammer doesn't have any soul ring attached to it.

Uh-huh! !

Layers of black blue silver grass surged out from the surrounding ground, wrapping Tang San into a big black ball in just an instant.

The level gap was too big, and the internal injuries on his body were straining his nerves all the time. This kind of body could no longer support his high-intensity fighting.

So the first thing Tang San thought of was defense.

As for the Clear Sky Hammer, Tang San never thought about using it, because he knew that before he even hit the opponent, he would be flattened by the tiger's palm.

Unless the Netherworld White Tiger, like the dragon in the last scene, goes berserk and becomes a living target.

With a speed that was inconsistent with his huge body, the Netherworld White Tiger arrived in front of the newly sealed black ball in the blink of an eye.

The huge tiger palm struck the black ball firmly, and amidst the explosion of air flow, blue and silver grass splashed everywhere. Tang San, who was hiding in the black ball, was shaken by the powerful force contained in the tiger palm, and his whole body was numb and trembling.

Tang San couldn't help but groan, and his seven orifices suddenly spurted out small streams of blood.

But he let out a roar, and eight dark red spider spears suddenly surged out from behind him, piercing into the Netherworld White Tiger's palm in an instant.

The moment the Eight Spider Spear pierced the body, the Netherworld White Tiger suddenly trembled violently.

Then, the roar of the tiger, much louder than the previous roar, once again enveloped the entire arena.

Under the huge shock wave, Tang San let out a muffled groan and was immediately knocked away. The newly drawn Eight Spider Spear was still a little milky white when it left the tiger's palm.

Although the most troublesome Tang San was eliminated, Davis, who controlled the Netherworld White Tiger, couldn't be happy.

Because the two consecutive sonic attacks in a short period of time had consumed most of his soul power, especially Tang San's, the last one seemed to have done some trick, causing him to lose 10% of his soul power out of thin air.

Now, the Netherworld White Tiger can only last for half a minute.

Dai Mubai looked at that very transparent body, not knowing that it had reached its limit.

Taking a strong breath, the dim fourth soul ring emitted fluorescence again.

"This is my last fourth soul skill."

White Tiger Meteor Shower!

Dai Mubai roared silently, and dozens of golden streams of light passed through the air again, hitting the Netherworld White Tiger in the distance.

"Hmph, naive."

The Netherworld White Tiger's eyes showed human disdain. As a prince trained by the Star Luo Empire for the next emperor, no one understood the advantages and disadvantages of the evil-eyed White Tiger's inherited soul skills better than him.

The tiger body, which was clearly more than four meters high and more than ten meters long, was like a sensitive civet cat in Davis's hands. It was stunned to find a route with the fewest light bombs among the dense light bombs.

Dai Mubai looked at the ferocious mouth coming towards him and closed his eyes in resignation.

"This may be fate. Zhuqing, Xiaofeng, Xiaoao, Fatty, Xiaosan, Xiaowu, Rongrong, and the teachers, I hope to meet you again in the next life."

As the ground trembled, a pair of strong hands grabbed the Netherworld White Tiger's legs.

Before the Netherworld White Tiger could react, a huge force suddenly came from its hind limbs. The Netherworld White Tiger suddenly fell to the ground and was dragged back several meters.

"Don't think that I can't attack if you stand behind me!"

The slender tiger tail whipped towards Wang Xiaofeng like a long whip.

What Nether White Tiger didn't expect was that Wang Xiaofeng stretched out his hands and grabbed his tail directly, but the other party didn't even move.

Wang Xiaofeng then exerted his strength and pulled the Netherworld White Tiger up from the ground, spun it around several times, and threw it towards the protective cover next to it.

The Nether White Tiger waved its limbs helplessly, rolled twice in the air, and hit its back heavily on the solid protective cover, cracking the protective cover with deep gaps.

In the crashing sound like the earth was shattering, the bright shield suddenly became bright and dark, as if it would break in the next second. It frightened each and every Soul Douluo to quickly input soul power into the soul guide, and then it was barely stable. Come down.

The Nether White Tiger slipped from the protective cover, and then slowly disintegrated under Wang Xiaofeng's calm eyes, turning into two figures and lying in the pit.

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