Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 409 The Power of Wuhun Palace

"Sh...Shrek Academy wins!" The referee's slightly trembling voice expressed his inner uneasiness at this time.

Davis and Zhu Zhuyun were beaten so hard that they immediately exited the martial soul fusion state. The referee felt that even if they were on the field, they would probably end up like this in the end.

Are today’s players all monsters? !

Shrek won, which also meant that the fate of Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing changed.

The Star Luo Empire is about to usher in a new storm.

After the battle, the audience did not cheer for the first time, but remained silent for a long time.

It wasn't until the referee made his decision and shouted loudly: "Shrek wins." Only then did some people gradually come back to their senses.

"Whoosh whoosh-"

Applause and cheers filled the sky. Normally, there would be polite applause after the game, but now the applause and excited cheers were real.

This game is undoubtedly an audio-visual feast for the audience. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the most exciting game since the beginning of the finals.

Wang Xiaofeng couldn't understand why the audience watching the game was more excited than the players, but that didn't stop him from helping Dai Mubai walk down from the ring.

Dai Mubai, who was carried off the stage by Wang Xiaofeng, was still a little dazed at this time. He thought that he was going to be destroyed by Davis.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a turn of events, and Wang Xiaofeng directly turned the tables. The winner was decided in just a few seconds.

The ups and downs of life were so fast that he still couldn't believe it. He always felt that it was in a dream.

If Wang Xiaofeng hadn't carried him like a sack and the bumps made him want to vomit, he might have stayed in his dream for a while.

Jiangzhu, who had been waiting for a long time in the audience, looked at Dai Mubai's gray face and serious injury (filter), and quickly activated the third soul skill's healing halo.

Green light spots containing the breath of life poured into his body, making Dai Mubai couldn't help but let out a comfortable moan.

Returning to Shrek's lounge, only Zhao Wuji was still waiting for them.

As for Tang San, Xiao Wu and others, they had already been taken by the master to the doctor for examination and treatment.

Although the treatment fee of the doctors in Wuhun Palace is very expensive, the results are amazing.

Under the treatment of the sixty-level soul emperor using his sixth soul skill, Tang San's Xiaowu Ma Hongjun's apparent injuries improved rapidly.

Granulation sprouted from the large bleeding mouth, which was visible to the naked eye. After a few minutes, the palm-sized wound was completely healed without even a scar.

Except for the fact that his skin was a little white, there was no way to tell that the spot was a wound just a few minutes ago.

But that's all.

Everyone had consumed their soul power and suffered internal injuries to their internal organs. They could only drink some medicine and rely on their bodies to slowly recover.

Flanders endured the pain in his heart and brushed off the fifteen hundred gold soul coins on the soul guide with trembling hands.

Seeing that the eight-digit deposit was reduced by four digits, Flanders was so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe. He forced an ugly smile and said to everyone: "Today's game was good, but we must guard against arrogance and impetuosity. Be modest and cautious, there will be stronger opponents waiting for you now."

Everyone responded loudly: "Yes, Dean!"

Shrek and Star Luo Royal Academy definitely got off to a good start today, which made the audience look forward to the next game even more.

After all, the lineups of both sides in the next match are also very gorgeous.

On the one hand, in the second round, Wuhundian Academy only sent out one Soul King and a few substitute Soul Sects to sweep the entire academy, setting a record for the fastest elimination rate in this finals.

On the other side, there was the Tiandou Royal Academy, which was also a seed academy and had great expectations from Tiandou. It had performed very well in previous competitions.

Wang Xiaofeng leaned on the railing with his buttocks raised, watching the two teams enter the ring at the referee's signal. While cracking melon seeds, he asked Dai Mubai who was enjoying Jiang Zhu's treatment: "Mubai, what do you mean by Wuhun Temple?" It will take about a few minutes to resolve the battle.”

Dai Mubai pondered for a while: "I heard that Yu Tianheng and the others have all been promoted to the Soul Sect, so I guess five minutes."

Dai Mubai was also familiar with the Imperial Fighting Team.

Whether it was Yu Tianheng's blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex martial spirit or Dugu Yan's very difficult snake venom, they all left a great impression on him.

Looking at the high-spirited Yu Tianheng who was at least level 47 in the arena, and Dugu Yan who had the toxins removed from his body by the mistress and had his black hair restored.

The teammates around him had at least forty-level soul power.

Wang Xiaofeng squeezed lightly with his right hand, and the melon seeds were instantly rushed into his mouth by the soul power: "Then I will guess for a minute. After all, it is the third round, and with Wuhundian's style of doing things, they will not leave their trump cards behind. It was opened at the end.”

Even when facing Wuhundian Academy, which has three great soul kings and the lowest soul power level is level 45, the seven people from Tiandou Royal Academy are not depressed at all.

Instead, there was a burning fighting spirit in his eyes.

On the other hand, the Wuhundian Academy was a bit careless and stood there casually.

There were three unfamiliar faces in Wuhundian Academy. Wang Xiaofeng guessed that they should be the so-called golden generation.

Wang Xiaofeng's eyes fell on the girl standing in the center among the seven people in Wuhun Hall.

This is a very beautiful girl. Her appearance alone is not as good as Zhu Zhuqing's, but the combination of her facial features gives people a strange sense of beauty. The more she looks at her, the more beautiful she becomes, especially her pair of red and phoenix eyes. , a flick of eyeliner can easily seduce people's hearts.

"Does it look good?"

Suddenly a voice of inquiry came to his ears, and Wang Xiaofeng subconsciously replied: "Not bad."

After saying that, Wang Xiaofeng realized what he was doing. He threw down the melon seed shells and wanted to cover his ears, but he was still a step too slow.

Sure enough, a soft little hand grabbed his ear, and there was a sharp pain.

"You little Fengzi, you're hiding here to secretly look at beautiful women."

Wang Xiaofeng glanced at Nitya who was pouting her little mouth out of the corner of her eye, and then while her attention was on his face, he just threw away the melon seed shell and his free right hand suddenly wrapped around her waist.

"Hahaha, it's so itchy."

Nitya subconsciously released her right hand from holding her ear, and turned her waist to avoid Wang Xiaofeng's mischievous hand.

Then, looking at Wang Xiaofeng's running back, she realized that she had been fooled.

"Damn it, don't run!"

Nitya chased after him angrily.

Zao Wuji, who was watching as a melon-eater, touched his head and couldn't help but sigh: "Oh, it's so good to be young."

On the other side, under the shouts of the referee, the second game began.

The dazzling black soul rings on Xieyue, Yan and Hu Liena attracted the attention of all viewers.

But what's more surprising is their soul power level.

Xie Yue turned out to be not the fifty-second level as Dugubo said, but the fifty-fourth level. Even Yan and Hu Liena had reached the fifty-third and fifty-second levels.

The weakest auxiliary soul master in the team has also reached level 46 in soul power.

The soul power levels of the seven of them are too high. Compared with other colleges in this soul master competition, they are on two levels.

However, even such a huge gap in soul power did not make Tiandou Royal Academy give up.

Yu Tianheng roared angrily and charged towards Wuhundian Academy.

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