Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 410 The top six are revealed

The battle started suddenly.

Yu Tianheng rushed out first with thunder and lightning, followed closely by Yu Feng and Dugu Yan.

The soul ring glowed, and a thick poisonous mist suddenly sprayed over the arena.

The red poison and purple poison were inhaled by the teammates, and the light representing the increase flashed over them. Not only that, the third soul, green phosphorus and purple poison, also covered half of the team.

Under Ye Lingling's treatment, his teammates were temporarily immune to the side effects of the toxin.

Dugu Yan successfully completed the layout, but she didn't notice that the first four soul rings on Hu Liena's body from the Wuhun Palace were beating in a regular pattern.

The beam of light representing the increase fell on her body, and a rose-red soul power suddenly emerged from Hu Liena's body. Yu Tianheng, Osluo and the two black turtle soul masters were suddenly stunned, and they stopped releasing the energy at the same time. Soul skills.

Only Yufeng was in better condition, but his crooked flight path meant that he was trying his best to resist mental erosion.

Ye Langling had just used Nine-Hearted Begonia to relieve everyone's abnormal state, but the next moment, Hu Liena directly used the fifth soul skill, and arrows formed by six hearts were shot at everyone.

Except for Yufeng, who flapped his wings and turned sharply to avoid it, the others just regained their energy and were unable to dodge for a while, and were hit by arrows one after another.

The eyes of the four people who were hit by the arrows instantly became very dull, and they looked at Hu Liena with silly smiles, looking like they were licking dogs.

Only Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling at the back were slightly better and were not so seriously charmed.

But at this time, except for Dugu Yan, Ye Lingling and Yu Feng, everyone else had completely lost their ability to fight.

Seeing this, Xie Yue and Yan took a step forward, and their fifth ten thousand year soul rings suddenly lit up.

A pair of moon blades flashed through the air, and accompanied by the roar of meteors and fire showers, the red fire suddenly enveloped the seven people.

A series of muffled sounds kept coming from the fire.

Looking at the sharp moon blade on his neck, Yu Tianheng coughed out a mouthful of blood and said in a deep voice: "We admit defeat."

The referee raised the white flag in time: "Wuhundian Academy wins!"

It was normal for Tiandou to lose, but to everyone's expectation, the battle ended too quickly.

Although I didn't expect a fight between the dragon and the tiger, I didn't expect such a crushing situation at first.

The strength gap between the two sides was too big. With only four people taking action, Tiandou lost in less than a minute.

Tiandou Royal Academy is simply unable to resist due to the huge level gap.

Although everyone in Tiandou Royal Academy was not afraid, they bravely endured until the end.

But unfortunately, the gap in strength cannot be erased with courage alone.

Dai Mubai shook his head with a wry smile, looked at Wang Xiaofeng with a serious expression and said, "I didn't expect Wuhun Palace to be so powerful. It deserves to be the golden generation."

In this game, the golden generation of Wuhun Palace just showed their due strength and easily crushed Tiandou Royal Academy.

One can imagine how far the strength of the three of them has reached.

Wang Xiaofeng ignored Nidia who was riding on him, rubbing her hair vigorously, and touched her chin: "I suspect they still have some trump cards that they haven't shown yet, and Zhu Qing is still in a coma, so Xiantian is missing from our side. A trump card that determines victory or defeat."

And in terms of lineup, Wuhun Palace only has one auxiliary soul master.

There are two on Wang Xiaofeng's side, which means that one of the five of them will face a flanking attack from two of them.

Wang Xiaofeng fell into thinking unconsciously. However, the pain in his wrist soon brought him back to reality.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at Nidia with some surprise, biting the back of his hand viciously: "So you are still here, don't you need to prepare for the next game?"

Nitya tapped Wang Xiaofeng's forehead with her red and delicate fingers: "Are you an idiot? Our college has a bye this round. And for a beautiful woman like me to be in a daze in front of you, I am still not a man."

Dai Mubai teased: "Xiao Feng, if I were you I wouldn't be able to bear it anymore."

"Go, go, go." Wang Xiaofeng pointed at the door angrily.

Seeing that Wang Xiaofeng ignored her again, Nidia showed her white teeth again: "Ouch, I'm going to bite you to death, you idiot!"

"Hey, don't bite there..."

The two people's fight immediately diluted the dull atmosphere just now.

The game continued, but after two exciting games between Shrek and Wuhundian, the next two games were boring no matter how you watched them.

The audience clapped enthusiastically.

I believe that as soon as today's game is over, many college teams will know it.

Whether it is Shrek or Wuhundian Academy, they are far from being comparable to these other academies. Even if they really use their trump card, it will be useless.

They don't have soul fusion skills comparable to Soul Saint's as a trump card, or they have Soul King-level teammates.

If you encounter it, just give up and give up.

The list of the top six has been released, namely: Shrek Academy, (New) Divine Wind Academy, Wuhundian Academy, Xingyue Academy, Tianshui Academy, and Shura Academy.

There is no doubt that among all the remaining six teams, Wuhundian Academy is second to none.

Following closely behind is Shrek Academy, and the other academies are more of just foils.

By the way, Nitya's college is Star and Moon College, and she also holds the position of captain.

Wang Xiaofeng glanced at Nidiya up and down with suspicious eyes, and almost said, "Can you also be the captain?"

Nidia raised her head proudly, revealing her snow-white neck: "Why, you are looking down on me. I am the highest level in the team, with a full level of forty-eight."

Wang Xiaofeng clapped expressionlessly: "It's really amazing."

Nitya went a little crazy: "Ah, your expression really deserves a beating."

After fighting for a while, Nitya also said goodbye. If she didn't go back, the instructor would use this as an excuse to arrange all kinds of boring tasks for her.

"Let's go and see how Xiao San and the others are doing."

When the three of them arrived at the hospital, Ma Hongjun was already awake. As soon as they walked to the door, they could hear him having a little temper there.

"This porridge has no taste at all. I want to eat roast chicken! I want to eat sesame cakes! I want to eat..."

Before Ma Hongjun could finish speaking, he was hit several times on the head. Flanders said angrily: "I haven't even eaten yet. You still have the nerve to complain about this and that. Just forget it if you don't eat."

Ma Hongjun rolled on the hospital bed: "I have done meritorious deeds for Shrek, I have shed blood for Shrek, you can't do this to me, I want to eat meat!"

Fran pulled up his sleeves: "Hey, I turned against you!"

Then, a scream came from the room.

Wang Xiaofeng put down the hand he had just reached for the doorknob: "Haha, it seems that the fat man is recovering well."

Dai Mubai nodded seriously: "Well, we won't disturb him from receiving the education of Dean's love. Let's go see Xiao San and Xiao Wu first."

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