Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 411 Wang Feng Arrives

"Mistress, are you feeling well?"

As soon as Wang Xiaofeng opened the door to the room, he saw Xiao Wu nestling in Tang San's arms, "Sorry, I went to the wrong place."

The door closed with a click.

"Mistress, you... Ouch!" Dai Mubai covered his red forehead, "What are you doing? You closed the door suddenly!"

Wang Xiaofeng pursed his lips: "The young couple are making out."

"That's it, then we'd better go back..."

Before Dai Mubai finished speaking, he saw the door suddenly open. Xiao Wu's cheeks were dyed pink, and she rolled her eyes at the two of them: "Why are you standing outside? Come in quickly."

Wang Xiaofeng smiled and walked into the room with Dai Mubai: "I won't disturb you."

"Already disturbed."

Tang San was much thicker-skinned than Xiao Wu. He lay on the bed and coughed twice, then asked with a normal expression: "Brother Feng, is the golden generation of Wuhun Palace playing today?"

When it came to serious matters, Wang Xiaofeng also became serious: "I'm here, and the strength is much stronger than we both expected. Except for their control soul master Hu Liena, who showed a powerful and terrifying group charm, no one else knew anything about it. "

What's more important is that most of Shrek's personnel are more or less injured, and the day after tomorrow is the fourth round of six-to-three games.

Tang San had obviously considered this issue, and he said with a smile: "I still have some herbs here that can strengthen the body and strengthen the body. It should be able to restore 80% of the strength before the competition."

Wang Xiaofeng breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

Up to this point, the competition is not just about strength, but also about will and logistics.

The Wuhun Palace has Soul Saint-level auxiliary soul masters to adjust their status, but Tang San can only take care of it on Shrek's side.

Shao Xin originally wanted to come with the team, but the master considered that if he won the championship, Wuhun Palace might ambush him on the road, and no one would be able to care about him during the fight, so he refused.

Wang Xiaofeng and Tang San discussed the lineups of each academy appearing today, and Dai Mubai chimed in from time to time.

Xiao Wu sat quietly and acted like a beautiful girl.

The night is getting deeper.

The discussion came to an end for the time being. Wang Xiaofeng drank all the water in the cup. Just as he was about to say something, he caught Xiao Wu's vicious eyes from the corner of his eye.

Wang Xiaofeng smacked his lips as if nothing had happened, "Ah, it's so late. Xiaosan, your injury hasn't healed yet, so you'd better rest early."

Dai Mubai stood up and said, "That's right. It won't be too late to talk tomorrow. We won't disturb you anymore."

Wang Xiaofeng and the others chatted relatively late, and the teachers had already returned to the hotel.

Except for the nursing staff on duty, there were not many people in the hospital.

After taking a brief look at Ma Hongjun, who was snoring and sleeping soundly, Wang Xiaofeng finally felt relieved.

The dark night sky was dotted with stars, and the distant scenery was hidden in the deep black night. The light from the windows on both sides shone on the nearby trees, leaving many blurry black shadows on the ground.

It was very quiet on the way back. Apart from the sound of leaves rustling in the wind on the roadside, there was only the sound of Wang Xiaofeng and Dai Mubai's footsteps.

Dai Mubai suddenly said: "Xiao Feng, thank you so much today."

Wang Xiaofeng kicked away the stones on the roadside, "Oh, don't always thank me. You know I hate this the most."

"I know I know, but I still have to say it anyway." Dai Mubai smiled, and then his eyes lit up: "By the way, I have invited you to my home before, so why not do it after this competition is over."

"Allow me to refuse. Today you won the Star Luo Royal Academy. There must have been turmoil in the empire. You have to spend a lot of time sorting out these troubles.

And I still have important research to do here, so I can’t leave for the time being. "

Wang Xiaofeng thought for a while: "How about setting it in half a year."

"Okay, then I will be waiting for your arrival in the Star Luo Empire."

Once the conversation started, it was difficult to stop. Dai Mubai took the opportunity to discuss the future development direction of the soul ring.

Wang Xiaofeng's suggestion was to choose amplifying soul skills as much as possible.

After all, after Dai Mubai's body was tempered by the strange velvet Tongtianju, his physical potential was greatly improved.

Not only can it withstand more increases, but it will not easily happen like when Ma Hongjun was almost overwhelmed by the increase in today's game.

Moreover, as the cultivation level increases, in addition to the self-created soul skills that increase with the increase in strength, the previous soul rings will become more and more useless.

Dai Mubai stood at the stairs and said goodbye to Wang Xiaofeng thoughtfully, saying that he would consider it carefully.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Flender went to the Spirit Hall to draw lots on behalf of Shrek.

I don’t know if it was good luck or bad luck, but Flanders did not get the Spirit Hall Academy, but the Star and Moon Academy where Nidia was.

Nitya rolled around crazily on Wang Xiaofeng's bed: "Ah, I'm so angry. It's all your fault, the dean. How lucky you are! I was thinking of having a finals showdown, but why did we meet in advance?"

"Isn't this normal? It's easy to win with a two-fifth probability, right?"

Nitya shook her head: "I won't listen, I won't listen!"

After waiting for a while, he didn't hear Wang Xiaofeng's response. He quickly stood up from the bed and started looking for Wang Xiaofeng's figure, not even paying attention to the scenery that was accidentally exposed.

"Hey, are you going out?"

Nitya asked curiously as she watched Wang Xiaofeng change out of Shrek's team uniform that was covered with advertisements and put on some cool clothes that he rarely wore, and even specially washed his hair.

"Yes, my uncle and parents will arrive at Wuhun City today, and I have to pick them up now." Wang Xiaofeng tied his shoelaces.

Nitya jumped up from the bed: "I want to go too!"

"Just go." As soon as Wang Xiaofeng raised his head, he saw a flash of snow-white flashing across his sight and quickly looked away.

Nitya's lovely eyes turned into crescent moons: "So you are still shy."

"Girls should be more reserved." Wang Xiaofeng's voice came from outside the room.

Nitya whispered: "What does it matter? You are not an outsider anyway."

"Are you ready?" Wang Xiaofeng urged.

"I'm coming."

As the finals approached, there were many more vehicles coming and going in Wuhun City than before.

Although except for the direct members of Wuhun Palace, others are not eligible to enter and watch the game, but it does not prevent them from entering Wuhun City to experience this grand event that only happens once in five years.

Even the cost of entering the city is a bit expensive.

The streets changed from the deserted look before and became a little crowded.

Wang Xiaofeng and Nitya were dodging left and right in the crowd. Suddenly, the person in front suddenly stopped, and Wang Xiaofeng subconsciously stopped.

Then, Nidia bumped into Wang Xiaofeng's back unexpectedly.

Nitya felt like she had hit a big mountain. Her body was shaken and she fell backwards. She subconsciously reached out to grab something in front of her.

Wang Xiaofeng felt a chill in his lower body. Looking down, he saw that his pants had been pulled down by Nidia.

Time seems to have pressed the pause button.

"Xiao Feng, we are here..." Wang Feng walked out of the crowd and his eyes widened in shock at the sight in front of him: "Ahem, did I disturb you little lovers?"

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