Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 412 The second letter from home

"I can explain this."

Wang Xiaofeng calmly slapped away Nitya's hand that was clutching his trousers, then silently pulled up his trousers and put them on.

As long as he doesn't feel embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

"I understand, I understand." Wang Feng nodded, "This is the popular couple's game recently. I think I was also the most fashionable one in the village back then, but after getting married, I gradually fell behind the times."

"This is my friend Nidia." Wang Xiaofeng specially emphasized the word friend.

Wang Feng glanced at Nidia, who had a stern expression, and then at Wang Xiaofeng.

I brought them all to prepare to meet the elders, and... Oh, I understand, it turns out that I am thin-skinned, which is understandable.

When he went to his mother-in-law's house for the first time, his wife introduced her as a 'friend'.

Then during dinner that night, the two of them directly confirmed their relationship under the "concern" of their elders.

Thinking about it now, I can only say that it was all a routine.

While Wang Feng was thinking to himself, Wang Xiaofeng looked behind him: "By the way, Brother Feng, where are my parents? Why didn't I see them?"

"There are many people here, so I can't explain it at the moment. Let's go to where I live first."

Wang Feng is worthy of being someone who once studied at Wuhundian Intermediate Academy here. He led Wang Xiaofeng and Nidia into the alley very familiarly.

The intricate paths almost made Wang Xiaofeng and Nitya lose their way. Ten minutes later, Wang Feng led them to a small two-story building.

The small house was surrounded by several fruit trees, and messy bushes grew wildly, roughly enclosing a medium-sized yard.

The courtyard door made of wooden boards was casually painted with red paint, and the road was covered with leaves, which made a creaking sound when the three of them stepped on it.

Wang Xiaofeng speculated that the owner of the house should be a very lazy person.

Nitya became playful and stepped back and forth on the leaves.

Wang Feng pushed open the unlocked courtyard door, "This is it."

Wang Xiaofeng looked around and joked: "Brother Feng, I can't tell you are quite rich."

Although this place is located in a remote place, this is Wuhun City.

It is equivalent to buying a 100 square meter house within the Fourth Ring Road of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

With Wang Xiaofeng's current savings, at most, it is enough to buy a shop of about 1,000 square meters in a good location in Wuhun City.

"I don't have money to buy a house here..."

Just as Wang Feng was about to explain, the door of the room suddenly opened from the inside, and a cheerful male voice came into his ears: "A Feng, you came too late. If you wait a few days, the game will be over."

Wang Feng laughed, walked over and hugged the visitor: "Yuntao, since you were transferred to Notting City, we haven't seen each other for nine years."

Feeling the power coming from his back, the man had a painful expression on his face. He was about to retaliate in kind, but Wang Feng had anticipated it and released his hand in time.

"I haven't seen you for so long, and you are still the same. You haven't changed at all."

The man hugging Wang Feng looked to be in his thirties, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and a very handsome appearance. Wearing a white outfit, there is a fist-sized soul badge in the center of his chest.

This is the outfit worn by personnel directly under the Wuhun Palace. Wang Feng also has several sets of such outfits at home.

After some polite remarks, Wang Feng introduced the identity of this handsome uncle to Wang Xiaofeng: "This is my good brother Su Yuntao. He used to sleep on my upper bunk and snore a lot..."

Su Yuntao quickly interrupted him: "Hey, let's introduce it well. Why expose someone's shortcomings?"

Wang Xiaofeng saw that Su Yuntao was just pretending to be angry but didn't take it seriously, so he believed that the two of them were indeed good friends for many years.

Wang Xiaofeng still gives Wang Feng face in front of others.

He smiled slightly and performed a simple soul master etiquette: "Hello, Uncle Su, I am Wang Xiaofeng, and this is my good friend Nidia."

Nidia instantly transformed into a lady: "Hello, uncle!"

"Hello, you two little friends." Su Yuntao nodded slightly, but he took out two pieces of white paper and two pens with his backhand: "I am a fan of you two, can you sign your name for me. "

This style of painting changed so quickly that Wang Xiaofeng and Nitya were caught off guard. They thought he was a handsome uncle, but unexpectedly he turned out to be a fool.

"…Ok, Ok."

Su Yuntao, who got the signatures of the two people, took them into his arms very preciously, and then welcomed the three people into the house.

As soon as I opened the door, a strange smell hit my face.

There were leftovers on the dining table, oil stains stained the tabletop, the stools were tilted here and there, the quilt on the bed was curled up in the corner, and the sofa was piled with changed clothes and socks.

The whole room was filled with a suffocating smell.

Su Yuntao smiled awkwardly, and then quickly cleaned up: "The house is a bit messy, you can sit wherever you want."

Wang Feng sighed and picked up a relatively clean rag from the side: "Oh, it's such a mess. You two should go back first. We won't be able to clean it up in a few hours."

"By the way." Wang Feng patted his head, and then took out a letter from his arms: "Xiao Feng, this is what your parents sent back to the village a few months ago. They seemed to be delayed by something, so they didn't Come watch your game.”

"Brother Feng, I won't blame them."

Wang Xiaofeng took the envelope and opened it directly. At this time, he was more concerned about the safety of his parents than missing the game.

After all, no one visits a relative for two years, for fear of something unexpected happening to them.

Opening the folded paper, familiar handwriting suddenly came into view: Qin Qi, the most handsome son of Hulu Village.

"Handsome son:

When you open this letter, it should be at the finals of the elite competition. Unfortunately, we did not fulfill our agreement and went to the stadium to cheer you up in person. I want to say sorry to you here.

(The above passage was written by your mother and I taught your father. He does not have such literary talent)."

There were several horizontal lines drawn here. Judging from the strength of the pen penetrating the paper, the person who made the lines was quite angry.

Wang Daniu finally regained his composure, but he didn't know that he would kneel on the washboard for several hours and sleep on the wooden board for several days.

Nidia lay on Wang Xiaofeng's back, laughing so hard that her shoulders were shaking: "Your parents are so interesting."

The scrawled handwriting ended and came down to beautiful and neat handwriting. You could tell at a glance that it was written by He Li.

"It's not that we don't want to come back, but your grandpa is too rigid and thinks that Hulucun Village is poor and backward and not as good as Xingluo, so he forced us to stay.

This old man is very powerful, and we are no match, so good son, it’s not that we don’t want to go, but that the enemy is too powerful.

By the way, because it’s so comfortable here, I accidentally do some exercises a little more frequently.

If nothing else happens, your mother will be about to give birth when you read this letter.

Aren't you happy? You are about to have a younger brother. "

Wang Xiaofeng put away the envelope with a complicated mood.

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