Gourd of Douluo

Extra: Chapter 16, four hundred chapters late

Prospect review: Wang Xiaofeng, who forgot to book a hotel because he was wandering around, successfully checked into the Moonlight Hotel with the help of the enthusiastic ‘proprietress’.

Looking at Wang Xiao's figure disappearing around the corner of the stairs, Nidia said softly: "Grandpa Feng, activate the No. 9 prank package."

Suddenly a gust of wind blew out of thin air in the lobby, and an old man appeared in front of Nidia. He said with a grimace: "Miss, the story of robbing customers at the Moonlight Hotel has spread throughout this neighborhood. If you continue like this, Within a week, the Soto City law enforcement team will seal the Moonlight Hotel."

Nitya waved her hand nonchalantly: “Anyway, I came here to have fun during the holidays, so if it goes bankrupt, it will go bankrupt.

I don’t know which idiot in the tribe had the idea to build the hotel in such a remote corner. Only eight people came in a month. It’s not enough money for daily maintenance. Why not use the remaining heat and let me buy a few? A nice dress. "

Seeing Nidia's confident look, the old man sighed: "As long as you are happy."

Anyway, with this little witch's status in the family, she might be praised for closing down the hotel.

Wang Xiaofeng, who didn't know that he was about to get into trouble, was taking out clothes from his bag.

Although he was teased a little, he received a luxurious room for free from the 'proprietress'. Wang Xiaofeng wanted to shout "Sister, I don't want to work hard anymore", especially the huge bathtub in the bathroom, where you can even swim in it. .

"I love taking a bath, my skin feels good..."

Even if he is tone deaf, he cannot stop Wang Xiaofeng from singing loudly.

However, when he put his hand on the handle of the bathroom door, an electric current suddenly came from above and spread throughout his body.

"A little... a little... numb..."

Lightning flashed across Wang Xiaofeng's body, and he fell to the ground trembling. He twitched twice and then became silent.

After a long while, the door that should have been locked was suddenly opened, and a figure walked in slowly.

He glanced at Wang Xiaofeng, who occasionally twitched, and sighed: "Boy, it's just your bad luck. There's nothing wrong with where you live, but you have to move in at this time."

This level of current will not cause death, but it can still stun someone for several hours.

The figure skillfully opened Wang Xiaofeng's baggage and flipped through it casually: "What a poor man. Apart from some shabby clothes, he only has more than a hundred gold soul coins? He can't hide it on his body, right?"

Putting the money bag into his arms, the figure walked towards Wang Xiaofeng who was lying on the ground.

When a pair of rough palms were about to touch Wang Xiaofeng, Wang Xiaofeng suddenly opened his eyes, straightened his legs, like a rabbit kicking an eagle, and kicked the black shadow hard with his feet.

"Wow!" A mouthful of blood spurted out and scattered on the expensive blanket.

I have to say that Wang Xiaofeng's acting skills were so good that this person didn't even react and was caught off guard.

Wang Xiaofeng knew very well the principle of beating a drowned dog, and without giving him a chance, he swooped forward like a strong cheetah, made a fist mark with his right hand, and hit the masked man hard on the chin.

The masked man slid several meters in the air, spun half a circle and fell to the marble floor.

Just when Wang Xiaofeng was about to step forward to finish the attack, the masked man suddenly rolled up and left a sentence: "I surrender." Then he ran out of the window and disappeared.

"Damn, how could someone be so kind as to let me stay for free? It turns out to be a shady hotel!"

Wang Xiaofeng picked up his money bag from the ground and was about to pack his luggage and escape from this black shop overnight, but suddenly he thought: "No, maybe they are ambushing outside now, let's wait until dawn. If there is a fight at that time, it will be very difficult." It’s easy to attract the city’s law enforcement team.”

As soon as this idea came out, Wang Xiaofeng became more and more sure of his idea.

He decided to wait for work, and first blocked the useless door with a stool and wardrobe, and then happily walked into the bathroom.

He wants these criminal gangs to know what heartache is.

A small bottle of strange-scented flower dew worth dozens of gold soul coins was poured into the bathtub, and a small piece of soap worth dozens of gold soul coins, all used up...

By the way, although I can't practice today, I still want to drink today's moon liquid. I hope I can improve my cultivation level a little bit.

With this thought, Wang Xiaofeng summoned a gourd and poured it into his mouth, and a drop of jade beads slowly dripped down.

"What, not only was I defeated, but I also lost the purse in my hand." Nitya put down the paper fan in her hand, "Forget it, there's not much money anyway, since I lost, let's let that little brat go." One horse…”

Before she finished speaking, a delicate scepter suddenly appeared in Nidia's hand.

A strange feeling welled up in her heart. Wuhun seemed to be telling her that there were treasures around her, and absorbing them would be of great benefit.

Nidia felt the direction guided by the martial spirit: "This location is the room where that little brat lives!"

Seeing Nitya rushing out of the room in a rage, the old man touched his beard in confusion: "Didn't I just say that I wanted to let that kid go? Sure enough, no matter how old they are, women are so fickle."

The breeze blew by, and the old man's figure suddenly disappeared into the room.

Wang Xiaofeng smacked his lips. The moon juice was still so tasteless. He felt that the bath was almost done. Wang Xiaofeng casually wrapped his body in a bath towel.

It's been almost half an hour. If those bandits wanted to break in, they would have broken in long ago. They shouldn't...

boom! !

A huge explosion suddenly appeared in front of Wang Xiaofeng.

The valuable cabinets and stools were reduced to bits of debris under the powerful impact, and the smoke and dust filled the air, making the expensive carpets extremely messy.

Wang Xiaofeng was also under this shock wave and couldn't help but take several steps back before barely steadying his body.

"I didn't even look for you, but I called you first."

The clay figurine is still very angry. Do you really think that Wang Xiaofeng is made of clay? !

Holding an ordinary green gourd in his hand, two hundred-year-old soul rings suddenly appeared on his body. The brilliance representing growth flashed across his body, and Wang Xiaofeng entered his strongest state in an instant.

"Hand over the treasure..."

Nidia held the Moon Scepter in an elegant posture and walked into the room stepping on sawdust. Before she could finish her words, she was greeted by a fist as big as a sandbag.

when! !

The fist landed lightly on the scepter that she could barely raise to parry.

Nitya's unconcerned expression suddenly changed, and her body was pushed back by this huge force.

Tap tap tap!

She stepped on the hard marble floor and made several cracks.

Wang Xiaofeng exhaled a breath of boiling hot air, stepped on his foot suddenly, and the marble floor once again made a loud sound like a thunderbolt from the blue.

With the burst of strength, Wang Xiaofeng was like a bolt of lightning, arriving in front of Nidia in the blink of an eye.

Then, two jade-white palms shot out one after another.

"The first soul skill, frost halo."

Nidia's reaction was not slow. After Wang Xiaofeng's first round of attack, she had already started to use her soul skills.

Frost quickly spread from the ground to Wang Xiaofeng's body. His body was already wet, and his body temperature was quickly taken away by the cold.

But his pair of dicks still hit Nitya's chest firmly!

"Ah, rascal!"

A flash of white snow flashed across Wang Xiaofeng's sight, and he closed his eyes subconsciously.

Then, he experienced the feeling of being bombarded by soul skills.

A bright white ball of light is attached to the ceiling, which not only continues to lower the surrounding temperature, but also continuously fires energy balls, making it impossible to dodge in a small room.

Wang Xiaofeng could only enlarge the gourd and shrink his body behind it.

Boom boom boom! !

The entire third floor of the Moonlight Hotel was constantly shaking under the bombardment of Nidia's third soul skill, but at least it could be seen that no corners were cut.

The quality of the house is still good and it has not collapsed.

The old man appeared next to Nitya at some unknown time, gently holding her scepter with his right hand, blocking the infusion of soul power, "Miss, if you continue to hit him, you will kill him."

A blush appeared on Nitya's angry face: "It would be better to kill him, who would let him..."

Even though she said this, Nidia never used soul skills again.

Turning over the tables, chairs and benches that had been torn by the bombing, Nidia carefully picked up a wooden stick from the ground and stabbed Wang Xiaofeng, who was all charred.

"Grandpa Feng, he's not really dead, is he?"

The old man smiled and said: "He's not dead, he just fainted."

"Let me find the treasure?" Although the desire in her heart had long since disappeared, Nidia believed that the treasure was on Wang Xiaofeng.

Nitya used a wooden stick to turn over Wang Xiaofeng's body. She didn't know why she suddenly lifted the tattered bathrobe, exposing Wang Xiaofeng's naked body to her eyes.

"Ah, gangster!!"

Nidia's screams echoed throughout the hotel. She kicked Wang Xiaofeng several times in anger, and then rushed out of the room as if running away without looking back.

"What's wrong with this, miss? Are you always surprised?"

The old man guarding outside the room did not see the whole process, otherwise Wang Xiaofeng would definitely not survive Chapter 416.

An hour later, Wang Xiaofeng woke up and turned around.

"This crazy woman is really cruel." Wang Xiaofeng was covered in wounds, especially his two thighs, which hurt even when he moved lightly. He could only summon a gourd to apply the medicine on his body.

Hey, why did my bath towel open up? Could it be... I can't think about it, I can't think about it.

After applying the wound medicine and getting dressed, Wang Xiaofeng hid in the corner and waited until dawn, then quickly escaped from the illegal store.

Wang Xiaofeng ran towards the outside of the city in the morning light, and heard the faint laughter of the girl behind him. Wang Xiaofeng was filled with grief and anger.

"I will remember this grudge."

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