Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 417

Occasionally staying up all night is just a small thing for soul masters like Wang Xiaofeng and Tang San.

After staying up all night to deduce tactics, they came up with several sets of effective tactics specifically for Wuhun Palace in just one night. As for which one to use, it depends on the situation.

As for Shura Academy, it wasn't that Wang Xiaofeng looked down on them, but given the conditions of his fellow practitioners, he really couldn't find an academy that could defeat Shrek.

It was Wang Xiaofeng who actually raised Shrek's upper limit.

At least Tang San was injured, and there was even a period of time when he couldn't play due to recuperation, which gave people hope of defeating him.

But Wang Xiaofeng has never been injured in the entire elite competition schedule. It is impossible to see this person's upper limit.

Some good people even created a ranking list, and Wang Xiaofeng crushed the golden generation because of various beautiful "records".

Even Tang San was ranked third because of his twin martial spirits.

Although this small workshop was quickly copied by Wuhun Palace, the list was still circulated, and it was inexplicably recognized by many soul masters.

However, none of this affected Shrek's people. After breakfast, everyone opened the door of the hotel and set off towards the Pope's Palace in the morning light.

The weather is exceptionally good today, the sun is shining brightly, the breeze carries an intoxicating fragrance, and the flowers and plants on the roadside are growing vigorously.

The warm breeze makes tourists drunk!

But Wang Xiaofeng didn't know whether the tourist was drunk or not. Anyway, he was quite embarrassed now because everyone was looking at him teasingly.

Wang Xiaofeng hugged Nidia tightly, who was hanging on him like a sloth, and said helplessly: "If you don't take good care of yourself in bed, what are you doing here."

Nitya said confidently: "What's wrong with me watching my boyfriend's game?"

"What we are discussing now is your physical condition..."

Seeing Nitya's pitiful appearance, all Wang Xiaofeng's words of blame suddenly got stuck in his throat. He sighed helplessly: "Oh, forget it, just watch."

A sly smile appeared on Nidia's lips, and she used her hands and feet to crawl from Wang Xiaofeng's chest to his back. She stretched out her hand and shouted: "Woohoo, let's go!"

Wang Xiaofeng could only hold her round and tight legs tightly to prevent her from falling.

"Come on, your academy is almost gone."


Wang Xiaofeng, who wanted to speed up, quickly caught up with Shrek's team, and there were two other teams traveling with them.

The three teams, plus the teacher leading the team, dozens of people walked toward the magnificent Pope's Palace on the hill.

Of course, only the members of the three major teams could stand in front of the square in front of the Pope's Palace. The other substitutes and even the teachers could only stand on the periphery and watch.

A three-hundred-meter-long red carpet soon appeared in front of everyone. Templar knights stood on both sides of the red carpet with serious expressions.

Judging from the fluctuations in their soul power, they are not even weaker than Oscar.

Seeing such a solemn occasion, Wang Xiaofeng quickly put Nidia down. She should not be able to walk on this road.

Nidia leaned forward, resting her little head on Wang Xiaofeng's shoulder, and whispered: "You go in first, I can sneak in."

After saying that, he left with brisk steps.

Wang Xiaofeng watched Nidia leave, and then followed the team up.

Although the eliminated colleges in the finals cannot watch, as long as they want to take advantage of loopholes, there is still a chance, for example, to assume the identity of a direct employee of Wuhun Palace.

The distance of three hundred meters passed by in a flash, and the three teams, totaling twenty-one people, soon arrived at the square in front of the Pope's Palace.

Before Wang Xiaofeng could take a closer look at the exquisite door of the Pope's Palace, the heart-stirring bell rang quietly.


Twelve cardinals slowly walked out from the side one after another, and then stood in front of the gate of the Papal Palace.

The leading cardinal shouted loudly: "His Majesty the Pope is here!"

The voice containing soul power spread throughout Wuhun City. As soon as he finished speaking, a wave of sound came from the entire Wuhun City.

"Long live, long live, long live."

Good guy, the sound that can cover the entire Wuhun City is enough for even the Soul Saint.

Sure enough, Wang Xiaofeng saw the cardinal cough twice while no one was paying attention to him, and then secretly threw a few pills into his mouth.

It wasn't until the sound reached its highest level that the door to the Pope's Palace slowly opened.

Everyone's eyes unconsciously focused on the direction of the open door.

Especially the seven people from Wuhun Palace, their eyes were shining with blazing light, as if that was their belief.

Bibi Dong walked out first.

The golden robe paired with red, blue, gold and three-color gemstones made her whole person radiant and noble.

The purple gold crown on her head gave her supreme majesty. Everyone ignored her beauty and was overwhelmed by her majesty and manners.

However, Wang Xiaofeng still noticed three titled Douluo wearing golden and red Douluo robes behind her.

They are Ghost Douluo, Chrysanthemum Douluo and Sword Douluo, and there is also Ning Fengzhi who is mixed in for some reason.

With Ning Fengzhi's status, she could naturally follow the Pope out of it, but wearing a Douluo robe, it felt a bit strange no matter how she looked at it.

All the members of Wuhun Palace knelt down on one knee at this moment, "See His Majesty the Pope."

Powerful and special spiritual fluctuations emanated from the Pope again, making the rest of the people who were not in Wuhun Hall couldn't help but kneel down.

However, the seven people from Shura Academy were still strong. Their knees were slightly bent but they still did not kneel down in the end.

Wang Xiaofeng narrowed his eyes slightly. If he hadn't been in the public eye, he would have taken out the gourd and secretly absorbed a ray of spiritual power.

Only after research can we know how difficult it is to integrate the power of faith and spiritual power.

Oscar, who had experienced it once, finally didn't get embarrassed again this time, but standing next to him, Wang Xiaofeng could still hear him whispering: "They are all pigs, they are all pigs."

Last time, only seven students from Shrek did not kneel down to show respect. This time, there were seven more students from Shura Academy. Although the cardinal was very unhappy, he didn't say much in the end.

Bibi Dong glanced at everyone until his eyes fell on the figure on the periphery.

Then, she slowly walked to the high platform of the square and gave a simple speech.

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