Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 418: Retreating to Advance

"The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is coming to an end, and what you need to do is to surpass your opponents, surpass yourself, tap into your potential and talents, and not leave any regrets for yourself."

"And the champion college that defeats all the colleges will receive the greatest reward from the Spirit Hall."

A smile appeared on Bibi Dong's face, and she glanced at the young soul masters standing in the center of the square. She gently raised her right hand, and three soul bones suddenly appeared in front of her.

"This is the reward from the Champion Academy. The three soul bones are: the wisdom skull that condenses the spirit, the right arm bone that explodes and burns, and the left leg bone that chases the wind at high speed. They are all soul bones that are more than ten thousand years old. Among them, wisdom The skull is over 50,000 years old."

As soon as the soul bone came out, the entire Pope Mountain suddenly boiled.

The three soul bones are very old, the lowest one is more than ten thousand years old, not to mention that one of them is the second most precious head soul bone among the six parts.

Even the worst soul bones can be regarded as the year-end finale of the auction house, and the transaction price will definitely not be less than 100 million gold soul coins.

However, there was one person inside whose expression had not changed since he emerged from the soul bone, and it seemed that the soul bone could not move his expression.

Wang Xiaofeng glanced lightly at the soul bone that made all soul masters go crazy, and curled his lips.

It's just a soul bone, there's nothing to be excited about.

He has two soul bones that are very rare for others.

One was placed on Wang Daniu's body, and the other was lying in the martial spirit space eating ashes. There was nothing surprising about it.

After all, he can't absorb soul bones. Even if a hundred thousand year soul bone is placed in front of him, he can only...use the soul bones to make soup and squeeze out the last bit of value.

But except for Wang Xiaofeng, the others were not so calm. Even Tang San, who had an attached soul bone, and Dai Mubai, who had a left arm bone, couldn't help but feel shaken when they saw the three soul bones.

"There is only one champion academy in the competition, and the rewards only belong to the champion team."

Bibi Dong glanced at the twenty-one people, "This morning, you will have an individual competition. The team standing at the end will directly get a place in the finals, while the remaining two teams will have a team battle in the afternoon to compete for another finals spot. quota.”

"Now, you can send your players on the field and get ready to start."

After Bibi Dong finished speaking, strong fighting spirit surged out of the participating soul masters almost immediately.

No one can resist the temptation of soul bones.

The individual eliminations this morning were important.

The college that wins first will have more time to recover its physical strength and soul power.

The remaining two colleges not only had to play a team competition in the afternoon to determine the third place, but they also had to compete with another college for the championship with exhausted bodies the next morning.

The individual elimination round brings the advantage of the strongest to full play.

This is not a good format for Shura Academy, whose overall strength is relatively average, because they are better at team battles, and they lack a strong person who can make the final decision in individual battles.

And Shrek is the strongest among them.

No one can ignore a BT who can knock out the possessed state of the Netherworld White Tiger who is comparable to the seventy-level Soul Saint, even if the Netherworld White Tiger has reached its limit at that time.

So yesterday, Wuhundian came to visit Shura Academy.

They asked to join forces with them to eliminate Shrek in the individual competition. With their strength, they would definitely be able to severely damage several main students.

In this way, when it comes to a team battle, Shrek has no power to fight back.

Then both of their teams can enter the finals stably, and then the winner will be a showdown.

Shura Academy thought for a long time, but finally did not give an answer, and Wuhun Palace was not in a hurry, and seemed to have expected it.

Because Shura Academy is not stupid, Wuhun Palace has three soul kings that far surpass all other teams. Even if they advance to the finals, the possibility of winning the championship is very slim.

Although they didn't have a favorable impression of Shrek, they were disgusted by the Spirit Hall.

They are all the strongest members of the younger generation of the major families, and they all know the friction between the empire and Wuhun Palace in recent years.

I am extremely dissatisfied with the fact that Wuhundian has been secretly obstructing and causing trouble in the Star Luo Empire these years.

The possibility of cooperation is basically zero.

Soon, the individual competition began.

Teachers from the three colleges came forward to draw lots. Flanders was lucky today. He drew a good lot from the beginning and got a bye.

The first ones to fight were Wuhun Palace and Shura Academy.

Shura Academy sent an unknown substitute, and Wuhun Palace did the same.

However, even if Wuhun Palace sends a substitute, their cultivation level is still as high as level 45.

In an ordinary academy, he can be regarded as a captain-level combatant, but in the Spirit Hall, he can only be an unknown substitute.

It can be imagined that there is a huge gap between Wuhun Palace and ordinary academies.

As expected, Shura Academy's substitute, who had just passed level 39, was directly defeated by the opponent.

Then, the forty-fifth level soul sect from Wuhun Palace battled against Shrek.

Shrek sent Tai Lung here.

Three minutes later...Tailon fell to the ground covered in injuries.

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head. If the fight continued like this, even if Shrek and Shura cooperated and tried their best to defeat the three members of the Golden Generation in the individual competition, the one who would win in the end would still be the Spirit Hall.

The foundation of Wuhun Palace is so rich that even a few players from the substitutes are not much weaker than the main force. There is no comparison between Shrek and Shura Academy in this aspect.

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the unstoppable Soul Sect on the stage, rubbed his wrist, and said with a smile: "Master, let me go up and compete with Wuhun Palace in the next game."

With his strength, if he performs well, he should be able to replace three soul sects.

Next is Tang San, Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu, and Ma Hongjun, perfect.

Tang San and the master looked at each other, and the master said solemnly: "No, what if you are injured? It will be difficult to return to peak condition in just one night."

The master was actually ready to give up the individual competition. Zhu Zhuqing's injury made him extremely passive, and many methods could not be used due to low error tolerance.

Moreover, the individual competition is not the final after all. It is impossible for one of the seven players to defeat the Wuhundian team at its peak.

Without the Netherworld White Tiger as his trump card, he could only put his hope in the team competition.

After the soul sect from Wuhun Hall once again knocked a soul sect from Shura Academy off the ring, the master stopped Wang Xiaofeng who was about to make a move and shouted.

"We admit defeat."*2

The master looked in the direction of Shura Academy in surprise. Unexpectedly, the other party had the same idea as him.

Bibi Dong, who was sitting high on the throne, glanced at the master, and then turned his gaze to the cardinal beside him.

The cardinal coughed twice and asked, "Why?"

The leading teacher of Shura Academy bowed slightly to the Pope, showing respect for the strong man, "Wuhundian Academy is too powerful. We at Shura Academy believe that we are invincible in the individual competition. Instead of consuming our strength in the fight, otherwise Try to get some chances in the afternoon team competition.”

"We Shrek have the same idea."

The cardinal was a little undecided, but saw the Pope nod slightly. Shrek and Shura Academy were penetrated by Wuhun Palace, which proved the power of Wuhun Palace in front of all the audience.

And it is every college’s right to admit defeat.

"Shrek and Shura Academy surrendered at the same time. In the afternoon, they will have a seven-person team battle to fight for the last spot."

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