Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 419 Shura kills with one sword

Although the battle process in the morning was very short and of low quality, it seemed that it was not worthy of the title of the elite finals.

But because Wuhun Palace crushed the two major colleges throughout the whole process, the audience did not feel bored at all, but instead let out excited cheers.

I am happy that Wuhundian Academy has entered the final battle as I wished.

Shrek and Shura Academy quickly left the Pope's Palace Square without staying any longer.

In the afternoon, they will compete with each other for the final spot and must adjust to their condition as soon as possible.

Walking on the road, everyone was silent.

This is the second time I have admitted defeat, although like last time I used the rules rationally to gain the best advantage at the minimum cost.

But in the minds of this group of young people who are not even eighteen years old, this tactic is no different from running away.

"Xiao Fengzi, why did you give up? I managed to sneak in, but I came out within two minutes."

Wang Xiaofeng, who was walking at the end of the team, suddenly felt his back sink. He subconsciously dragged his hands back to the sides, and the smooth touch suddenly reached his palms.

Wang Xiaofeng carried Nidia on his back and complained to the master at the front of the team: "If you want to blame, you can only blame the master. It was him who made your efforts in vain."

"Well, since this is the case, there is nothing we can do." Nidia still knew the master's status in Shrek very well. She rolled her eyes and put her head on Wang Xiaofeng's shoulder: "But Shura Academy is still very strong. , do you want me to reveal their unique tricks to you?"

The fragrance of a girl came to his nose, and Wang Xiaofeng tilted his head a little unaccustomedly, "No need, although Shura Academy is strong, our Shrek is not bad either. You can just wait and watch the game in the afternoon."

"Then I'll wait and see how you perform."

After returning to the hotel, the eight people entered the master's room to discuss tactics.

Lunch was prepared by Liu Erlong and Nidia together. Although Nidia couldn't cook, she could still help with the simple task of preparing ingredients.

The February morning was cool and comfortable, but by the afternoon that coolness had been replaced by a slight scorching heat.

Although it is not midsummer, the direct sunlight on the skin still feels a little burning.

The seven people from Wuhundian Academy stood in the audience and watched quietly as Shrek Academy and Shura Academy entered.

Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu and Ma Hongjun stood at the front, Wang Xiaofeng and Tang San were slightly behind, and then Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

This time, they will use blitz tactics.

Shrek's three-two-two position made the leader of Shura Academy frown when he saw it. This was not a formation that a normal team with two assistants would usually use.

However, it was too late to change tactics at this time, so we had no choice but to bite the bullet.

"Game start!"

The referee's voice reached the ears of both teams at the same time, and the gorgeous soul rings appeared on the ring again.

The martial soul of the captain of the training academy is a long black sword with a blood pattern printed in the middle. Its shape is similar to that of a Tang sword, which makes it look very handsome.

Shrek's side also released their own martial souls one after another. Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun's fourth soul rings flashed at the same time, and they were actually preparing to release their strongest soul skills from the beginning.

But Shura Academy changed its previous style and did not rush towards them as they imagined. Instead, as soon as the referee announced the start, they quickly backed away and quickly formed a circle while moving.

The soul rings of the seven people floated from their bodies, and there seemed to be a faint tendency to merge.

This is a seven-person soul skill fusion skill. It is similar to the soul power fusion skill, but one is based on soul skills and the other is based on martial arts.

The soul power of the seven soul sects is enough to increase a six thousand year soul ring to about forty thousand years.

"Hmph, the seven-person soul skill fusion skill, I won't let you release it this time."

Dai Mubai sneered, he would not make Canghui College's mistake again.

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The huge white tiger phantom appeared behind Dai Mubai, and became lifelike with the increase of Ning Rongrong's strength and soul power.

Countless white meteors surged out from Bai Hu's mouth, rendering most of the arena golden.

"Captain, I'll buy you some time."

A fat man from Shura Academy gritted his teeth and jumped out of the lineup, his three soul rings shining, facing the incoming dense golden meteors.

This is one of the weaknesses of soul skill fusion skills. The charging time is too long. Although it is very powerful, it is a living target before it is completed.

Boom boom! !

Countless roars sounded, and the flying dust covered the figure of the fat man who was looking forward to death.

In the competition venue, the shock wave caused by the intense soul power forced the soul saints to inject their soul power into the soul guide in front of them.

The bright protective shield splashed with ripples, and before they could breathe a sigh of relief, the loud phoenix call once again attracted everyone's attention.

The three major soul skills of Phoenix in Fire, Phoenix Wings and Sky Soaring, and Phoenix Sunset Strike flashed out from Ma Hongjun at the same time.

The flames wrapped around the huge meteorite and smashed downwards, leaving only a twisted halo in the sky.

The location chosen by Ma Hongjun was just right, right in the center where the six people gathered.

"Captain, we must win."

A black shadow rushed out from the direction of Shura Academy, leaving only a miserable and heroic figure behind.

"I won't let your sacrifice be in vain."

The captain of Shura Academy gritted his teeth and, regardless of the danger of the broken meridians in his body, he tried his best to absorb the soul power of his team members and continuously inject it into his fourth soul ring.

Under such disregard for life, the fourth soul ring on his body turned black visibly to the naked eye.

boom! !

A mushroom cloud made of earth and fire rose into the sky.

A blazing white light suddenly shone across the entire square, and everyone subconsciously closed their eyes.

"These people are really desperate." Wang Xiaofeng quietly ran out from the flames carrying a dark figure.

Ma Hongjun's flames were not easy to withstand, especially as he was just an agility attack soul sect. How could he dare to go head-to-head with the Phoenix Sunset Strike?

A powerful shock wave swept across, but finally stopped at the thick layer of soul power in front of the five people.

Finally, at the expense of two team members, the charge for this most powerful attack was finally completed.

But the moment he raised his head confidently, he was met with a pair of pink pupils.

Teleportation, charm.

The powerful mental impact suddenly made him feel dazed for a while. Fortunately, he was still connected to other people at this time, and he recovered in less than a tenth of a second.

The slightly darker black soul ring fluoresced again.

"Tch, it's useless."

Xiao Wu curled her lips, jumped a few meters with a backflip, and was about to leave.

"Don't try to escape!"

Xiao Wu subconsciously looked back, and the black sword light suddenly shined in her eyes.

The fusion of five soul skills, Shura slashed with one sword!

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