Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 432 A simple graduation ceremony

Several teachers had just traveled here and there, so the place they chose to stay was naturally a small forest that was very remote and where no one dared to stay.

Zhao Wuji waved his bear claws, and in a short while he cleared an area of ​​more than ten square meters.

Wang Xiaofeng was accustomed to stuffing some survival equipment into the Wuhun space, and he also prepared two tents, so that the weak people would not be harassed by the night breeze.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing went to the forest to pick some edible wild vegetables.

Ma Hongjun picked up some dry firewood branches and lit a fire in the open space.

There is also a hanging pot in everyone's soul guide. Take out some water, add dried meat and wild vegetables, and cook it on the fire. It will be a pot of nutritionally balanced broth.

The broth and dry food will be everyone's dinner tonight.


The steaming pot kept spitting out white mist.

Everyone ate their late meals in a dull manner. At this time, each of them had many doubts in their hearts, but in this situation, they didn't know how to speak.

In the end, Ma Hongjun, who usually behaved heartlessly, took the lead to break the awkward atmosphere. He drank the broth in his hand generously and said with a grin: "Is that sloppy uncle from before the third brother's father? It's so strong and fierce! I have decided that I will also fight seven titled Douluo in the future."

Dai Mubai patted Ma Hongjun on the shoulder, "Soul Ring, Fatty, then you have to practice hard."

No one laughed at Ma Hongjun's unrealistic ideas, because everyone present would achieve great results in the future as long as they didn't die halfway.

Even Tailong and the others, after passing the baptism of the elite competition, can successfully reach the Soul Sect level in less than half a year as long as they digest the experience of the past few months.

Of course, Jiangzhu, who has the lowest soul power, will take a little more time, but he can still be guaranteed to be promoted within two years.

This has reached the average level of this generation of talent.

Hu Liena and the other three are the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, so is this generation of Shrek.

Looking at the students who had returned to their usual smiles, Flanders sighed. He suddenly felt a little depressed. Although he was also a Soul Saint level powerhouse, in front of the real powerhouses, he was no different from Wang Xiaofeng and the others. At most, he was Just a slightly larger ant.

"Children, I'm sorry, but we may have to separate here."

Flanders suddenly spoke, attracting everyone's attention to him. Even Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo looked at him with interest, as if they had guessed something.

"Originally, I was planning to return to the academy and hold a grand celebration for you to congratulate you on the perfect end of your academy career. But now this situation has completely disrupted our plans.

So I discussed it with the master. Although the place is very simple, there must be a sense of ceremony. "

"Dai Mubai!"


Dai Mubai seemed to realize something, put down the bowl in his hand, and stood up straight.

"Dai Mubai, during your schooling, you were polite to your teachers, loyal to your brothers, and loyal to the college. With my permission, you are allowed to graduate. From now on, you will become an excellent emperor." Flender patted Dai Mubai hard. Shoulder.

Feeling the heavy "weight" on his shoulders, Dai Mubai took a breath and responded loudly: "Yes, I will definitely live up to your expectations and become an excellent person."

Dai Mubai secretly played some tricks. He didn't want to get into that position and let him stay in one place. He might as well let him duel with the Titan Giant Ape.

I have been working overtime at the health service station for two consecutive weeks. There are so many people queuing up to get vaccinated. I work overtime every day until 10:30 before going home.

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