Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 433: Their respective paths (end of this volume)

The graduation ceremony ended quickly.

However, an episode occurred during this period, that is, after Flanders finished reading Ning Rongrong's graduation speech, Zhu Zhuqing woke up from a coma by coincidence.

Then, with a confused expression, the graduation ceremony was completed.

"Children, starting from today, you have graduated from Shrek. However, this is just a time worth remembering in your long life. The days ahead are still very long, and I hope you can all be remembered by history. Great soul master." As he spoke, Flanders's eyes slowly filled with tears.

Bang bang bang!

Everyone couldn't help but applaud. Flanders blushed and turned around quickly to prevent the juniors from seeing his embarrassed side.

Dai Mubai supported Zhu Zhuqing and said helplessly: "Unfortunately, Xiao Wu and Xiao San are not here, so this graduation ceremony is still a bit imperfect after all. But I believe that one day we will meet again in the future."

Wang Xiaofeng suggested: "Let's set the next gathering time in five years. How about that?"

"Okay, that's settled."

Everyone had no objections, so the next time for the eight people to reunite was set for five years. The master said that if Xiao San came back halfway, he would definitely tell him the news.

"Someone is coming." Sword Douluo, who had been standing by Ning Fengzhi silently, suddenly reminded him.

Everyone subconsciously formed a defensive formation, and Ning Rongrong consciously stood in the middle of the crowd. The Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit shone brightly in the somewhat dark woods.

Ning Fengzhi was very satisfied with Ning Rongrong's performance. It seemed that the little witch from home had found a comrade worth entrusting to her.

Just when everyone was holding their breath and searching for enemies, Sword Douluo suddenly coughed twice and said, "Don't be so alert, we are not enemies."


Everyone looked confused and slowly put away their martial spirits.

After a few seconds.

Tap tap tap…

The sound of footsteps slowly came closer from far away, and a figure came from the crowd. With the light of the fire, they could clearly see who was coming.

He was a neatly dressed old man with gray hair and wrinkles on his face, but judging from his meticulous movements, he must be a person who strictly demands himself.

Such boring people are the worst thing for Wang Xiaofeng to deal with, so after looking at them twice, Wang Xiaofeng looked away. Anyway, with Sword Douluo here, their safety can still be guaranteed.

"Yan Kai, I have met Sword Douluo Mianxia."

The old man bent down very respectfully, a very standard bend of thirty degrees, no more, no less.

"Yan Kai, you are still so serious. You haven't changed at all after all these years."

It seemed that Sword Douluo and the old man who suddenly appeared knew each other and had a good relationship.

Dai Mubai suddenly said: "Grandpa Yan, why are you here?"

Dai Mubai was no stranger to Yan Kai, and was even very familiar with him, because this old man had single-handedly raised him since he was a child.

Yan Kai looked at the grown-up Dai Mubai, his eternally serious expression finally softened, and he showed a very pleased smile.

"Mubai, the news of your victory over Weiss has been sent back to the empire. Your Majesty is worried about you and Zhuqing, so he sent me to pick you up."

Dai Mubai smiled self-deprecatingly: "Sure enough, he will only look at me if I show my value?"

Yan Kai lowered his head slightly and remained silent. This kind of thing was not something that a minister like him could talk about.

Dai Mubai didn't expect to get the answer from the old man. He turned to look at Wang Xiaofeng and the others: "Brothers and sisters, it seems that Zhuqing and I have to take the first step."

As he spoke, he bent his spine, which had always been straight and unyielding, "Thank you for your help and encouragement over the years."

Zhu Zhuqing also followed suit and gave a big salute to everyone.

"Hey, we are all brothers, so we are just talking about this." Wang Xiaofeng said quickly.

"Yes, yes, we are all brothers." Oscar and Ma Hongjun nodded wildly.

"Then, see you in five years." Dai Mubai cupped his hands and was about to leave.

The master suddenly said: "Wait."

The two of them stopped leaving in confusion, and saw the master taking out two soul bones from the soul guide.

"Your rewards haven't been distributed yet. Here is the left leg of the Quickly Moving Wind Chaser, which is most suitable for agility attack type soul masters. There is no doubt that it should belong to Zhuqing.

As for the right arm of bursting and burning flames, it is most suitable for the attack-type fire attribute soul master, and only Hongjun in our team is the most suitable.

As for the wisdom soul bone, I gave it to Xiao San on my own initiative because he needed this power to protect Xiao Wu. If you want to blame it, blame me. "

Ma Hongjun grinned widely and said: "Master, who do you think we are? We are just a piece of soul bone. When I get to Title Douluo, I will give you each a soul bone to play with."

Although the master's behavior in this matter was somewhat unreasonable, he was right, Tang San needed this soul bone more than they did.

Moreover, the wisdom soul bone was originally specially prepared by the Pope for Hu Liena, and was completely tailor-made for control-type soul masters. The compatibility between everyone and this soul bone was not high.

Ning Rongrong, who was standing behind the crowd, looked a little gloomy. Although she knew that the Wisdom Skull would not be able to turn her around, she still had some illusions.

After all, for auxiliary soul masters, there are too few suitable soul bones, not to mention such old soul bones.

Even her father Ning Fengzhi, relying on the powerful financial resources of the Qibao Glazed Tile Sect, now only has two soul bones that are ten thousand years old, one of which is a soul bone inherited from the Qibao Glazed Tile Sect.

"Rongrong? Rongrong!"

"Here you are." Ning Rongrong responded subconsciously, and then realized that she had been stunned just now.

"Rongrong, the master is calling you." Oscar waved his hand in front of Ning Rongrong, somewhat confused as to why his little girlfriend suddenly looked so distracted.

The master walked up to Ning Rongrong and took out another soul bone from the soul guide. It was the illusory skull that exploded when Tang San killed Nian Hou.

"Rongrong, Xiaosan left this here for my safekeeping. Since Xiaosan already has a suitable skull, I will give it to you as a gift."

This head soul bone masters the illusion and is more suitable for Ning Rongrong than the wisdom soul bone.

Ning Rongrong happily accepted it, walked to Ning Fengzhi's side and began to fuse the soul bones.

Although Zhu Zhuqing has just recovered from a serious illness, her physical fitness is undoubtedly the best among everyone. It didn't take long for her leg soul bones to be successfully fused.

After fusing the soul bone, Zhu Zhuqing not only restored his previous strength, but even increased by two levels, directly reaching level 46.

Wang Xiaofeng said with a smile that if Dai Mubai didn't practice hard, he might be pinned down by Zhu Zhuqing for the rest of his life and unable to lift his head.

Dai Mubai was very confident: "I won't let this happen."

After bidding farewell to everyone again, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing's backs gradually disappeared into the woods.

The plot of the Elite Tournament is finally over

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