Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 434 March in a hurry

"Phew, we're finally here."

The guard on duty at Shrek's gate only saw a huge figure leaping off the carriage, and then took a deep breath at the gate.

Flanders pretended to be nonchalant and took a few steps aside, muttering: "Suddenly I don't really want this disciple anymore."

The master said calmly: "Flanders, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Didn't you personally recruit Hongjun?"

"Xiao Gang, you have changed, you were the same before"

Since he won the championship of this soul master competition, the master has obviously changed a lot. Except for the fact that his face still has the same zombie face that has never changed since time immemorial, he usually jokes a lot more.

Such a huge change made Flanders feel something was wrong.

In fact, it is understandable that the master's wish has been fulfilled by Tang San, and the pressure he has put on himself for many years has disappeared.

Now, he can finally do what he loves.

"Fat man, stop being disgusting and get up quickly." Wang Xiaofeng kicked Ma Hongjun on the butt. If Ma Hongjun hadn't blocked the road and blocked the carriage from entering, he really didn't want to know this fat man.

Ma Hongjun rubbed his hair in embarrassment: "Isn't this so happy? By the way, I thought about it while on the road. I think I can record my experience in the elite competition during this period and compile it into a book. It will definitely sell well. of the whole empire.”

The more Ma Hongjun talked, the more excited he became, and his eyes gradually started to shine. It seemed that he had already seen the wonderful life in the future where his hands would cramp while counting money.

Hehe, the teacher will definitely be in pain by then

Wang Xiaofeng glanced at Ma Hongjun who was giggling in surprise. He didn't expect that this fat man would grow so much after Dai Mubai and the others left.

However, he still cruelly broke Ma Hongjun's beautiful fantasy.

"Fat man, stop dreaming. The dean invited a dozen gunmen to write a book about our Shrek team long before the promotion competition.

Every time we finish a game, we can compile a book that night.

Then each printing factory will work overtime all night.

Early the next morning, this series of books will appear in major bookstores in Tiandou City in time.

If you go to a bookstore now, you can see our posters and books. "

Wang Xiaofeng patted Ma Hongjun, who had turned into a gray statue, and suppressed a smile: "But I advise you to disguise yourself before going, because the figures of your transformed posture are sold by everyone except Mubai. The hottest.”

I have to say that good-looking people are worth more than ordinary ones.

Tang San's figure is the worst-selling figure, even though he performed well in the elite competition.

After hearing that he had become a big star, Ma Hongjun suddenly recovered from his petrified state: "Since we are so famous, why doesn't anyone ask us for autographs? I also want to experience the feeling of a superstar."

Wang Xiaofeng was too lazy to pay attention to him. He moved his right hand to his left hand, and a mirror suddenly appeared in his hand.

"Take care of it!"

Ma Hongjun curled his lips, took the mirror and put it in front of his face. He was immediately frightened by the red-haired savage inside.

He quickly touched his fat face, and the red-haired savage inside also did the same thing: "This, this is me?!"

Wang Xiaofeng rolled his eyes: "Otherwise."

Since winning the championship, Ma Hongjun has become more and more lazy, as if he has lost his goal.

Every day I know that I have to sleep when I am full, and eat when I wake up, and my weight increases rapidly.

Not to mention dressing up, I rarely even take a shower.

If Flanders hadn't been unable to stand the strange smell on his body and would throw him into a pool on the roadside from time to time, he might be worse than a savage now.

"Ah, I'm going to take a shower now." Ma Hongjun screamed strangely, and suddenly his martial spirit possessed him. He flapped his wings and disappeared into the air, leaving only a spark of fire.

Wang Xiaofeng shrugged and walked towards the laboratory skillfully.

The experiment of improving the fusion ring has already reached a critical stage.

If Zhu Zhuqing hadn't been attacked and knocked unconscious, causing the team to lack key combat capabilities, he would have fallen into the laboratory long ago.

Time passes slowly like this.

After graduation, the master will not supervise and practice every day like he did when he was a student.

Without the supervision of the master and Flender, Wang Xiaofeng fully devoted himself to research.

The master also temporarily left the teaching work and management affairs to Flanders and participated in the research of improving the integration.

I had just fulfilled my lifelong dream and proved to the world that I was a master. For a period of time after the elite competition, I was actually a little confused inside.

But one day he helped Liu Erlong deliver food to Wang Xiaofeng, and when he walked to the laboratory, he saw papers scattered on the ground filled with various discarded data.

He finally discovered that the study of Wuhun theory had become one with his life.

That night, Liu Erlong, who was anxious because he thought the master had been abducted by Bibi Dong, found the master in the corner of the laboratory who had been missing for twelve hours.

The flames suddenly rose.

A creepy whisper sounded gently in the master's mind.

"Jade! Xiao! Gang!"

According to the students who put out the fire that night, it was all caused by the random stacking of combustible materials in the laboratory and failure to do a good job in fire prevention.

We would like to appeal to everyone not to play with fire in the dormitory to avoid causing damage to personal property.

Although many precious instruments in the laboratory were burned due to Liu Erlong, fortunately with the participation of the master, the research that had been set back was once again on the fast track.

Wang Xiaofeng originally expected that it would take at least half a year to complete the improvement of the fusion ring. As a result, it was completed in three months.

A large group of people gathered in the wide open space.

If there are Shrek students here, they will definitely find that all teachers at the dean level and above can be seen here.

"Xiao Feng, are you ready?"

Wang Xiaofeng nodded and returned a normal gesture without any problem.

The master said calmly: "The one hundred and sixty-fifth ring fusion experiment begins!"

Standing in front of Wang Xiaofeng, Zhao Wuji directly completed the possession of the martial spirit, and golden hair immediately poured out from his body, forming a protective layer like armor.

"Come on!" Zhao Wuji muttered.

This is not the first time he has been beaten. Since half a month ago, he has experienced this experience several times every day.

Even yesterday, he was beaten more than a dozen times. Shao Xin would heal him in time when he was injured. It was simply too much.

Thinking of this, Zhao Wuji couldn't help but shed tears of regret. Why did he volunteer to help in the first place?

Qin Ming walked up to Zhao Wuji and smiled sheepishly: "Teacher Zhao, I will be gentler later."

Zhao Wuji waved his hand quickly: "No, no, no, no. If you hold back, the master will have to do it again if he is not satisfied with the data, and then I will have to get beaten again."

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