Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 435: Improved version of ring fusion, completed

Just as Zhao Wuji and Qin Ming were chatting, a powerful wave of soul power suddenly surged out from behind them.

I saw the martial spirit green gourd floating on Wang Xiaofeng's chest. The appearance of the unattractive gourd had changed drastically.

The four colors of red, orange, yellow and purple light flow on the gourd, shining brightly and flickering.

The four yellow, yellow, purple and purple soul rings on Wang Xiaofeng's body have now been completely superimposed on each other, and the brand new white soul ring is emitting a smooth and transparent light.

The master standing aside suddenly pressed the timer soul guide he bought at the auction house for a lot of money, and quickly glanced at the numbers on it: "Thirty-seven seconds! The speed has increased by 20% compared to the last time. It's very fast." OK! Next is the stability test.”

The master quickly recorded the data, and then looked at the situation on the field again.

Even though this newly born soul ring is white and very beautiful, the power contained in it is extremely exaggerated.

Wang Xiaofeng took a deep breath, completely immersed himself in it, and tried to calm the turbulent soul power in the soul ring.

The soul power of four soul rings is squeezed onto one soul ring with mental power. It is like casting a dam on a fast river. It takes a lot of mental power to barely stabilize it.

Of course, during battle, there is no need to accumulate energy like this. Isn't this a living target? No one should be so stupid.

"...eight, nine, ten!"

After thinking silently for ten seconds, Wang Xiaofeng stopped insisting. Under the pull of his mental power, the white soul ring suddenly flew up from his body and was placed on the gourd.

A large amount of soul power poured into the gourd, and a dazzling white beam of light erupted instantly and entered Qin Ming's body, which was well prepared.

Qin Ming felt the power gushing out of his body and couldn't help roaring.

The muscles all over his body suddenly swelled, and amid a crackling sound of bones exploding, his body lifted up, violent soul power spurted out, and the violent airflow around him swept in all directions. His black robe made a hunting sound, and his hair flew flying.

But this was all Qin Ming's fantasy. In the eyes of others, after he was amplified by Wang Xiaofeng, he groaned suddenly, as if he had reached orgasm, his body was shaking constantly, and his face was filled with an excited smile.

Everyone around was already used to this scene.

Zhao Wuji crossed his powerful arms in front of his chest in a defensive posture. He did not relax at all because Qin Ming did not enter the spirit-possessed state. On the contrary, his expression became more and more serious.

During Qin Ming's previous test, Wang Xiaofeng accidentally made Qin Ming reach his current state. At that time, he had this expression as if he was in trouble, but Zhao Wuji didn't take it to heart at the time.

‘It was just amplified, and the martial spirit was not even activated. Could it be possible that it could kill me in seconds? ’

After three minutes passed, Zhao Wuji lay on the ground with lifeless eyes, looking suspicious of life.

Although Zhao Wuji successfully completed his revenge that night in a tavern near the college and drank up one month's salary of Qin Ming in one breath, this incident left a great impression on Zhao Wuji.

The non-possessed martial spirit knocked down the possessed person, and the difference was more than ten levels, which would leave a deep impression on anyone.

From then on, Zhao Wuji was more careful and cautious every time he tested.

As long as he sees Qin Ming's happy expression, he will feel as if he is facing a formidable enemy, fearing that he will be embarrassed in front of the students again.

What Zhao Wuji didn't know was that Qin Ming hadn't used his full strength since he almost drank up all of Qin Ming's monthly salary that night.

Because he doesn't have the high salary he had in Tiandou now, and he works under Flanders' stingy old man, so he has to save every gold soul coin.

You must know that he hasn't saved enough for his wife yet. If Zhao Wuji does this a few more times, he will be bankrupted.

(Flanders is never stingy with each teacher’s training resources.

There are all kinds of decoctions to strengthen the body, herbs to recover from fatigue, elixirs to improve the efficiency of cultivation, etc., and they are even based on the high standards of the Tiandou Royal Academy in Qin Ming's memory.

But let him pay for the gold soul coins, haha, one hundred a month, no more, no more, beep beep, can you see his fist as big as a sandbag? )

The idiotic smile didn't stay on Qin Ming's face for too long, and soon he got rid of this side effect by virtue of his higher cultivation level than Wang Xiaofeng.

Qin Ming spread his legs, bent them slightly, and assumed an attack posture: "Teacher Zhao, I'm going to attack!"

The khaki soul power circulated around Zhao Wuji's body, and a dull voice sounded: "Come on!"

"Be careful!"

Qin Ming stamped his foot!

The next moment, the ground cracked!


Countless amounts of dust rose up to several meters high like mushroom clouds!

Considering the strength of the Soul Emperor in the surrounding audience, they could not help but change their expressions, and their bodies roared and retreated a little.

The ground within a few feet of the two people's feet sank a full three feet, and the rubble rolled like an earth dragon was like a volley of thousands of arrows, making countless sharp sound of breaking through the air.

Flanders was instantly possessed by an owl and brought the master, who had been sitting aside in a state of selflessness and turned into a ruthless recording machine, to a safe location.

Shao Xin, Liu Erlong and others looked at the ruin-like ground with dumbfounded eyes, unable to recover for a long time.

This is not a test battle between the Soul Saint who is restricted to passive defense and the Soul Emperor who can only use physical power.

If you cover your face and soul rings, it wouldn't be surprising to say that two soul emperors are using soul skills to kill everyone.

Amidst the flying smoke and dust, a tall and burly figure suddenly flipped out.

It was actually Zhao Wuji. He rolled around on the ground a few times, then wiped out a trace of more than ten meters on the ground, knocked down an innocent small tree, and then stopped.

At this time, there were no other sounds except the howling wind and Wang Xiaofeng's heavy breathing.

Everyone present stared blankly at the innocent Qin Ming rushing out of the smoke, ran to Zhao Wuji and helped him up: "Teacher Zhao, are you okay? It's all my fault. I didn't have enough strength for a while..."

"Why do you feel like you got an advantage and acted like a good boy?" As if Qin Ming touched the wound, Zhao Wuji took a breath and quickly pushed Qin Ming away with an innocent expression on his face.

On the other side, the master walked to Wang Xiaofeng's side, his soul power entered Wang Xiaofeng's body through his hands, and began to explore the physical condition

After a while, the master opened his eyes and quickly recorded Wang Xiaofeng's physical condition with the pen and paper in his hand.

Wang Xiaofeng also began to describe his feelings about the ring fusion at that time.

The amount of manuscript paper continued to increase, and soon, the test data of this time was completely recorded.

"Master, is our research successful?"

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the master nervously, fearing that he would hear the word "no" from his mouth.

Although judging from the results, the improved version of the ring fusion experiment has been carried out so far, and the results have undoubtedly met Wang Xiaofeng's original standards.

Can be used as a trump card and has the ability to make a comeback;

The consumption is not high, it can be used two or three times in a short period of time, and it will not cause exhaustion after being used once;

However, the master has high standards and requirements. If he is not satisfied at all, the plan will be torn down and redone. This is one of the reasons why the improved version of Fusion Ring can achieve such a high level of perfection after just over a hundred tests. one.

Behind the success are countless abandoned cases.

Seeing Wang Xiaofeng's nervous look, the corners of the master's mouth curled up slightly unconsciously.

He had been watching Wang Xiaofeng's efforts in the past three months, and he said bluntly that if it weren't for Wang Xiaofeng's fantastic ideas from time to time, he alone would not have been able to improve such a secret skill.

The master knows very well that his talent in research lies in summarizing, which is completely different from a talented person like Wang Xiaofeng who has flashes of inspiration from time to time.

It is very smooth to follow the path opened by the predecessors, but it is helpless to create a new path that leads directly to the road.

"Congratulations, you have successfully developed the ring-melting technique exclusive to auxiliary soul masters."

"Okay, if I stay up all night for two more days, I will definitely get it..." Wang Xiaofeng nodded subconsciously and turned his upper body sharply: "Master, what did you say?"

Looking at the thick dark circles under Wang Xiaofeng's eyelids, the master said softly: "I say, you can have a good sleep."

Wang Xiaofeng waved his hands excitedly: "Yeah, I'll just say I'm a genius."

Then, under the surprised eyes of the people around him, he quickly lay down on the ground, and within a second, he let out a slight snoring sound.

"This child..." Flanders came over, dumbfounded. Seeing Wang Xiaofeng sleeping so soundly, he brushed his right hand from his waist, and a blanket suddenly appeared in his hand, and then gently covered Wang Xiaofeng's body.

Wang Xiaofeng smacked his lips, turned around and fell into a deep sleep.

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