Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 436 Goodbye, Shrek Academy

Although this improved version of the fusion ring is only a semi-finished product, it is not perfect enough to be faulty.

But there is really no progress at the moment. The theory obtained from the Qibao Glazed Sect and the data obtained by Wang Xiaofeng secretly learning Fire Dance can only support perfection to this point.

The rest can only be improved through continuous actual combat and then finding out the shortcomings.

However, this is a matter of time and effort, whether Wang Xiaofeng or not is the same.

He could finally take a break and go to the Star Luo Empire to find his two unreliable parents. Not to mention, I miss them a lot after not seeing each other for more than a year.

Just go and see if Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing have established a foothold in Xingluo.

Although there will be smart people who offer help in times of need and take big gambles, they are poor and want to compete with Davis, who has the support of almost everyone. Just winning one game is not enough.

Of course, there is also that haunting figure. Thinking of this, the corners of Wang Xiaofeng's mouth slightly raised unconsciously, and his steps became faster.

director's office.

"Xiao Feng, do you really want to donate this research result to Shrek for free?" Flanders looked at the thick research materials on the table, although these were not original manuscripts, but copies.

But it is still very precious, and the knowledge contained on it is priceless.

The master also had a copy, but he felt that Wang Xiaofeng made the greatest contribution to the research, and he was only assisting on the side, so he only left a copy for himself as a souvenir.

As for how Wang Xiaofeng deals with this secret skill, that's none of his business.

With these information alone, Shrek can study the exclusive ring-melting skills of power attack type soul masters, control type soul masters and agility attack type soul masters based on the above data.

Of course, let’s talk about the manpower, material resources and time spent. After all, a research team that can rival Wang Xiaofeng and the master has not been born yet.

Wang Xiaofeng patted the research information in front of him, which was half a person's height, and said with a smile: "Of course it's free. With our relationship, can I still deceive you?"

Flender was a little amused. Even now, this kid was still playing tricks on him. Didn't he still understand the simple truth that 'free things are the most expensive'?

Flanders crossed his legs and leaned comfortably on the nine-story new and second-hand sofa that he bought for ten gold soul coins.

"Tell me, while I'm in a good mood, tell me what conditions your kid has."

"No more, no more, just a small request." The index finger and thumb of Wang Xiaofeng's right hand almost came together, revealing the slightest gap.

"I hope you can promise me that as long as Shrek Academy exists, we must unconditionally teach the secret skills of Shunpo, Gluttony, and Ring Melting to students with excellent academic performance every year, regardless of the number of students."

In the current world where knowledge is monopolized by nobles and sects, and where one soul master can defeat a hundred, Wang Xiaofeng can only lower the threshold for becoming a soul master and increase the number of civilian soul masters.

Then spread the knowledge and slowly change people's inherent class concepts, and finally it is possible to break...

The core that can break the current situation is the soul skill Gluttony, which can reduce the huge resources a soul master needs to grow at each stage.

Noble soul masters eat soul beast meat every day, while civilian soul masters need to work and accumulate for a period of time before they can buy a piece of soul beast meat.

Eating 1 unit of soul beast meat can achieve the effect of 1.1 servings, and taking 1 unit of potion can achieve the effect of 1.1 servings. This unknowingly shortens the gap.

It can also reduce the excessive killing of soul beasts by the soul master group and give the lower-level soul beasts some breathing time.

After all, the group of soul masters does not expand all at once. If the market shrinks, soul beasts will naturally not be able to recuperate.

When the group of soul masters increases to a certain extent, Wang Xiaofeng may also have developed a way to raise soul beasts in large quantities.

In the previous life, many animals needed human protection to barely survive. Wang Xiaofeng can deduce that when this world reaches a certain level of research on soul power, humans will once again become the masters of this world.

And the spirit beasts that can still compete with humans may eventually have to be protected as rare animals.

Back to the main story.

Only when the group of soul masters is large enough, even if everyone is a soul master, and everyone can use the power of soul power, can it be possible to create a world where everyone is equal.

At present, Wang Xiaofeng is not very strong, so he can only borrow the help of Shrek Academy to pass on his secret skills.

As long as Shrek teaches these three secret skills to his students, within a few years, every force will definitely have one.

Shunpo and Huanhuan just attract attention for Gluttony.

For aristocratic soul masters, Shunpo and Ring Fusion can significantly enhance their strength, while gluttony is just tasteless food that is a pity to throw away. After all, the nutrients they absorb every day are extremely abundant.

Moreover, he is not in a hurry, and unlike the rest of Shrek, he needs to shorten his growth time to compete with his peers who are one year older.

Therefore, most of them will definitely put this thing on the shelf and enrich their family collection.

Or it could be used as a reward, an insignificant reward to the civilian soul masters under his command.

They would never have thought that what was useless to them meant to ordinary soul masters.

A single spark can start a prairie fire!

Flanders seemed to have thought of something, and his pupils dilated slightly. He looked at the young student in front of him, silently took a sip of tea, and moistened his dry throat.

"I promise you, as long as Shrek exists, these three secret skills will be passed down."

Wang Xiaofeng said solemnly: "No matter where you are from."

Flanders nodded: "Regardless of origin!"

"Then it's settled." Wang Xiaofeng passed the soul guide with his right hand, put a notebook on the table, then turned and left, "These are some of my immature views on the new school regulations, and they are what I left to the college. One last gift.”

"Dean, thank you for your teaching and care for so many years. See you in five years."

Looking at Wang Xiaofeng's leaving figure, Flanders touched the notebook on the table which contained at least a hundred pages. This guy was really not candid.

"See you in five years..."

A choked sigh echoed in the office.

"Xiao Feng, why are you in such a hurry? It's not too late to stay here for a while and then leave."

Ma Hongjun leaned against the door and watched Wang Xiaofeng put the packed luggage into the soul guide. The dozens of kebabs sent by the little fangirl in his hand suddenly no longer smelled good.

"The things here are done, so naturally I have to leave," Wang Xiaofeng, who finally put away everything, patted Ma Hongjun's rounder belly.

"Fat man, you've graduated. Don't stay in the academy. Isn't your dream to eat delicious food from all over the continent?"

"I have decided." Ma Hongjun suddenly stood up straight and said, "I want to go to the Star Luo Empire with you."


"You said, let me work hard for my dream." Ma Hongjun finished taking out the meat skewers in his hand, his cheeks bulging: "Anyway, we eat everywhere, so let's go to Xingluo with you first, it's just right I also miss Boss Dai a little bit."

Half an hour later, the two stood in front of Shrek Academy, looking at the still unfamiliar gate.

For a long time, the two looked at each other in silence, then turned and left.

"Flanders, the little fat guy will probably leave as well. Aren't you going to send him off?" Liu Erlong skillfully took out a can of tea from the depths of the cabinet, casually grabbed a handful and threw it into the boiling water. This made Flanders beside him feel heartbroken.

"If I don't go, I won't go. I eat and drink with the little girl every day. My reputation is almost completely ruined by him. It's better to leave."

Flanders sighed, not knowing whether he was feeling sorry for Liu Erlong's waste of his tea, or feeling that he was too young to retain his disciples.

Looking at Flanders, whose right hand was shaking so much that he couldn't even hold the teacup in his hand, Liu Erlong curled his lips. He was afraid that his disciples would see him crying. Each one was more pretentious than the other.

Ah, I don’t know if this chapter will pass the review. I’m already very vague about it, but I’m still worried about sensitive words being involved.

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