Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 437: Encountering Bandits on the Road

The official roads in Tiandou City were busy with traffic and people coming and going in an endless stream, all of them were businessmen carrying loads of goods and showing off their magnanimity.

Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun were walking on the side of the road, each with a large bucket of meat skewers. While eating, they looked at the lively streets and walked towards the city gate.

Winning the championship of the elite tournament will undoubtedly have a great boost to the economy of the Tiandou Empire.

Many merchants from other kingdoms were attracted by this title and brought a large amount of goods to do business. They stopped by Shrek, the champion academy of this year, to visit and suck in their good luck.

A rumor suddenly spread among the businessmen: There is a thousand-year-old tree in Shrek Academy. This time they were able to win the championship because their dean Flanders kept under the tree day and night. The prayer finally moved the tree spirit.

With the blessing of the tree spirit, Shrek could win the championship so easily.

Although I don’t know how this rumor spread, there is an endless stream of people visiting Shrek every day.

I don’t know how much Tiandou made from this elite tournament. Anyway, these businessmen who came here because of the reputation created a lot of revenue for Shrek.

From the ticket money alone, Flanders made a lot of money.

Wang Xiaofeng threw the finished thick paper tube into the trash can. When he bent down, he glanced around. Sure enough, many unfamiliar faces that were in the dark just now had quietly disappeared.

These are spies sent by other forces to monitor.

Although Wuhun Palace did not embarrass Shrek and graciously let them go, there were still many small forces who wanted to use Shrek as a proxy in order to defect to Wuhun Palace.

Of course, they couldn't afford to offend Flender and Zhao Wuji, so their targets were set on Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun.

Two lonely people, (most likely to offend Shrek), with no power behind them (they won't cause any big trouble they can't afford)

Isn't this the best goal?

Wang Xiaofeng frowned slightly. Naturally, he was not afraid of one or two people, but it was still a bit troublesome when there were more people. What he was most afraid of was the one who beat the young ones until they become old ones.

Especially in Douluo Continent, the higher the spiritual master's level, the longer his lifespan.

A soul saint like Flanders who is almost on the verge of a breakthrough can easily live to be 150 years old without taking action against others and without any illness or disaster.

He just wanted to travel around the continent easily and experience the beautiful mountains and rivers of this world, but he didn't want to get into a lot of trouble as soon as he started on the road.

He is not the protagonist in a fantasy novel. Like the disaster star, wherever he goes, there will be trouble.

"Fat man, listen to me..." Wang Xiaofeng pulled Ma Hongjun to the blind spot and whispered a few words. After hearing this, Ma Hongjun nodded and showed a sinister smile.

A few minutes later, the spies from various small forces suddenly discovered that their target walked to a crossroads, suddenly walked down in a different direction, and disappeared into the sea of ​​​​people after a while.

The spy had a thought in his mind: "No, they found me." Then he subconsciously chased Ma Hongjun.

There is no way, this Ma Hongjun's body shape is the most conspicuous.

Wang Xiaofeng's bamboo pole figure is inconspicuous among the crowd. If he changes clothes casually, they will not find him.

Then, after chasing for a certain distance, they were deceived, and the big and hot Ma Hongjun disappeared under their noses.

A hundred meters away from them, Ma Hongjun lifted his slender bangs that covered his eyes: "Oh, these fools can actually be spies. The forces behind them are really blind."

Wang Xiaofeng said with a smile: "Not bad, Fatty, you can actually use soul skills without summoning martial souls. When did you practice it?"

Ma Hongjun put his hands on his hips and pointed his nose in the sky: "You don't even know who I am. Brother Jun is not lazy in the academy."

What Ma Hongjun did not elaborate on was that his original purpose for practicing this move was just to save his soul power, maintain his handsome appearance, and deceive more girls into loving him.

Ma Hongjun's transformation was like a different person. He was extremely swollen and liked to have oral pleasure.

A tic-tac-toe appeared on his forehead, and Wang Xiaofeng said calmly: "Brother Jun, right? I have specially prepared a beating package for you. Should you choose the package with blue skin and swollen face, or the package with a broken right leg?"

Ma Hongjun turned pale with fright and exited the transformation state. He said with a smile, "Brother Feng, I was joking."

Wang Xiaofeng pinched his chubby face angrily: "Let's go, stop playing tricks. Our goal today is to get out of Tiandou City. We don't have to find a place to stay and have to sleep in the wild."

Relying on Wang Xiaofeng's super perception, he easily led Ma Hongjun to avoid the eyes of all searchers and successfully left Tiandou City through the south gate.

Three days later.

Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun were walking on a remote path.

They had already left Tiandou City two days ago. In order to avoid being followed by interested people, they chose relatively remote paths.

In front of us is an endless expanse of lush forest.

The large camphor tree beside the road holds up a large umbrella, with hundreds of birds flying and singing above.

These are not soul beasts, because the soul power in their bodies is not enough to condense white soul rings, so they are still ordinary animals.

Although its attack power is stronger than that of a bird without soul power.

Wang Xiaofeng pointed to the singing bird standing on the branch: "Fat man, look, your brother is calling you."

Ma Hongjun retorted: "Give it to me, I am a noble phoenix."

"But you are already standing on the ground. As the saying goes, a phoenix on the ground is not as good as a chicken."

"That's better than this unnamed bastard bird."

The two kept bickering to relieve the boredom caused by the rush.

Suddenly, there was a tremor in the bushes beside the road. Ma Hongjun subconsciously hid behind Wang Xiaofeng, completely forgetting that he was an offensive soul master.

Wang Xiaofeng's head was full of black lines and he pulled Ma Hongjun in front of him: "Fat man, you did it the other way around. I should be hiding behind you."

"Ah, sorry, my body reacted subconsciously."

Swish, swish, the bushes shook even more.

A few seconds later, three young men in tattered clothes and carrying rusty kitchen knives crawled out of the bushes.

The three of them were completely unaware of the seriousness of the matter, and the first words they spoke made Wang Xiaofeng laugh.

"Beat, beat, rob! Hand over your valuables!"

I'm such an idiot, I forgot to copy and paste enough words, my free monthly pass (д;)

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