Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 438 Strange Village

"Robbery? Are you bandits?"

Ma Hongjun glanced at the trio in front of him, and he still saw such a poor bandit.

The three of them didn't even have better weapons. Looking at the rusty kitchen knives in their hands, Ma Hongjun suspected that even if he didn't use his soul power and stood there and let them chop, he wouldn't be able to cut his own skin.

"I, I, I, I don't have any money. If you want to rob, just rob this fat man. He is the richest."

Wang Xiaofeng pushed Ma Hongjun forward without hesitation, while he squatted on the ground in fear.

The shortest man among the three pointed angrily at Wang Xiaofeng and said, "Brother, he actually dares to imitate you in speaking. Why don't you show this kid a little bit of skill?"

The stuttering man at the head looked at Wang Xiaofeng's timid look and shook his head: "Forget it, let's just rob money and not hurt anyone. Then, that fat man over there, quickly hand over the valuable things on your body. "

The tacit understanding between Ma Hongjun and Wang Xiaofeng is unparalleled. They can roughly guess each other's thoughts through each other's behavior without eye contact.

‘Fat man, these people are quite pitiful. Just throw some change out of the soul guide, but don’t give too much. ’

‘Copy that, watch me perform. ’

"Everyone, spare your life, I will hand over your valuables right now."

Ma Hongjun seemed frightened by the three robbers in front of him. His plump butt suddenly sat on the ground, flattening a large piece of grass.

The two hands seemed to be taking things out of the pocket quickly, but in fact they were quietly taking out some money from the soul guide.

Soon, he threw a large amount of silver soul coins and copper soul coins to the ground.

"Brother, we are rich!" The short man looked at the coins on the ground with bright eyes.

The other two were not much better, their eyes were full of greed.

But in the end, the stuttering man was the first to calm down. He coughed twice and said, "Since you are so sensible, let me give you a break and get out of here."

After saying that, he got out of the way, and then rushed towards Ma Hongjun, throwing aside the coins and even the knife at his feet.

"Brother, you are cheating!" The two mountains behind were stunned for a moment, and they quickly chased after them without slowing down at all.

"Fat man, what are you doing standing still? Run away!"


Wang Xiaofeng pulled up Ma Hongjun fiercely and ran towards the depths of the forest without looking back.

The stuttering man suddenly raised his head and shouted at the backs of the two of them: "Yes, yes, yes, you'd better pass through this mountain before dark and don't stop."

After Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun disappeared into the deep forest and could no longer be seen, the movements of the three bandits' hands slowed down. Although they were still picking up money, their faces no longer had the same look as before. Greedy look.

There was silence between the three of them for a while, and the short man suddenly said: "Brother, aren't you afraid that the adult will blame you for doing this?!"

It turns out that the three of them are not real bandits.

The leading man was silent for a while. He sighed and took out a birdcage from the bushes nearby. The bird inside had red eyes and looked very evil.

He opened the cage gently, and the bird immediately jumped out as if it had received some order, flapped its wings, and flew away in a certain direction.

"Well, these two young men are rare good people. If I'm not blind, the bracelets they wear are exactly the same as those worn by adults. I guess they should be soul guides."

"Soul guide?!" The short man's eyes widened: "Brother, do you think they are all powerful soul masters?"

They had overheard a passing soul master mention the soul guide device, and only powerful soul masters with extraordinary backgrounds could afford to wear it.

Another man who had been silent all this time suddenly said: "He is giving us money and acting with us. This is indeed the first time I have seen such a kind-hearted soul master. It is no wonder that the elder brother has softened his heart."

They have been robbing here for several years. With this disguise, even if they encounter a powerful soul master with a bad temper, their lives will not be in danger, but a beating is inevitable.

The leading man said calmly: "Anyway, I have reminded them both. I hope they will listen to my advice and leave this mountain as soon as possible."

"With this money, we can also exchange some rice and meat for our family." The man stood up and carefully put the coins into a clean bag.

Although he would not cause any damage to the coins even if he smashed them hard, he had already done this.

Because this money bears the weight of a family's life. Without some nutritious food, his parents and wife would not be able to survive.

Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun ran for a while, and then they slowed down until they didn't feel anyone following them.

"Xiao Feng, where did these three uncles come from and why do they look so miserable?"

Wang Xiaofeng shook his head, "Maybe he escaped from trouble elsewhere, but I'm more curious about what the uncle meant by his last words."

Ma Hongjun said nonchalantly: "Maybe he thought we two seemed to be helpless, so he kindly reminded us. After all, there are quite a lot of wolves, jackals, tigers and leopards in these deep mountains and forests."

"However, I haven't tasted wolf meat and leopard meat. I don't know if it tastes good." As they spoke, the conversation between the two of them suddenly changed.

Because there was too little known information, Wang Xiaofeng finally gave up researching this sentence.

The weather in the mountains is like a girl's mood that changes at a moment's notice. The fluctuations are really unpredictable.

It was just a drizzle at first, but after only half an hour, the drizzle turned into a downpour!

Wow! !

The raindrops hit the leaves diagonally, causing water splashes.

Although Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun also wore raincoats, even the raincoats could not completely stop the rainwater from entering their clothes in such a heavy rain.

Heavy rain fell from the sky crazily, and the dark sky seemed to collapse.

The lightning and thunder that followed made this already heart-stopping world even more terrifying.

With the faint light, Wang Xiaofeng suddenly discovered a vague village a few kilometers away: "Fat man, there is a small village over there. Let's go there to take shelter from the rain."

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up. I'm almost a drowned rat."

What Wang Xiaofeng didn't notice was that under the raging rain, there was no light in the entire village.

Like a man-eating monster, waiting for its prey.

The two of them didn't think too much now, they just wanted to find a shelter from the rain, drink hot water, and wait for the heavy rain to pass before continuing on their way.

I promised to have a holiday for the past two days, but I still worked overtime today. I hope I can rest normally on the weekend.

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