Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 439: A village shrouded in mystery

Both of them were soul masters with a high level of cultivation. Even the heavy rain and the path almost covered by weeds could not slow down their progress.

Five minutes later, the village was in sight.

However, as they got closer, Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun also discovered something strange about the village.

Although it is only three o'clock in the afternoon, due to the weather and the location in the deep mountains and old forests, the visibility of the light outside is no different from that at eight or nine o'clock in the evening.

But in such a dark environment, there was no light in the entire village, which made people feel confused and a little uneasy.

"Is this place deserted?" Compared to Ma Hongjun, Wang Xiaofeng saw it more clearly. The village in front of him was completely deserted. Weeds were growing wildly on the passing roads. No one had walked through it for a long time.

The mud walls on both sides of the house closest to them were mottled, and the waterproof layer of wood on the outside was almost gone. They could directly see the lobby. Except for the tilted broken wooden table in the center of the lobby, there was no furniture.

"Forget it, we just need a place to shelter from the rain." Wang Xiaofeng looked at Ma Hongjun: "Find a house that can shelter you from the wind and rain, and we will leave when the rainstorm passes."

"Okay." In such a gloomy environment, Ma Hongjun couldn't help but flashed various supernatural stories in his mind, and he felt a little scared. However, in order not to lose face, he nodded bravely.

"Fat man, aren't you scared anymore?"

"Who said that? I'm not afraid." Ma Hongjun seemed to want to prove himself. He straightened up and walked to the other side without looking back.

"It seems that the fat man has grown up too." Before this thought left Wang Xiaofeng's mind, Ma Hongjun's exclamation came from behind him: "Fuck!"

As soon as Wang Xiaofeng turned his head, he saw a fat man weighing more than 200 kilograms flying towards him at a speed that was completely inappropriate for his size, and hid directly behind him and shivered.

"Feng, Brother Feng, there is something there!!"

Wang Xiaofeng patted his shoulder in a funny way. The sound just now was obviously just the sound of old wooden boards being blown away by the storm.

"Fat man, that's all you can do."

Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun started looking for a relatively complete house.

The whole village was not big. Soon, they found a barely complete wooden house in the center of the village.

"That's it." Looking at the heavy rain that seemed to be getting worse, Wang Xiaofeng didn't bother to look for it and took Ma Hongjun directly inside.

…(not finished coding)

Wang Xiaofeng looked at the mottled walls and the extremely shabby house, and nodded, thinking that the old man might not have lied to them.

While thinking, Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun followed the old man out of this simple house and came to the wooden house next to it that could barely be called a kitchen.

The old man skillfully poured the collected rainwater into several bamboo tubes in the corner, then installed the bamboo tubes and walked to the broken water tank in the other corner. He opened the bamboo weaving covering it. Under the dull eyes of the two people, his hands and feet were agile. Climbed in.

Wang Xiaofeng saw this and walked over quickly. As expected, the broken water tank was just a disguise, and there was indeed a passage below that could accommodate one person.

The old man stuck his head out from the broken water tank, "Well, my son usually does these things. It's a pity that he was selected by that adult today. I hope he can come back safely."

The old man sighed, "Follow me." As he said that, the old man got into the broken water tank again.

Ma Hongjun raised his eyebrows at Wang Xiaofeng thoughtfully.

Wang Xiaofeng knew what he meant, and shook his head slightly, saying that there were too few clues at present to easily judge that the three 'bandits' he encountered before were related to this old man.

The old man held the ladder and went down slowly. Wang Xiaofeng went down the second time. His five senses that were stronger than ordinary people allowed him to maintain a certain level of combat effectiveness in a dark environment.

Ma Hongjun looked at the tunnel that was a little narrow for him, scratched his hair in distress, and then patted his head with sudden enlightenment. The soul power in his body began to surge, and a purple soul ring suddenly rose from his feet.

A bright purple light flashed across the simple kitchen that was leaking everywhere. After completing the transformation, Ma Hongjun blew the bangs on his forehead in a coquettish manner.

Then he jumped into the dark passage. Of course, he didn't forget to close the lid.

Wang Xiaofeng felt that this should be a tunnel. As soon as he went down, he felt the tunnel was narrow, dark and damp.

The huge underground passage has long been blocked by silt, and apart from the smell of moisture, there is no strange smell.

Obviously this underground passage has been used for a long time. Several broken and faded lamps hanging at both ends, with wicks soaked in some sesame oil, cast a dim yellow light around them, barely illuminating the passage for two people to walk at the same time.

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