Gourd of Douluo

Chapter 443 Cruelty

Just when Wang Xiaofeng broke up.

the other side.

Ma Hongjun and the old village chief did not escape the attack.

Squeak, squeak, squeak! !

Ma Hongjun thought he had escaped disaster, but unexpectedly, countless "squeaking" sounds suddenly came from the distance. Together with the sound of flapping wings, they directly covered up the sound of heavy rain.

Ma Hongjun subconsciously raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound, blurting out a Chinese curse: "Fuck! What the hell is this?"

With the lightning that flashed from time to time, they saw a large number of bats attacking them, overwhelming and dense, which could scare the trypophobia out of their minds.

"I'm dead now." The old village chief lay on Ma Hongjun's back. There was no trace of fear in his eyes, but a sense of relief.

No one knows the powerlessness and torment this old man felt in the past six months, watching familiar faces around him disappear one by one, and seeing people around him arguing and even fighting over a little bit of food and water.

But death may be a kind of relief for him.

"You little cuties, you really think I'm made of clay!"

A powerful aura spurted out from Ma Hongjun, and the air around him began to boil and twist!

Four soul rings, yellow, yellow, purple and purple, slowly rose from beneath his feet.

The majestic rainstorm will evaporate as soon as it comes within five meters of Ma Hongjun.

The vampire bats seemed to feel the throbbing in their blood vessels, and their relentless offensive suddenly came to a halt.

The old village chief swallowed, "Hun, Hun Sect, sir?"

The strength Ma Hongjun showed at this time really shocked him. The strongest soul masters he had seen in the past were the deacons of the Wuhun Palace who came to the village every year to awaken their souls, and the deacons who had previously asked for help from the main city and were sent to check the situation. Soul master.

Even if they only have the cultivation level of a great soul master, in the eyes of the old village chief, that is already out of reach.

But seeing the four soul rings around him, he suddenly felt that a great soul master was just that.

Animals follow their instincts, and the vampire bats were suppressed by Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Spirit and did not dare to move forward.

And Ma Hongjun was afraid that he would not be able to control the flames during the fight and burn the surrounding forest clean.

No one dares to take action first.

So the two maintained such a strange situation.

squeak! !

A sound wave that Ma Hongjun couldn't hear suddenly came. The vampire bats paused, then suddenly turned into several black torrents, and suddenly left under Ma Hongjun's surprised eyes.

"What's going on? I was beaten but not beaten. Hey, my head hurts thinking about it. It would be nice if Brother Feng was here." Ma Hongjun rubbed his hair, the soul ring on his body slowly dissipated, and the heavy rain fell again.

"Lord Soul Sect, please put me down and I won't bother you anymore."

Hearing the respectful and distant voice from behind, Ma Hongjun had an even more headache.

Brother Feng, where are you? I can't handle this situation! !

As if he heard Ma Hongjun's thoughts, a slender palm patted his shoulder: "Fat man, what are you doing here? The danger is over. Why don't you put him down quickly?"


Seeing Ma Hongjun clumsily put down the old village chief on his back, Wang Xiaofeng shrugged.

Ma Hongjun is actually not stupid, but over the years, he has become accustomed to staying behind others and has lost a certain amount of self-thinking ability.

It seems that after arriving in Xingluo, I have to tell Mubai not to let this fat man live too comfortably.

Ma Hongjun suddenly felt a little chilly in his body and trembled subconsciously, but when he came back to his senses, he felt that it was just an illusion.

After some testing by both parties just now, they both subconsciously labeled each other as someone not to be trifled with.

They probably won't fight again until they find each other's weaknesses.

So Wang Xiaofeng and Ma Hongjun stopped being so cautious and walked through the narrow path and turned a corner. Soon, the old village chief took them to the only deep well in the village.

"This is where we usually fetch water..." Before the village chief could introduce it, Wang Xiaofeng had already rushed over.

Ma Hongjun knew what he had discovered. Without saying a word, he carried the old village chief on his back and followed Wang Xiaofeng.

"Lord Soul Sect, can you stop running so fast? I'm a little dizzy."

A hundred meters away passed by in a flash. Wang Xiaofeng looked down with a cold face as he looked down at the five flattened corpses that had been sucked into silence and were covered with only a layer of human skin.

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